i'm trying to rebuild the latest fifa game because of the freezes on the loading part, at least thats what i think i have to do, i'm not really sure, i searched and i either get mixed results or simply very old guides on how to rebuild games
could any of you help me with what i have to do and point me to the right directions?
I guess you don´t need to rebuild it.
Make a copy from your bad disc, to a good brand disc (don´t use dvd+r), and with 4X speed (if 2X is availlable on your burner or disc, it´s better).
I thought you hadn´t already the original.
Use Alcohol 52% to make your image.
But still... if you already have a backup, just copy it with low speed.
And blank dvds are not that expensive... those who smoke cigarretes and booze a lot, are wasting money and health, and they keep going, eh...eh...
So, a few bucks don´t make any difference