I am about to download a long multi tracked work: DG Tristan und Isolde (is not longer available as physical CD's and is very cheap [DG]), that will appear in a bunch of tracks that are only useful inside physical commercial CD's for looking for particular places. Well, it seems that it's almost impossible to get private CD's without multiple tiny or not so tiny gaps with the majority or all the burners arround. Then I wish to ask you if this is true or not and how could I get a normal gapless three CD's private "album" from this downloaded work (one act in everyone). Obviously I would like to keep the tracks for searching when necessary. I have Nero, but googling it appears as unable to get what I need, even setting it accordingly. Either Itunes. Is this, true? Many thanks and kind regards.
Summary: Downoladed MP3 files > Stereo system playable gapless audio CD's
Quote:Well, it seems that it's almost impossible to get private CD's without multiple tiny or not so tiny gaps with the majority or all the burners arround.