Does a dreambox cost anything after purchase?
29. September 2013 @ 19:39 |
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I was thinking about buying a dreambox. Once i buy it is that it no more costs or do i need to pay for anything else?
Senior Member
30. September 2013 @ 11:15 |
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Originally posted by Boboboand: I was thinking about buying a dreambox. Once i buy it is that it no more costs or do i need to pay for anything else?
yes to unlock premium channels, around£10.00 a month
Senior Member
30. September 2013 @ 16:10 |
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if your only planning on using it for free channels then no it wont cost anything else ,but as tongs says if you want pay channels there will be an extra cost .
Junior Member
2. October 2013 @ 12:38 |
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piopat sorry to jump on this thread but could do with a bit of help please...i'v just got hold of a blade 7000s with the official firmware already uploaded...i've taken your jan 2012 firmware from your signature and loaded it onto a usb stick....when i put the stick into the STB , the box recognises the stick but not the firmware...what am i doing wrong please?
2. October 2013 @ 12:59 |
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teclocker, start your own thread as hijacking another member's thread is a forum rule no no.
Senior Member
2. October 2013 @ 13:52 |
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teclocker did you unzip the firmware ?. firmware files usually end with .zip or .rar ,.zip and .rar files are basicly put compressed files , files are compressed to make it easier and quicker to upload and download etc . but before such a file can be used you have to uncompress it or simply put you have to open it .I call opening such files unzipping or unraring , if you don't unzip or unrar the file your box wont recognise it . so you need to open the firmware file , you need a program like WinRAR or paezip to open these types of files , you can download both from the first link in my signature area . personally I use peazip , then all I have to do is click on the zip file and peazip recognises its a zip file and peazip opens , then I click on extract and peazip opens the .zip file for me , couldn't be easier . once you have unzipped the file put the usb stick back in to the box and try again and the box should see the unzipped firmware .
Junior Member
2. October 2013 @ 16:43 |
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Thank you...i'll give it a go and get back to you ...apologies again ddp for jumping on here...
Senior Member
2. October 2013 @ 17:37 |
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Only other cost with dream box purchase is personal distress and constant questions. Usually you try and convince yourself you made the right choice but after time you question even that. Hope this helps
Junior Member
2. October 2013 @ 19:37 |
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piopat i'm realising that is a young man's game...i downloaded file and peazip...then when i click on file i get message from 4shared asking me to join and then stuff about ilivid being the best download manager...when it ask how i want to unzip it shows me everything apart from peazip...have another go in the am...thanks again
2. October 2013 @ 19:41 |
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Senior Member
2. October 2013 @ 20:13 |
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teclocker sorry I forgot that 4shared now require people to have a 4shared account in order to download from other 4 shared accounts . 4shared accounts are free , so you have an option of opening a 4shared account and then you will be able to download my files . as for ilivid they have ads all over the place , you don't need to download ilivid so you can ignore that ,its just an ad and I have to say one of the more annoying ones as it seems to be every where .
another option is to google peazip and find another download source , you should find it easily .I know there can be a lot to learn with these boxes but don't worry im sure you will be fine .
if you need to reply to me send me a pm , to send me a pm just look to the right of my name and you will see a little arrow pointing down ,click on that and you will see a few options , click on send private message , basicly just enter the title of the message and then type your message and when your finished click on send .talk soon
Junior Member
3. October 2013 @ 07:57 |
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Sorry ddp but i thought you meant don't jump onto "another" off topic thread again.....i was working on the assumption that you can't hijack the same thread more than once....having recently retired from the world of rules and regulations , i was hoping to have a more relaxing life from here on in....apologies again.
3. October 2013 @ 12:19 |
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i don't make the rules just enforce them.
Junior Member
3. October 2013 @ 15:48 |
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In that case may i suggest you come up with an alternative job description...moderator doesn't quite fit the bill...
3. October 2013 @ 16:03 |
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i didn't make it, admin did so if you have a problem with it or me than talk to them. thread closed.