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AfterDawn Addict

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8. October 2010 @ 09:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
proof is in the pudding mate, just have a read back on some older posts and you will see it yerself.

AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
8. October 2010 @ 15:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yep dont worry the box will be down again that you can be asured of without a shadow of a doubt and its feck all to do with internet connections either is a server prob just remember there are now 4 boxes competing for 1 server
8. October 2010 @ 22:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by badboy44:
hi there,i am expecting some starview 7s shortly ,can anyone tell me if you need to set this up with an ethernet/lan cable as like the starview 6 or standard how the older starviews were set up as i have just seen an earlier thread from hendo sayin that when he got his box there was no lan port on the rear of the box,if anyone can keepme in the loop it will be appreciated .cheers
There should be an adaptor with it to make a lan cable fit in.
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 04:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why do people buy stuff without reading about them? Would ys buy a car without checking it out? no, would ya buy a TV without checking it out or reading some reviews of it? No, but folk just place orders on stuff and then start asking questions which they should have had the answer's to before parting with the cash, beggers belief

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11. October 2010 @ 12:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its quite surprising....considering everyone thinking the starview server is not the best...everyones out there buying them like theres no tomorrow...4000 units have been shifted in pass 2 weeks and theres a waiting back log for the next shipment.there's quite a few people who like the menu layout of the starview boxes,whilst others only buy them cos:-
1...their cheaper than the kryptview
2...their more readily available from renowned stockists

if kryptview dropped their prices to match the starview and made the boxes more readily and easily available,id snap one up straight away....and correct me if im wrong,but there's no high street shops selling them from where i or anyone can buy them direct for peace of mind?
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 13:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mmm i wonder is that why kryptview cant keep up with the demand for there boxes and suppliers don't have them as they sell quicker than they can get them in

With kryptview you are getting good support good servers yep starview might be cheaper what about the support NON existing there serv** is cra* more times down than up you only have to look on here and other forums to know that what about the 12mth length of time your supposed to get out of the box the Irish users did not even get 6mts out of their boxes and no refund just ditched

so if people want to go for cheap get no support and cr** ser*** well let them off we are only hear to advise not twist there arms that decision is there's

as they say buy cheap buy twice.
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11. October 2010 @ 13:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by scandalu:
its quite surprising....considering everyone thinking the starview server is not the best...everyones out there buying them like theres no tomorrow...4000 units have been shifted in pass 2 weeks and theres a waiting back log for the next shipment.there's quite a few people who like the menu layout of the starview boxes,whilst others only buy them cos:-
1...their cheaper than the kryptview
2...their more readily available from renowned stockists

if kryptview dropped their prices to match the starview and made the boxes more readily and easily available,id snap one up straight away....and correct me if im wrong,but there's no high street shops selling them from where i or anyone can buy them direct for peace of mind?

Nice one scandalu, I thought I was the only person to buy or own one.
Well, nearly a week since getting my S/V 7 and being told by e45 and MICKAH about the SV6 box with its Server problems, but I have had no server breaks at all with my SV7, unlike the Kryptview problems going on this week. Suggest e45 and MICKAH buy an SV7 and try before speculating.
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11. October 2010 @ 14:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
iv always bought starviews,and am quite content with them.....if my supplier sold the kryptviews id try one out,but no...they dont supply the boxes,and as for the kryptview demand being overwhelming,well being in business is all about making sure demand and supply are met...consistently.....true,the starview servers have been up and down,but iv never had a problem....i tend to buy what i know and have tried rather than what everyone else is buying...starviews have been around since 1999 and have a grand following,and not to mention,the starview 3 was one of the greatest boxes ever produced,and if it wasnt for the nag3 implimentation,no-one would have anything bad to say about them...
another thing,setting up a server to cater for thousands of boxes will have its toll...lets see how kryptview fair when they reach that level..
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 15:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dont have to buy one to speculate, ya ever hear that ya cant polish a turd? when ya been answering the same probs with the Sv6 and no doubt Sv7 in the coming while and the cable side of the combo the last 8 or 9 months and oh and ask the customers in Ireland what they think of the support which you seem to regard so highly, well you tend to seperate the flowers from the weeds, I would say 80 percent Sv issues compared to about 20 Kryptview probs, and those were in the last 2 to 3 weeks due to maintenance,

history speaks better than me,

AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 15:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no lets see how starview do when theres does kryptview will be fine don't worry the support is there unlike the starview

bring out a new starview and drop support for the rest if it was not for a well known person the starview 1,2,3 would not have been around and it defo was not down to starview support as that was dropped when starview usb was brought out

changing in april 2008 killed the starviews with a new implementation of a new code change who fixed that on the starview boxes ?? NOT starview then again in November 2008 starview was dead again with another implemntation who fixed this ? NOT starview so as you can see 2008 starview 1,2,3 support was dropped after the first downtime and the new usb4 was born so where is starviews loyalty YES you guessed it to their pockets and not their customers.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. October 2010 @ 15:35

