B4 you kick me to the curb. I read the guide and a post on this same forum where the guy was told that it will add the second movie automatically. But I dont seem to be able to get it to do that. I have a file with 18 empisodes of the same show. They look to be about 22 to 23 min apiece. I figure I should be able to get about10 to 12 on one dvd. Well when I try to add the second episode. Which I have named excactly as the fist. One is cd1 the second is cd2. It dosnt add the 2nd one to the job que automatically and if I try to add it I get the dreedfull!(Two jobs have the same output path. Please change the output path of the second job. What am I not getting??? Id like to put 10 to 12 episodes on one dvd.
Originally posted by black67: since no one has a solution for my problem, then maybe some one could tell me the best way to put multiple episodes on one dvd
If you read my post below, i 2 had the same problem, and i was told to use dvdflick you cam put multiple episode of tv shows on 1 disk i highly recomend this program
Avi2DVD is a very picky program. For myself, it did nice work, but it would pick and choose which of the movies it would convert. Dvd flick is about the best recomended for freeware. I use ConvertX2Dvd to convert my files to dvd compliant.
If each of the 18 episodes is 22-23 minutes each, I would recomend putting 3, maybe 4 at the most on each disk, as the more you add on, the more quality will suffer. The episodes will not look clear, and may come out more pixilated being viewed on larger screens.
i have put max of 5 1 hr shows on a disc and they are pretty good viweing, i did have a couple of disc that had some freese ups but i think it was due to a dirty disc but as said i love dvdflick. only thing i wish it had more chioces in the meuns
If it looked fine for you, then that's great. I know for me, I can see a difference on a 2hr movie on a dvd5 disk versus a 3hr movie on a dvd5 disk. But, as I said, if it looks fine for you then stick with it.
Originally posted by rtm27: If it looked fine for you, then that's great. I know for me, I can see a difference on a 2hr movie on a dvd5 disk versus a 3hr movie on a dvd5 disk. But, as I said, if it looks fine for you then stick with it.
thye are not really a full hour each,they are tv shows that ahve the commercials rtemoved,a majority i have is 4 per disc so it may work out to be 2 1/2 hours
but all in all dvd flick is great