Any one here know much about the structure of WMV files?
When using MediaInfo, I noticed that WMV files, like most media files consist of a 'General', 'Video', 'Audio', and a 'Menu' section.
Of course I havn't ever seen anything listed under the 'Menu' section, but at any case it should be there which leads me to my issue.
After converting to WMV using TMPGenc Xpress 4, I noticed lately, but not every time, that the audio will not play when playing the video through WMP or WMC. I use a saved template so my audio settings never change, so that is not the issue. I can't seem to pinpoint why it does it on some videos and others of the same source have no issues. Also I have noticed that sometimes by just re encoding it again from the same source, that it will work, like it just glitched up or something. Ok so this is where MediaInfo comes into play, at least I think it has something to do with it, or it's telling me something.
I have noticed that all my videos that play the audio, have the 'MENU' section listed when using MediaInfo, yet the few videos that do not play any audio are missing the 'MENU' section in MediaInfo. How much that plays a role in this I do not know, just stating the obvious. Other than that, the MediaInfo on both are identical.
Another strange instance of all this is during the encoding process, you can play a WMV file, to check it out. Well during the encoding, the audio played when I checked it, yet when it finished, no audio played during playback.
I have attached two MediaInfo screen shots, one with Menu, and one that is missing the Menu tab, so you can see what I'm talkingabout.