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11. October 2010 @ 16:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by e45:
no lets see how starview do when theres does kryptview will be fine don't worry the support is there unlike the starview

bring out a new starview and drop support for the rest if it was not for a well known person the starview 1,2,3 would not have been around and it defo was not down to starview support as that was dropped when starview usb was brought out

changing in april 2008 killed the starviews with a new implementation of a new code change who fixed that on the starview boxes ?? NOT starview then again in November 2008 starview was dead again with another implemntation who fixed this ? NOT starview so as you can see 2008 starview 1,2,3 support was dropped after the first downtime and the new usb4 was born so where is starviews loyalty YES you guessed it to their pockets and not their customers.
....and ur point being...
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mmmm there crap? Server up and down like a porn stars ass, bring out new boxs each time and no support for older boxs as mentioned above, a non-lan combo box where dongles were promised, never happened, Irish customers left high and dry with the SV6......... Wow, cracking customer service their alright, deffo recommend em to people.....

Starview - The adventure to empty your pockets continues

Senior Member
11. October 2010 @ 16:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Come on guys, forget the past S/V6 server, if you don?t own a current ((SV7)) you can?t possibly criticise or come back with stupid ?turdy? always ?negative? ?non constructive? comments.
We are all entitled to our own reasonable opinions on the forums and as I won?t be needing any technical help with my Starview, from this Kryptview biased or Kryptview owned forum i?ll bid you farewell as you are getting too personel and upset about my free opinions, its only a £99 Starview 7 box and not worth taking shit from this forum about it when you don?t even own one.
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 16:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you will be back when your box goes down you might not post but you will look to find out what is happening

And people dont need to post to get info its all on the bottom of my signature even for updating the starview 6/7 box

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. October 2010 @ 16:34

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11. October 2010 @ 16:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by MICKAH:
dont have to buy one to speculate, ya ever hear that ya cant polish a turd? when ya been answering the same probs with the Sv6 and no doubt Sv7 in the coming while and the cable side of the combo the last 8 or 9 months and oh and ask the customers in Ireland what they think of the support which you seem to regard so highly, well you tend to seperate the flowers from the weeds, I would say 80 percent Sv issues compared to about 20 Kryptview probs, and those were in the last 2 to 3 weeks due to maintenance,

history speaks better than me,
ireland distribution and server set up and run by an individual from ireland(monogomous license) and not endorsed by the uk starview importers..with no links to the starview distributorsnot connected to the starview server setup in the uk....the two are not the same, otherwise the irish starviews would be running off the uk server...(the wonders of the internet)...therefore when the irish server shut down,that was had nothing to do with the reliability or hardware of the starviews...but with an individual who wanted to serve the irish poeople..although he fuxxxd up big time... for the downtime of the starview and kryptview servers...
the starview server supports 4 times as many box variants and 10 times as many total boxes in the uk...why are other boxes variants like the ddigital duo using the starview server if its that badly relaible..
....the kryptview is way behind in both these areas,so its understandable its been more reliable,but recently has been down twice in past 3 weeks..once for server upgrade and once last week in birmingham for no apparent reason..lets see how their server copes when theres equal numbers of boxes in relation to starview boxes out there...

the uk starview server has nothing to do with,or has has nothing to do with the irish server,how can you expect them to provide backup to something they didnt participate in..

as for that well known person,whom we all know.....can you say 100% he wasnt working in collaboration with the starview suppliers,and that he still isn't?
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11. October 2010 @ 16:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by MICKAH:
mmmm there crap? Server up and down like a porn stars ass, bring out new boxs each time and no support for older boxs as mentioned above, a non-lan combo box where dongles were promised, never happened, Irish customers left high and dry with the SV6......... Wow, cracking customer service their alright, deffo recommend em to people.....

