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Newbie going for VU+ DUO with a lot of Q's
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2. September 2012 @ 08:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys,

I am quickly becoming addicted to this site and the amount of info I can get here, thank you for such a great work! I am starting from the scratch, with a lot of enhusiasm and about 0 experience, just about to order my very first Dreambox from China. Would you mind helping me answer some (possibly stupid) questions?

1. I will be ordering from and they have this lastest Rev D6 sunray 800 SE wifi receiver 800 hd SE 800se satellite receiver 800 hd SE Ex USB Rev M tuner - I am wondering about the M tuner - since I can see it had two outputs (are whatever you call the round things) as oposed to one, what is the second one for?
Also, is the wifi model OK for the job or would I still better get a cable to connect it to the router?

2. With this box, will I be able to watch one program and record another at the same time or would I need a twin tuner for that? And how about live pause and rewind?

3. I have a shy card, cut off for about a month now since didn't pay them... Is that of any use when setting up cardsharing?

4. And the typical newbie Q - would some of you please PM me with a good Cline provider recommendation?
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2. September 2012 @ 09:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate

"I can see it had two outputs (are whatever you call the round things) as oposed to one"

one of those is the regular satellite input ,the other is an output of sorts .you could feed a second box with the second connection but its far from ideal ,if you had thoughts of adding a second box at some stage your best off geting a quad lnb which has 4 outputs as opposed to the normal 1 .i dont know about the wifi you speak of unless you mean you bought a wifi connector in addition to the box .

"2. With this box, will I be able to watch one program and record another at the same time or would I need a twin tuner for that? And how about live pause and rewind? "

this box is a single tuner box ,which means you cant record a channel while watching another . in fact you probably cant record at all with it ,what i mean is these boxes dont come with a hard disk drive as standard so if you havent paid for a hdd that means you have to buy and fit one .i dont know about the live pause and rewind you speak of ,but if the box has no capacty to record (i mean atleast some sort of chip inside) then i would doubt it .

"3. I have a shy card, cut off for about a month now since didn't pay them... Is that of any use when setting up cardsharing? "

if the card has been cut off you have nothing to share .

2. September 2012 @ 09:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by piopat:
hi mate

"I can see it had two outputs (are whatever you call the round things) as oposed to one"

one of those is the regular satellite input ,the other is an output of sorts .you could feed a second box with the second connection but its far from ideal ,if you had thoughts of adding a second box at some stage your best off geting a quad lnb which has 4 outputs as opposed to the normal 1 .i dont know about the wifi you speak of unless you mean you bought a wifi connector in addition to the box .

"2. With this box, will I be able to watch one program and record another at the same time or would I need a twin tuner for that? And how about live pause and rewind? "

this box is a single tuner box ,which means you cant record a channel while watching another . in fact you probably cant record at all with it ,what i mean is these boxes dont come with a hard disk drive as standard so if you havent paid for a hdd that means you have to buy and fit one .i dont know about the live pause and rewind you speak of ,but if the box has no capacty to record (i mean atleast some sort of chip inside) then i would doubt it .

"3. I have a shy card, cut off for about a month now since didn't pay them... Is that of any use when setting up cardsharing? "

if the card has been cut off you have nothing to share .
Thanks for the reply mate,

I wonder - since I have the twin LNB in place from my sly +HD box, I should probably go for the twin tuner then to make the most of it right?

So which box would you recommend - the Dreambox 8000?
Is it much harder to set up that one as opposed to a single tuner box?
2. September 2012 @ 09:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
vu duo hd is a really good twin tuner sat box
2. September 2012 @ 10:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Beaing a very respecful newbie, I wonder if my 0 experience in the field but willingness to read and learn will suffice to set up such thing? Also where are we standing with the VU price-wise? Are there clones from China too and do they work well?
2. September 2012 @ 10:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if u think u can set a dreambox up u will manage a vu duo u get clones of these boxes or u can get a real 1 with 1tb hdd for around 350 if u never done any kind stuff like this before and are not confident buy an easier box to start out with like a blade or openbox it all depends on ur budget as for getting stuff from china from my dealings in past u better getting 1 from a supplier in the country
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2. September 2012 @ 14:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the vu+ and a dreambox are quite simillar in fact all most the same (but the vu+ is a better quality build of box than the dm800 and of course its got twin tuners) as they are both linux so you can learn a lot about the vu from the dreambox threads . from what ive been reading you would be wise to avoid the vu clones for now as there seems to be problems with them .

your dual output lnb can be used for a box with two tuners or indeed it could be used to feed a second box in another room .

