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Newbie help with Openbox s11
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29. May 2012 @ 16:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Was in two minds, whether to get an openbox s11 or blade 7000s. Blade 7000s is obviously the better of the two and I understand the setup guide with it. Will probably go with the openbox s11 considering the price difference, value, and it being my first box. I know we are limited to what we can discuss here, so pm me anything that I need to know that you cant say on this thread.

If anyone has an indepth s11 setup guide, simple, step by step, send it to me. The one on this forum for the s9 is the best ive seen, but its not for s11 and i assume i'll need different firmware.

But lets assume I have a open box s11, and dish (two aerial cables). Not motorised and not particularly interested in foreign channels. I want all UK satellite channels. We don?t need to discuss c-lines I vaguely understand this, know of them, but open to any suggestions.

What I don?t understand is:

1 ? Why do I need firmware and where I can get it from ? (Send me the link :D dont say search because ive searched for ages !). Can I get an openbox and install c-line via remote control with standard firmware ?. Or do I need a specific firmware to enable me to achieve what I want, adding c-line for example. To install this firmware ill need a pen drive? ....
2 - cccam.cfg (no idea really) ? So can I just skip this and enter my c-line information via the remote control ? Or does this contain other information needed besides the c-line.

Will the s11 be similar to this ? . If it is, I should be ok after playing around with it.

Pm anything you want to keep private. If anybody wants to nominate themselves as a point of help feel free :D

Thanks for all your time :) (Hope i picked the right room to post in)
Senior Member
29. May 2012 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by a_a1:
Was in two minds, whether to get an openbox s11 or blade 7000s. Blade 7000s is obviously the better of the two and I understand the setup guide with it. Will probably go with the openbox s11 considering the price difference, value, and it being my first box. I know we are limited to what we can discuss here, so pm me anything that I need to know that you cant say on this thread.

If anyone has an indepth s11 setup guide, simple, step by step, send it to me. The one on this forum for the s9 is the best ive seen, but its not for s11 and i assume i'll need different firmware.

But lets assume I have a open box s11, and dish (two aerial cables). Not motorised and not particularly interested in foreign channels. I want all UK satellite channels. We don?t need to discuss c-lines I vaguely understand this, know of them, but open to any suggestions.

What I don?t understand is:

1 ? Why do I need firmware and where I can get it from ? (Send me the link :D dont say search because ive searched for ages !). Can I get an openbox and install c-line via remote control with standard firmware ?. Or do I need a specific firmware to enable me to achieve what I want, adding c-line for example. To install this firmware ill need a pen drive? ....
2 - cccam.cfg (no idea really) ? So can I just skip this and enter my c-line information via the remote control ? Or does this contain other information needed besides the c-line.

Will the s11 be similar to this ? . If it is, I should be ok after playing around with it.

Pm anything you want to keep private. If anybody wants to nominate themselves as a point of help feel free :D

Thanks for all your time :) (Hope i picked the right room to post in)
"1 ? Why do I need firmware"
the firmware is the tv software ,the box may come with regular free to air tv software but if your planning on using a c line you need to change this to the patched firmware .simply put the patched firmware contains the cams and hidden menus where you put your c line ,so if you plan on using a c line you need the patched s11 firmware .you can add a c line with the remote control or you can add your c line to a cccam.cfg file and upload it to your box .

"2 - cccam.cfg (no idea really) ? So can I just skip this and enter my c-line information via the remote control ? Or does this contain other information needed besides the c-line"
see the last few sentences above.

the s9 is a bigger box than the s10/s11 and the menus may look a little different and you have to use s11 firmware but the same principles apply to all 3 boxes ,so in that sense the openbox tutorial is good for all the openbox boxes .

29. May 2012 @ 18:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by piopat:
Originally posted by a_a1:
Was in two minds, whether to get an openbox s11 or blade 7000s. Blade 7000s is obviously the better of the two and I understand the setup guide with it. Will probably go with the openbox s11 considering the price difference, value, and it being my first box. I know we are limited to what we can discuss here, so pm me anything that I need to know that you cant say on this thread.

If anyone has an indepth s11 setup guide, simple, step by step, send it to me. The one on this forum for the s9 is the best ive seen, but its not for s11 and i assume ill need different firmware.

But lets assume I have a open box s11, and dish (two aerial cables). Not motorised and not particularly interested in foreign channels. I want all UK satellite channels. We don?t need to discuss c-lines I vaguely understand this, know of them, but open to any suggestions.

