Originally posted by themegakiddy: Hey guys I feel Asif a public apology is in hand and I will do this with my tail between my legs
The Intension was to give our customers more than 12 months although there is 36% that have actually had 15 months already! And only a small percentage have being disconnected through expiry today!
But unfortunately what has happened is simply the consequence of an unofficial realise thus making this inevitable!
Although it was only decided when we discovered there was an unofficial release of the box thus forcing us to lock the system down! Why should the time and effort and cost be taken for these guys to freeload and stress the systems that is intended for the paying customers that we where trying to please!
Then with anything in this type of game! Nothing is guaranteed! Especially with cccam in the up and coming months!
As for the other stb they have not being forgotten about and they would have been realised earlier if we had not discovered the unofficial!
I'm sorry for these guys who have just bought Boxs but you will have to purchase the subscriptions although, one of our sales teams will be in contact with the wholesalers and offer bulk deals so hopefully you will get ur sub's for free or even very cheap! But it's down to them!
Also if you think back several month ago! We could have left you in the dark but we showed you a new light
See so after every dark day there is a brighter day after that! I'm just here to help with no financial gain at all!
Originally posted by brainwave:
*"First point there where never "CLONES" this is a hype to recover the money spent on the 17,000 boxes lying idle.
Second point You left Ireland without a fix over a year ago, what about them people that bought in good faith ?? there still in the dark are they not ??
Third point KV where never about the money so there is no 12 mth limit, kv have prob the best support of any cable box
Forth point SV always where and always will be about money from the start of the SV1 right up to now, a box a year, now its a sub a year suppose saves making boxes.
Fifth point there is more than cccam out there as oscam is working fine more bull
So to recap all below
no 12 month limit *kv has always had better support
*kv was down less than sv - forum posts will conform kv was up with more channels in less time than sv *a lot less*
**and what happened to his quote service would be so good people would be selling there kv to buy 2 sv's
*will they be ripped off twice? I mean need to "sub" twice ?
* People go Sat side best advice you are going to get here at this point
People need to sit back take a deep breath and tell Starview where to go, dont give them another penny of your hard earned cash, either go down the Sat route which is not hard as i have found out myself, or if you cant go sat buy the KV which dont have to be subbed the choice is yours.
Starview have always been about money from day 1 from the start of the SV 1 every year there was a new box, and no support for the older one, so either way you had to purchase another box, this new idea of paying for a sub is exactly the same, only difference here now is you dont get the box this time, and you are also tied to 1 server unlike Sat you can swap and change at anytime.
So think carefully about this before parting with your cash.