I have downloaded several foreign languages AVIs. I want to convert them to DVDs with English subtitles. But, the catch is I don't want to burn a DVD disc yet. I simply want to convert the AVI to DVD and save to it to my hard disc. This simple operation is turning out to be incredibly difficult. Right now, I have the program ConvertXDVD running. I have an SRT file for the film and the original AVI in the same directory. I am converting now, but I am sure when it's finished the program will prompt me to insert a DVD disc and burn the conversion to disc, THIS I DON'T WANT TO DO. I simply want to save the converted file to with appropriate subtitling to the folder where it was converted. If it works this time, this question is irrelevant and I withdraw it, but I'm sure it won't work. Anybody have an idea of how to convert an AVI to DVD with English subs without burning a DVD?
You don't have to burn to disc. If ConvertxtoDVD prompts you insert a disc, just choose not to. It will save the compilation to your Hard Drive.
You can set it up to do that :
I am getting closer now. But it's not accepting the codec for the subtitles. Codec is DXSB. I have an srt file in the folder where the avi is. I'll keep working. Thanks Cyprusrom, I know w/your I'll get those subtitles showing. Gotta go to work though.
Originally posted by robleh: I am getting closer now. But it's not accepting the codec for the subtitles. Codec is DXSB. I have an srt file in the folder where the avi is. I'll keep working. Thanks Cyprusrom, I know w/your I'll get those subtitles showing. Gotta go to work though.
If it says something about DXSB, it means that you probably have a file with .divx extension(it might've been changed).
Convertxtodvd cannot read the subs that are inside the divxcontainer, but should have no problems loading the external srt. If it doesn't pick them up automatically,you can right click where it says "subtitle stream" and add them manually.