I'm a complete novice trying to play a video game on PC that was received in multi-volume RAR files (part1, part2, etc.). I run 7Zip and extracted ALL 6 volumes since I don't know how EXACTLY to tell which of the 6 contains the MAIN RAR extension. How do I play these damn things???!!!! They open with 7Zip but where do I go from there to actually see an image and hear sound? I would greatly appreciate some help.
Thank you
First, thank you for your response.
Although I had tried WinRar unsuccessfully before, I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and re-ran the files with it. As it stands, I now have the following showing on C:drive:
1 hi-installpatch.exe 72KB-application.
1 hi-installpatch.txt 1KB-text document
6 TOTAL game files,(w/WinRar book icons), that are 98,078KB- WinRar archive. 1 of these 6 files (the last one) is only 21,026KB-WinRar archive.
1 game file 511,415KB-WinRar archive.
and lastly,
1 TRT.iso 651,572KB-ISO file.
So, where do I go from here without making a mess of all this? Thanks again.