Hello there....forgive my lack of knowledge on this subject, i am, especially now a novice on this.
Could people please tell me what box (if any) is now available to buy to get all the channels. I had an original starview when subscribing to TW several years ago which stopped working but now I'm way behind!
I no longer have a TW or V subscription but wondered if the ''starview HD combo' still works and secondly if it works with a 'non-live' connection?.
also check out nagra 3, and what do you mean will it work without connection? like magically just work on your box with no feed? that would be amazing to get sky without a dish and virgin without a cable, think about this please
Originally posted by tongs007: also check out nagra 3, and what do you mean will it work without connection? like magically just work on your box with no feed? that would be amazing to get sky without a dish and virgin without a cable, think about this please
The reason That I don't often go on forums in general mainly because despite the usefulness I feel that those who are asking genuine questions ate often treated a little disrespectfully and spoke to in a very sarcastic and belittling way by those offering 'advice'. When I received the reply it was at first very helpful but this then followed with a very sarcastic and in needed response, particularly as what I wrote hadn't been read correctly. I stated that I have a 'non-live' connection. Which clearly means that my connection is not live. This in no way suggests that I do not have access to a cable line or satellite dish, it's asking whether I would need to subscribe to a provider such as V or S on a basic package in order to obtain full channel access from the boxes available.
ok no sarcasm here but how would you get the channels with a dead line? you have no signal so no live feed gives you nothing, for virgin you would at least need basic package tvsub, for sky no sub needed
also all boxes these days need to be connected to the internet to clear premium channels, the old days are behind now