Starview - The adventure to empty your pockets continues
sales figures dont lie!!
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 16:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by scandalu:

ireland distribution and server set up and run by an individual from ireland(monogomous license) and not endorsed by the uk starview importers..with no links to the starview distributorsnot connected to the starview server setup in the uk....the two are not the same, otherwise the irish starviews would be running off the uk server...(the wonders of the internet)...therefore when the irish server shut down,that was had nothing to do with the reliability or hardware of the starviews...but with an individual who wanted to serve the irish poeople..although he fuxxxd up big time...

Irish Starview was run buy the same people that are running the starview in the uk and i can guarantee you that you can stick you head in the sand if you want

And there is a lot more involved in having the server running im not going to go into that on here but needless to say yes starview could have run it off a different server if they where not as greedy as to skimp on the money and the support

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. October 2010 @ 16:40

AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 16:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thats cause the Sv7 runs on the same server as the SV6 and the DDIGITAL, Another fact you have chosen to ignore in your quest for some one to say Starview are brillaint, so one goes, they all go, it doesnt matter what box you have, they will all go, they are run and based on the same platform, you do know that,

no one is getting personal and opinion counts, but you have bought a SV7, you have it what, a week or two? I am basing my opinion on approx 10 months of posts which I and others have helped with, regardless if I own one or not, if they were that good, I and others wouldnt have to respond to threads with the issues they have given the last number of months, so if you cant get your head around that, not my prob,

Starview are crap and I have pointed out various different reasons why, from what they have done and havent done for their customers, such as the punters in Ireland, non-lan combo dongles, not fixing their older boxs (this was done by another source) have you chosen to ignore that statment to?, dont really care if you choose to ignore it,

YOUR taking the response's as personal, I am pointing out facts, not hearsay, no one asked you stay, no one asked ya to go, but if you cant take some home truths about a product or service, dont ask the question

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11. October 2010 @ 16:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by e45:
Originally posted by scandalu:

ireland distribution and server set up and run by an individual from ireland(monogomous license) and not endorsed by the uk starview importers..with no links to the starview distributorsnot connected to the starview server setup in the uk....the two are not the same, otherwise the irish starviews would be running off the uk server...(the wonders of the internet)...therefore when the irish server shut down,that was had nothing to do with the reliability or hardware of the starviews...but with an individual who wanted to serve the irish poeople..although he fuxxxd up big time...

Irish Starview was run buy the same people that are running the starview in the uk and i can guarantee you that you can stick you head in the sand if you want

And there is a lot more involved in having the server running im not going to go into that on here but needless to say yes starview could have run it off a different server if they where not as greedy as to skimp on the money and the support server was not run by the same me..believe me...or ignore me...besides ,i think we've given this forum a bit of a rate boosting,lets accept each others opinions,and get back to what we do best on this forum..regards
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
11. October 2010 @ 17:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is the rest of the opening article
ring up wizard satellite and ask him yourself, the number is 01***********

Some of you who spend every evening on here, need to get out more and get some real friends who tell you things when s**t happens.

I came here to warn people dont to make up lies. anyhow what do i care whether people believe me or not.

okay sorry *******, i thought you were trying to take the p**s.


once upc have put the server on there own network, they will be able to see all the ip addresses & mac addresses that are connecting to the server. i bet 95% are using upc broadband also.


upc's Glen Winn, the revenue assurance & fraud & risk manager

if anyone has access to any other cable box forums, please start letting your fellow irishmen know whats going on.

i only signed up to afterdawn to let my fellow irishmen know whats was happening.

i am not signing up to anymore forums, so can yall please spread the word.


have a look at the box menu's.

if it says "connected" to the server then the damage has been done already & you better go and hide your box & remote control at someones house for now.

if it says "not connected" to the server then its fine.

also remember to power cycle the broadband modem or router once your have disconnected the cabling, this will clear the cache on the modem or router

this was all down to wizard satellite in my opinion.

dont forget i am going to be biased as it is my mate "B" who had the server held in his little brother house.

wizard satellite reassured "B" that he would take the rap if the law ever came knocking & that having the server in his house would be okay. does it not sound like that wizard satellite takes us irish as paddy f**king pikeys or summit?

wizard satellite even got "B" to buy everything in his own name including the equipment, subscriptions the lot.

martin meakins from theboxdistro aint no better. he was in dublin helping to set the damn server up at the same time persuading "B" to install the server at his little brothers gaff.