What I don?t understand is:

1 ? Why do I need firmware and where I can get it from ? (Send me the link :D dont say search because ive searched for ages !). Can I get an openbox and install c-line via remote control with standard firmware ?. Or do I need a specific firmware to enable me to achieve what I want, adding c-line for example. To install this firmware ill need a pen drive? ....
2 - cccam.cfg (no idea really) ? So can I just skip this and enter my c-line information via the remote control ? Or does this contain other information needed besides the c-line.

Will the s11 be similar to this ? . If it is, I should be ok after playing around with it.

Pm anything you want to keep private. If anybody wants to nominate themselves as a point of help feel free :D

Thanks for all your time :) (Hope i picked the right room to post in)
"1 ? Why do I need firmware"
the firmware is the tv software ,the box may come with regular free to air tv software but if your planning on using a c line you need to change this to the patched firmware .simply put the patched firmware contains the cams and hidden menus where you put your c line ,so if you plan on using a c line you need the patched s11 firmware .you can add a c line with the remote control or you can add your c line to a cccam.cfg file and upload it to your box .

"2 - cccam.cfg (no idea really) ? So can I just skip this and enter my c-line information via the remote control ? Or does this contain other information needed besides the c-line"
see the last few sentences above.

the s9 is a bigger box than the s10/s11 and the menus may look a little different and you have to use s11 firmware but the same principles apply to all 3 boxes ,so in that sense the openbox tutorial is good for all the openbox boxes .
Perfect, just the person i was hoping would answer. So ive got the jist of firmware etc now. Any tips on where to find the firmware for a s11 ? :)

Or any suggestions on an alternative box and firmware, within a similar price range.
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29. May 2012 @ 19:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate thats really the only hd box capable of cs at that price range .the firmware is easy enough to get online or i can get it for you but first you need to know if the box is a clone or an original,of course you cant know this untill you actually have the box .so i suggest you buy the box and when it comes check post number 13 in my tutorial here

once you know if the box is a clone or an original then we can get the correct firmware for it .you will need a usb memory stick ,which you download the firmware onto ,the stick then goes in the back of the box and you upload the firmware to the box using the box doesnt need to be an expensive usb stick with lots of memory an inexpensive 2 or 4 gb stick for about £6 or £8 will suffice.

30. May 2012 @ 11:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by piopat:
hi mate thats really the only hd box capable of cs at that price range .the firmware is easy enough to get online or i can get it for you but first you need to know if the box is a clone or an original,of course you cant know this untill you actually have the box .so i suggest you buy the box and when it comes check post number 13 in my tutorial here

once you know if the box is a clone or an original then we can get the correct firmware for it .you will need a usb memory stick ,which you download the firmware onto ,the stick then goes in the back of the box and you upload the firmware to the box using the box doesnt need to be an expensive usb stick with lots of memory an inexpensive 2 or 4 gb stick for about £6 or £8 will suffice.
When ive got the box, ill check back to get the right firmware for it. Thanks for the help.
30. June 2012 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello Piopat.

Just trying to sort the firmware out on my new Openbox S11.
Weve been speaking briefly on another thread.
Any chance of that link for the new firmware?
Its not on your profile is it? Spent an age nosying on there.


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30. June 2012 @ 17:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate ive got openbox firmware in the first link of my signature area but non specific to the s11 .i know some of the firmware can be used on multiple boxes but i dont know for certain if the firmware in my link can be used on the s11 .i can direct you to where you can download the firmware ,but ill have to send you a pm .

16. July 2012 @ 05:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by piopat:
hi mate ive got openbox firmware in the first link of my signature area but non specific to the s11 .i know some of the firmware can be used on multiple boxes but i dont know for certain if the firmware in my link can be used on the s11 .i can direct you to where you can download the firmware ,but ill have to send you a pm .
hi piopat,ive just read this thread and im wondering if you can direct me to where i can get the right firmware for s11,im new to all this stuff and any help would be gratefull,thanks
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16. July 2012 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
richo first you have to find out if your box is an original or clone ,click on the fourth link in my signture area (near the bottom of my posts and pms ) its a link to an openbox tutorial . its for the s9 but dont worry as s9 to s11 models are pretty much the same . theres a page there explaining how to check if your box is a clone or an original ,once you know that you can get firmware .

