can anyone explain why when im using my internet my box glitches really bad and losses signal if im downloading the signal goes almost all the time i have tried this and it is the internet making it glitch i was downloading glitch started i paused the DL and glitching stops i have a 10meg connection so there is plenty there is there anything i can do to stop this it didnt always happen just started lately, thanks in advance
bandwidth from provider,dont use hogging resources with bad internet,if its ok with no pc/lappy been used then you will know,have you tried a reboot as in power off box modem and router for 30 secs then on.
Originally posted by cactikid:bandwidth from provider,dont use hogging resources with bad internet,if its ok with no pc/lappy been used then you will know,have you tried a reboot as in power off box modem and router for 30 secs then on.
tried a reset on modem and no change like i say it has just started to happen the last week or so i have a VM 10meg connection so that shouldnt be a problem with bandwidth but im no expert just seems strange that it hasnt happened before.
Originally posted by e45: downloading while using the box is not good as your downloading will rob all your bandwidth
Cheers for the reply but like i say i have done it in the past with no problems its just started lately plus im not downloading all the time it happens even when im just browsing like if i change web page as it is doing so the telly will glitch untill the page is loaded, just seems strange but if thats the way its going to be then so be it, thanks again.
glitching is never related to downloading.the amount of bandwidth required by tv box is equivalent to 1kb per second. you have a 10mb connection.reason is related to splitters
Originally posted by fintannl: glitching is never related to downloading.the amount of bandwidth required by tv box is equivalent to 1kb per second. you have a 10mb connection.reason is related to splitters
thanks fintanni i thought it couldnt be my int speed as its just started happening, do you sugest i change my splitter or cables or will it come back on its own in time, but there is some estates off all together near me due to problems with cable, thanks again.
look at cabling. identify cables not required. for a test remove cables that may not be used normally. take it a bit at a time and figure which one is dragging down your connection