just got myself an a780 and flashed it with the 09092010 software as per the guide with no problems, but after the 'download success' the display seems to run through program numbers on the lcd. i have switched the power off and plugged all relevant cables in from my tv, internet etc and when powered on the program numbers just keep cycling through, i am not getting anything displayed on my tv at all.
just got myself an a780 and flashed it with the 09092010 software as per the guide with no problems, but after the 'download success' the display seems to run through program numbers on the lcd. i have switched the power off and plugged all relevant cables in from my tv, internet etc and when powered on the program numbers just keep cycling through, i am not getting anything displayed on my tv at all.
Any help please?
that is the old firmware you have put on the box the latest firmware is 24/04/11
just got myself an a780 and flashed it with the 09092010 software as per the guide with no problems, but after the 'download success' the display seems to run through program numbers on the lcd. i have switched the power off and plugged all relevant cables in from my tv, internet etc and when powered on the program numbers just keep cycling through, i am not getting anything displayed on my tv at all.
Any help please?
that is the old firmware you have put on the box the latest firmware is 24/04/11
yeah iv managed to find the latest fm and it seems to be scanning ok, just concerned as i thought i would need to update it through the boxes software and i couldnt get any display on my tv, thanks for your reply though :)
some places only had the jan of 2011 firmware and you would then need to sw update to the latest,other places have the latest then no need to sw update then.