I have an unencrypted movie on DVD that I would like to copy for viewing to an external WD hard drive. When I simply use the "copy" feature (right mouse click) what I wind up with is a video_TS and audio_TS folder, which is fine if I want to burn a new DVD, but I can't actually watch a movie directly off the hard drive in that format (can I? With what program?) What program or process should I use to get a file that's viewable directly from the drive?
I have an NTFS formatted 2TB external hard drive, so space definitely shouldn't be a problem.
I don't think this will make a difference. I have a folder with the movie title, underneath it I have the ts audio and video folders, and the video folder is full of individual files. This does not play as a contiguous movie. I need a program or suggestion for how to copy the movie as one unit in the first place or reintegrate the components on the drive into one piece.
I use dvd decrypter, I UNDERSTAND the movie is not encrypted stick with me. Go to 'Tools' then settings and on the IFO tab select 'none' on file splitting. Next go to 'Mode' check 'IFO' and click on the Stream processing tab then select 'enable stream processing' box. Also under enable stream processing uncheck every box except for 'video' and 'audio' other wise you will get extras like commentary and you can't turn it off. When decrypter is done the movie will be one .vob file, you can delete the other two files that are also created, you just need the vob file. The file can be played with real player. I hope this helped and is not too confusing.
I don't use DVD Decryptor so not familiar with it but VLC should play that Vob, right click Vob and select play with and select VLC or browse to it and select it. Next time, it will be in the drop down window. Edit: Ignore my reply above, should look closer next time.