Today i download a torrent movie Twilight 2.
its format is AVI, but it play 10 seconds only, and the visual is
"This movie only play in Moviexplayer you download it form"
but it is not free. and the movie did't play any other player.
Pls any body tell me how i play it on common player.
reply must.
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You got "played", the torrent is a hoax, possibly a virus. Get your material format trusted source. If it ever asks for some obscure codec,or any player, just press the delete button.
It used to be the "Domplayer". Now that people finally woke up and got smarter, they renamed it, for newbies:
Not really, it was a FAKE axxo torrent!
Rule of thumb:
If it is not free,if it requires a password, or if VLC media player will not play it, is not real.