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More thoughts of copy right with zippy
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AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
15. January 2010 @ 21:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
More thoughts of copy right with zippy

It is my opinion that the common person can not infringe and due to the nature of copy right and how anyone can distribute thus infringe with this in mind it becomes the basis for my Copy right thoughts.
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Lets clear up what I mean when I drool on about focusing copy right to profit based ventures.

Profit in this case really means drawing money from the market environment, drawing money means donations, ad revenue, direct sale anything that uses outside funds to run the site or server for sharing/trading. This means under most circumstances you are free to talk and post about anything(ANYTHING) if you pay for your site, server, ect yourself.

This means how CP acts between business (GNU's) educational palces, illegal distributors, ect remain the same just a widening of fair use to include distribution and to ensure that normal people cannot be bullied by the industry.
Thoughts about free pages

Free pages (public websites, hosts and sites like youtube) may fall under this "free distribution" umbrella if they are part of a "free distribution" network where the sites and what not are able to separate the CP'd item and run it without "support" . Basically the bandwidth and what not is marginalized greatly.

Some free sites can run a "free distribution" site the pages on these sites have no ads cannot take donations,ect,ect but due to cost these pages will offer lower space and bandwidth.

The "free distribution" network is a simple contract with the rules and regs ,that the CP owners agree to, that free to the public sites can follow it makes reporting stuff easier and it makes sharing stuff easier.


Thoughts about hardware and software circumvention.

It's pretty clear to me you cannot control what people do to their hardware and you cannot make hardware or software of any kind illegal. Because if you do the next thing to go is proxies the next thing to go unlicensed video recording or playing's just bad juju focus on the media marginalize the natural instinct to share and scoff at the system(get rid of all donation and profit based distribution) even make it easier for people to sell media by making a electronic distribution system that can be put on physical devices(SD,flash,disc,ect) take 60% off each sale and let the seller set the price, with the constant flow of money you can streamline your monopolistic media monolith of a industry and gain a greater profit from firing all the middle men and "revenuers".

Caveat :Streaming

As streaming becomes more and more a daily word the servers need to be protected but that is where the line should end as long as data is not messed with on the server side of things there's nothing to prosecute you might terminate service if found out but it's nothing "illegal".


Thoughts about what should be illegal

Unlicensed distribution that is supported with outside funds is what I wish to make illegal as you are actively taking money out of the market environment to fuel the distribution of unlicensed. I do not believe that copy right is an absolute for distribution but I do believe it to be an absolute on profit or drawing money.

If you get rid of the profit motive even donation based stuff you get rid of all the real harm caused in this modern age. If you try and control content, hardware, software, everything you create a larger and larger monopoly that needs more and more funds to operate with which will only lead to more restrictions and even getting a cut of local fines and fees when the MP3 police become a reality.

Caveat : Tiered internet

Yes you heard me right... a tiered internet is bad very bad far worse than the current state of "piracy" because it leads to only one scenario ISP's will charge CP owners and distributors more to get their data to consumers faster, consumers will be charged 3 or 5 times as much (or more) to get the speeds they currently do and the end product sold will cost more due to a raise in cost of distribution...the only people who will be making money are ISP's their owners and partners so support net neutrality! Otherwise both seller and buyer will have to pay more for less!

Thoughts? is my train of thought sounding any more sound/sane less drooling?

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
25. January 2010 @ 01:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
New train of thought

Copyright and all things within is partially incompatible with today.

With the focus on distribution and copying it basically means any poster of any picture,clip or copy of words/lyrics can be sued or have his comments removed from his site because thus system is policed by sometimes out of control business's who abuse a system no one really pays much attention to unless they have the time or money to fight corporate pettiness.

The trouble is some of CP is set in stone and fair use is begin whittled away to ensure your only option is to buy or re buy. CP can last 100-200 years this may be to long to really benefit society, so what can be done..... well looking at fair use its vague for a reason and that is to allow the times to set its standards on a case by case basis.This of course allows for to much wiggle room and possible abuse from companies bigger than governments.So what do you do, you can amend fair use and expand it with what I call "non commercial freedom of digital expression and disobedience" IE using any copyright as long as its distribution dose not draw any money from the market environment IE no donations and no ad revenue based advertisement, direct unlicensed sale is already illicit.

But we are not done here lets add another layer of protection for CP owners if you can show your CP'd items are being distributed by the millions similar to the numbers of he largest licensed digital store front then that site,public digital archive,file sever,ect goes beyond the scope of fair use.

Now for one last set of guidelines, hardware and software circumventions must prove that they do more than allow unprotected item's to be used on or only unlock the device or piece of software in question. IE for it to be fair use has to offer more features or allow you full access to the product you have purchased.

This emphasis's 2 things that circumvention has to do more for the item in question than remove protections and re emphasis's fair use on the web.

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them. > forums > general discussion > all other topics > more thoughts of copy right with zippy

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