2. September 2012 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by piopat:
the vu+ and a dreambox are quite simillar in fact all most the same (but the vu+ is a better quality build of box than the dm800 and of course its got twin tuners) as they are both linux so you can learn a lot about the vu from the dreambox threads . from what ive been reading you would be wise to avoid the vu clones for now as there seems to be problems with them .

your dual output lnb can be used for a box with two tuners or indeed it could be used to feed a second box in another room .
Thank you guys, VU+ DUO it is. I've only read great things aboout him so far. I've just placed my order on German Amazon and can't wait to have it here. However, questions keep coming... I read that you can get it bricked if you flash it incorrectly so that sounds scary. But won't it come with some kind of image pre-installed?
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2. September 2012 @ 18:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate some suppliers will flash the box for you if you ask and even install cccam ,and a lot of people recieve their box allready flashed but some times a box comes with a base image or an image unsuitable for cardsharing .if thats the case you would need to flash the box with a suitable image with which you can install cccam .

if you dont know if the box you are buying will arrive to your house flashed then i guess theres no real point in worrying about it untill you get the box and you get it hooked up .the important thing to do if it needs to be flashed is not to get impatient and rush off and flash it with the first image you find because if you use the wrong image you could end up with boot problems ,this is fixable but as they say prevention is better than cure .also there is a guy on here called fintann ,he has a vu and so i im sure he will be able to help you out lots .

3. September 2012 @ 05:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Right, that makes sense to me now. Thanks mate. I was looking at some images and if I got it correctly, if I need one, I will need to update my bootloader first before I start flashing right? Or is that the case only with SOME images (VIX?) And still, the very first step would be to stick in my HDD (I'm planning to use the one from my sly+hd box), right? And an important Q - does sticking in my own HDD or/and flashing it void the warranty?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. September 2012 @ 05:01

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3. September 2012 @ 10:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate as i say untill the box comes you dont really know what you need to do ,it may come with a good image and you may not need to do anything . but yes if you need to flash the box you would need an image suited to your box ,i mean the image would be suitable for use with the sim and bootloader versions in your box .

i dont know if its possible to use teh sky box hdd in teh vu+ someone else may be able to advise you better on that .

if you think about it i suppose strictly speaking any modification could void the warranty ,a modification can be as little as changing the firmaware /image but id say not to be too worried,as long as your carefull you should be fine .if your worried about opening the box you can probably add an external esata hdd to the vu+ .

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3. September 2012 @ 17:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
blade 700 is a no brainer tbh just dont have the record function while watching t'other
AfterDawn Addict
3. September 2012 @ 18:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
adding an internal hdd wont void warranty as they are built to take internal and external at the same time if you wish,2 tb max internal,sky hdd should be good less heat.make sure you have an assortment of usb sticks as they are fussy in what they use.
5. September 2012 @ 16:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys, thanks for your answers and tips. I have been doing a lot of reading meanwhile to be ready to start once the VU is here. One thing I don't get yet - do I need a static IP address even if I am just looking to get a cline and not intending to reshare it? what for?
AfterDawn Addict
5. September 2012 @ 17:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i gave myself a static ip as sometimes the network would clash with 2 units getting the same usually assigns its own .
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6. September 2012 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
static address only required for sharing
6. September 2012 @ 14:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you mates. Can I please have another Q - should/ can I use the Dreambox Control Center for editing the cccam.cfg etc. or is there another one more suuitable for the VU+ DUO?
6. September 2012 @ 14:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DCC works fine. > forums > home theater > digital tv - uk & europe > newbie going for vu+ duo with a lot of q's

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