8. October 2012 @ 09:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi i bought an openbox s11 six months ago everything was ok till the other night when all the channels became locked can u help me please?
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8. October 2012 @ 10:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate you say ALL the channels but do you mean just pay channels ? are you recieving free to air channels ? . if your not recieving free to air channels atleast then perhaps your firmware has gone on the blink ,which means you will probably have to flash the box again . you say all worked fine for 6 months so if your free to air channels are working but not pay channels then maybe your c line has expired ? .

8. October 2012 @ 10:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi yes still recieving free channels, what is a c line? i paid for mine already done x
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8. October 2012 @ 10:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
will you keep your question to one thread, a cline is what you paid for, so I suggest you contact the person who supplied it to you and find out whats happened as its sounds to be the cline is gone or expired

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8. October 2012 @ 11:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i can only assume you bought the box ready to go or plug and play ,which means that all you had to do was connect it up to your dish and broadband router . but the box would have come with whats called a c line inside it ,you may not have known about the c line but thats what would have to have been in your box . simply put a c line is basicly a line of info that the person who sold you the box put into the box ,a c line allows your box to connect to a server ,then your box collects the info it needs and the pay channels open .when you purchased the box the fee would have included the c line and the pay channels ,but a c line like this only works for a specific lenght of time which is determined by how much you paid for the c line . usuall a c line lasts a month /3 months /6 months or 12 months ,in your case it seems you got 6 months .

to put it in very simple terms how all this works is imagine when you put a friends phone number into your phone what happens ? your phone connects to your friends phone and you can have a conversation. well in a way a c line works in a simillar way ,basicly when your box has a c line and the box is connected to your router the c line acts like a phone number and it connects your box to whats called a server ,and then the sever provides the info to your box so that it can open the pay channels .

now a c line is not free ,and i can assure you that you paid for a 6 month c line when you bought the box , your box shouldnt really have cost any more than about ?90 to a ?100 as standard (if you check online stores you can see the price an openbox s11 goes for ) id say you probably paid quite a bit more maybe upwards of ?200 ,that would include a fee for the guy to set your box up and includes the cost of the c line .

so you have 3 options
1/ you contact the person who sold you the box and ask them if they will re activate the c line for another 6 months ,of course you will have to pay for another 6 months and that will be an on going thing every 6 months .

2/ you could try and buy a c line yourself from another source and put the c line in the box yourself ,this is relatively easy on an openbox but again as above a c line is not free .

3/you could just forget about a c line and view the free to air channels

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. October 2012 @ 11:56

30. October 2012 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I am a newbie and have been trooling the threads for days gathering the information I require. I am basically looking the same as above...

step by step setup instructions for openbox s11.

Anybody out there has anything for me that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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30. October 2012 @ 12:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that box is virtually the same as the openbox s9 or s10 or even an openbox f3 (same makers )so myopenbox s9 tutorial will help you . the menus on your box may look a tad different but the principils are the same . heres a link to the tutorial

30. October 2012 @ 12:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Piopat well needed I shall let you know how it goes looks detailed enough
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30. October 2012 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi ciaran these boxes are reasonably easy to setup but i know they always look complicated when its your first time,so just read the tutorial first and be sure your understanding what you need to do .and when you try it id say you will be just fine .

30. October 2012 @ 12:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Piopat it does seem quite daunting at first but im sure its like everything else, easy when you know how, should be fine with the tutorial....just can't wait to try now (box ordered and en route)...:D

Cheers piopat...Leg-end
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30. October 2012 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
your wellcome mate ,if you have any problems or questions you know where we are mate.

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30. October 2012 @ 21:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Piopat is King, long live the King!

.......I think I've mentioned that before somewhere
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30. October 2012 @ 22:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks bee mate i really appreciate your kind words .

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30. October 2012 @ 22:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Burning the midnight oil again I see Piopat, keep up the good work!
30. November 2012 @ 10:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Where is the best place to buy one from? A trusted seller and a box already setup would be good.

You can PM me.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. November 2012 @ 10:11

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30. November 2012 @ 10:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
these boxes are easy to set up (a piece of cake ),so your better off setting it up yourself .all you need is to download the patched firmware and a cccam.cfg file to a usb memory stick .then add your c line to the usb memory stick . then pop the usb memory stick into the usb port on the box and use the menu to pop the firmware in the box .once the firmware is in and you have gone through the installation process ,thats setting language /time and date /selecting a satellite and scanning it then you pop the cccam.cfg file into your box the same way you you put the firmware in . then its just a matter of going to the ccam menu and placing a tick next to the c line and your done .i can understand some people wanting plug and play boxes because it saves time and learning but if you can do it yourself you should ,once you learn these things you wont have to rely on anyone .

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