I screwed my other cd/drive forced cd out (the little pin hole) and there was a load of scratching noises and it won't read anything anymore so i wanted to kno which is better out of these two:
If I were to choose by a name, it would be the LiteOn. A quick Google suggests that it is one of the better 24x drives available, but that there is a slightly superior drive in terms of burn quality available on the market. You can read up here, and make an informed decision by yourself if you wish:
But if you want my opinion, buy the Sony Optiarc AD7240S instead of either of those you have mentioned. It uses an NECchipset instead of the LiteOn's Mediatek counterpart. I've never had any issues with NEC chipsets (in old Pioneer drives), whereas I've had mixed results with my Mediatek based drive (in my new Pioneer drive, *sniff*).
However, I know of a member who has both the LiteOn iHAS324 and the Sony Optiarc AD7240S, so I've poked him this way and he may be able to offer you some real-user experience with both.
Originally posted by Ripper: If I were to choose by a name, it would be the LiteOn. A quick Google suggests that it is one of the better 24x drives available, but that there is a slightly superior drive in terms of burn quality available on the market. You can read up here, and make an informed decision by yourself if you wish:
But if you want my opinion, buy the Sony Optiarc AD7240S instead of either of those you have mentioned. It uses an NECchipset instead of the LiteOn's Mediatek counterpart. I've never had any issues with NEC chipsets (in old Pioneer drives), whereas I've had mixed results with my Mediatek based drive (in my new Pioneer drive, *sniff*).
However, I know of a member who has both the LiteOn iHAS324 and the Sony Optiarc AD7240S, so I've poked him this way and he may be able to offer you some real-user experience with both.
I'm not the pokee, but I do have the 7240S and its burns are usually in the 95 scan range-most are. I don't have the other drive to compare-my litey is 20A1S which is also wonderful.
I would get the Optiarc AD7240S but sadly i don't know if there is a place sold i Hawaii and i don't know how to buy online, im 16 =/ lol if anyone would help lol cause i'd love to buy things off newegg.com
Originally posted by jaSUPER: I would get the Optiarc AD7240S but sadly i don't know if there is a place sold i Hawaii and i don't know how to buy online, im 16 =/ lol if anyone would help lol cause i'd love to buy things off newegg.com
Ah I see. Well, to buy anything online you would need to open some sort of bank account which provided you with an accepted form of debit card - I have no idea if you can do that at 16, particularly in Hawaii, as I'm from the UK.
In which case, I don't think you'd do too badly buying the LiteOn.
Originally posted by jaSUPER: I would get the Optiarc AD7240S but sadly i don't know if there is a place sold i Hawaii and i don't know how to buy online, im 16 =/ lol if anyone would help lol cause i'd love to buy things off newegg.com
I don't know your family situation but Mom or Dad might have a credit card and let you use it at Newegg.com(great site)and you could pay them back! I don't know if shipping is more to Hawaii.
Originally posted by jaSUPER: I screwed my other cd/drive forced cd out (the little pin hole) and there was a load of scratching noises and it won't read anything anymore so i wanted to kno which is better out of these two:
I need a SATA connecting one, THANKS in advance =]
I like the iHAS324 from reputation only... I think that Robert has 3 of them so that should tell you something. :) I'll see but I think the HP is the iHAS424 Liteon with HP skin on it. ;) A search might give you something.. hth..
the IHAS324A is the way to go. but make sure it has the A and not the Y. the A model is a true liteon not a rebadged optaric. not that the Optaric is bad. just not a true liteon; i do have 2 of them and they are great. yo will have toget the bitsetting tool to make the dvd+r's into dvd-rom.
as moony stated the AD7240S is a great drive also. i have that as well. can burn and read just about anything stuck in it. i beleive i heard someone say it could read a slice of bacon..lol
also from personal expereince STAY AWAY from the HP Drives. they suck. very few firmware updates and bad support from customer service. it may have the liteon mediatek chipset in it but it is still HP support. i wouldnt go with it if i had the choice of the IHAS324.