Well after last nights server issue and new software update it all becomes clear now ! for those on the 1.04 version i think that you will now notice when your viewing will cease :( there is now a date where it once said connected in your info bar that tells you when "your" server will stop recieving the sub channels ! i cannot say yet that it says this on the other software versions yet as i upgraded yesterday, so expect a flurry of starviews on ebay ! however if you do buy a used star view off there please ask the previous owner how long it has been connected else you could only get a few months out of it.
Im no expert but i thought you guys and girls should know.
Aye, even though we have been preaching it for months since those boxs came out, now, its deffo buyer beware, wouldnt touch a 2nd hand SV at any cost, could have a week or a month left on it.
its just greed on starviews side.maybe someone will come up with a clock stopper fix. iam so tempted to buy kryptview but waitin to see if they bring out a hd box soon,its costin me a fortune for full subs.
closed firmware, so no one will be tinkering with it, could be mid year for a HD box, you will save the money on a kryptview by buying now and ditching the full sub
There is no time limit on the Kryptview stb they have a better supported team than starview do.
as with all stb you will need a live cable feed and internet feed all the time while watching the tv
also with all stb if new countermeasures are brought in this will cause all stb to go down they could last a day week a month a year who knows we buy these we take our chances just like we did before
2 good reputable suppliers below if you want to buy boxes from