no doubt wizard will get away scott free on the irish side of things, but in the uk i hear paul davis from virgin media fraud is going in for a raid anyday now.

around 200 - 250 starview cardshare boxes also seized.

im also worried about all the traders who collected the boxes rather than having him couriers by anpost, they are in for also as im sure they will have been followed by the guarda also.

i wont be posting anymore on here, i hope my info proved useful. keep safe and keep on the right side of the law. time to keep a low profile now. actually "B" asked me to come and post of this forum so that people know to disconnect there boxes.

where the f**k was wizard satellite, theboxdistro??? they can go rot in hell for all i care, c*nts lol. bye
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
12. October 2010 @ 04:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by scandalu:
Originally posted by MICKAH:
mmmm there crap? Server up and down like a porn stars ass, bring out new boxs each time and no support for older boxs as mentioned above, a non-lan combo box where dongles were promised, never happened, Irish customers left high and dry with the SV6......... Wow, cracking customer service their alright, deffo recommend em to people.....

Starview - The adventure to empty your pockets continues
sales figures dont lie!!
so you must be floggin em them? or involved with some one that does if you know how many units have been sold? either way, history and cold hard facts dont lie and thats what I am basing my opinion on, not sales figures, if the Krypt drops to the SV level in terms of service etc, then I would be saying the same about them, but to date they havent, so until then my opinion on them wont change on them. So if anyone wants to read back on any of the points that have been made before buying one of these, then make your decision, but if people ask me for an opinion on a box, this is what they will get, an honest one, based on facts, reliability, up time to the punter on each one, not sales figures or who done what to whom

Junior Member
12. October 2010 @ 14:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by e45:
Here is the rest of the opening article
ring up wizard satellite and ask him yourself, the number is 01***********

Some of you who spend every evening on here, need to get out more and get some real friends who tell you things when s**t happens.

I came here to warn people dont to make up lies. anyhow what do i care whether people believe me or not.

okay sorry *******, i thought you were trying to take the p**s.


once upc have put the server on there own network, they will be able to see all the ip addresses & mac addresses that are connecting to the server. i bet 95% are using upc broadband also.


upc's Glen Winn, the revenue assurance & fraud & risk manager

if anyone has access to any other cable box forums, please start letting your fellow irishmen know whats going on.

i only signed up to afterdawn to let my fellow irishmen know whats was happening.

i am not signing up to anymore forums, so can yall please spread the word.


have a look at the box menu's.

if it says "connected" to the server then the damage has been done already & you better go and hide your box & remote control at someones house for now.

if it says "not connected" to the server then its fine.

also remember to power cycle the broadband modem or router once your have disconnected the cabling, this will clear the cache on the modem or router

this was all down to wizard satellite in my opinion.

dont forget i am going to be biased as it is my mate "B" who had the server held in his little brother house.

wizard satellite reassured "B" that he would take the rap if the law ever came knocking & that having the server in his house would be okay. does it not sound like that wizard satellite takes us irish as paddy f**king pikeys or summit?

wizard satellite even got "B" to buy everything in his own name including the equipment, subscriptions the lot.

martin meakins from theboxdistro aint no better. he was in dublin helping to set the damn server up at the same time persuading "B" to install the server at his little brothers gaff.

no doubt wizard will get away scott free on the irish side of things, but in the uk i hear paul davis from virgin media fraud is going in for a raid anyday now.

around 200 - 250 starview cardshare boxes also seized.

im also worried about all the traders who collected the boxes rather than having him couriers by anpost, they are in for also as im sure they will have been followed by the guarda also.

i wont be posting anymore on here, i hope my info proved useful. keep safe and keep on the right side of the law. time to keep a low profile now. actually "B" asked me to come and post of this forum so that people know to disconnect there boxes.

where the f**k was wizard satellite, theboxdistro??? they can go rot in hell for all i care, c*nts lol. bye

Will they do this is it true that they will get the ip address
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
12. October 2010 @ 15:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
they can get your IP address from anywhere including when you are on here they can see everywhere you go but only in packets only
Junior Member
12. October 2010 @ 16:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by e45:
they can get your IP address from anywhere including when you are on here they can see everywhere you go but only in packets only
so would they come round to your house should we all be worried mate thanks e45
AfterDawn Addict

3 product reviews
12. October 2010 @ 16:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well 10 months and no one had their collar felt, they dont want you or your neighbour, they want the serv, so wouldnt be worrying about it

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