In short, I'm trying to burn Plan 9 From Outer Space to a DVD-r.
In long:
I went to, the home of everything public domain, seeking Plan 9 From Outer Space. I found it. I downloaded the largest file there (assuming it's the highest quality). It's an MPEG-4 (.mp4) that's about 700mb.
I put the video in DVD Flick, followed the instructions and clicked create dvd.
I opened NERO and put the VIDEO_TS files in VIDEO_TS. I burned it.
I put it in the Xbox 360. It's choppy. The audio is there and it seems mostly synced, but it's as if I'm playing a video game that's like 15 frames per second or something. I can't really explain it. It seems erratic, and kinda jittery. Actually when I say erratic that sounds like I mean it gets better occasionally. It doesn't. It just seems weird.
Anyway, the weird thing is, I put it in my computers DVD drive, and played it with PowerDVD. It's perfectly smooth that way.
I googled around and found out that perhaps burning at a slower speed (4x instead of 16x) might help. I did that, and it didn't work.
Well, I thought maybe I had encoded it wrong with DVD Flick. I had it on "high priority", so this time I put it on "Below Average" priority. I also put encoding on Fast, because according to the help file, Fast is fine and you don't lose too much quality if it's a short video.
It didn't work again. So that's 3 DVD-R's(one which I'm literally using as a coaster for my coffee right now) I've used up. (Note: I'm not too broken up, they're just Memorex. It's more the time wasted than the DVD's that's annoying.
Is it the MPEG-4? I could try converting the MPEG-4 to an MPEG-2 and then encoding that with DVD Flick to DVD files. Is that known to play better on a 360? I really don't know.
I also posted a similar, but shorter thread on the DVD Flick forums, but they don't seem all that active. This place seems pretty active, so I'll hope some of you will respond. Thank ye if you do.