I use Emprex ME1 to playback my media collection. I know it doesn't do h.264 and a few others but the files I am trying to play seem to be fine in theory. All the usual onscreen info is there and they are recognised as valid. If I play them on my PC they are OK but on the TV - at which point the movement is in slow motion although the sound is OK. Here is the Gspot output:
Quote:--- File Information ---
File Name: The Green Hornet - 1x01 - The Silent Gun (09-Sep-1966).avi
File Name (with full path): N:\8 TV\Green hormet series on1\The Green Hornet - 1x01 - The Silent Gun (09-Sep-1966).avi
File Size (in bytes): 189,788,160
--- Container Information ---
Base Type (e.g "AVI"): AVI(.AVI)
Subtype (e.g "OpenDML"): OpenDML (AVI v2.0),
Interleave (in ms): 42
Preload (in ms): 522
Audio alignment("split across interleaves"): Split
Total System Bitrate (kbps): 0
Bytes Missing (if any): 0
Number of Audio Streams: 1
--- Video Information ---
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3"): XVID Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion"): XviD 1.0.2
Video Codec Status(e.g. "Codec Is Installed"): Codec(s) are Installed
Duration (hh:mm:ss): 24:06.926
Frame Count: 34686
Frame Width (pixels): 640
Frame Height (pixels): 480
Storage Aspect Ratio("SAR")" 1.333
PixelAspect Ratio ("PAR"): 1.000
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR"): 1.333
Fields Per Second:
Frames Per Second: 23.972
Pics Per Second: 23.972
Video Bitrate (kbps): 912
MPEG-4 ("MPEG-4" or ""): MPEG-4 B-VOP ("B-VOP" or ""): B-VOP
QPel ("QPel" or ""):
GMC ("GMC" or ""):
NVOP ("NVOP" or ""):
H264 ("H264" or ""):
Quality Factor (bits/pixel)/frame: 0.124"
MPEG-2 ("MPEG-2" or ""):
Interlaced ("I/L" or ""):
Progressive ("Prog" or ""):
Top Frame First ("TFF" or ""):
Bottom Frame First ("BFF" or ""):
3:2 Pulldown ("3:2" or ""):
Picture-per-field ("PPF" or ""):
--- Aspect Ratio Related ---
Broadcast standard: "PAL" (else blank)
Broadcast standard: "NTSC" (else blank)
src:"VCD", "SVCD", "CVD", or "DVD (else blank):
Instructions to convert to VCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to VCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, first part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, second part:
--- Audio Information ---
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd"):
MPEGVOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80"):
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3"): 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed"): Codec(s) are Installed
Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 44100
Audio Bitrate(kbps): 128
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR"): CBR Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo): 2