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Thinking of getting blade box, help pls??
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Junior Member
25. June 2011 @ 17:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all I am thinking of purchasing one of these blade boxes, and going down the c/s route. Two things I take I need in order to do this are:

1) A sly dish
2) a connection to a card share server.

It is point 2, that is confusing me, how do I go about doing this, and how much would this cost?

25. June 2011 @ 23:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1) you can buy a dish and put it up yourself they cost around £17 with lnb or get an local aerial installer to do it for you not sure how much.if the sky dishes on properties around yours are the smaller dishes then that will do for you 43cm dish or some areas need the larger 80cm dish.
2) card share server (cline) vary in price depending on length of sub channels required ect.

you CAN get boxes all ready to go plug and play with 12months free gift ;.) if you are not sure how to set them up or new to the sat game. be careful about which cline you take as there are alot of cheap and nasty ones out there constant picture freezing due to over subbed servers or not local cards.and that about covers it.
dont forget the blade has to be plugged into a router at all times for your cline to work or you will only get fta channels lol.
the hd 1080p picture quality is brilliant on the blade far better than any other boxes i have used and far better the sly boxes and way way more channels than the cable boxes.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. June 2011 @ 04:52

Junior Member
26. June 2011 @ 06:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey thanks for the reply

Where would I purchase a box, with the 12 months free gift? Also still unsure on where I would look for a c/s and how to determine if it is good or not? Can you inbox me, if it is info that shouldn't be shared on here?

Many thanks.
26. June 2011 @ 07:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
have a search around i have pm you with some tips.cardshare chat is not permitted on here as it is illegal! SHARE THE MISSUS BY ALL MEANS THAT IS LEGAL LOL.I THINK???so my swinger mate tells me lol.(so long as she is good looking and has taxi fare home)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. June 2011 @ 07:53

Senior Member
26. June 2011 @ 09:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i would advise that if you have any experience with boxes (even cable boxes) that you try and setup the box yourself as opposed to plug and play . i appreciate why a person would want a plug and play box (as some people may think setting up a box is beyond them )but going down the plug and play route means a person does not learn anything . it also means that should the server be poor your stuck with the payserver associated with your box for 12 months ,if the server is poor you cant change to a new better server .

also its likely the payserver will set your box a pin lock number which you wont have access to (to protect his service ) so in 12 months time if you decide you want to change server in order to do that you would need to reflash the box to set the pin number back to its default ,and then you would need to learn how to set up the box and enter a c line .its some thing that should be considered .

26. June 2011 @ 16:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
piopat this is done to protect the cline and having non paying subbers jamming up servers and leaching for free, 1 pays sub 10,000 use i for free hence shit cline with loads of freezing! abit like torrents private=good and fast public=slow and shite a bit like starview and kryptview!
but hey ho only my view lol.
but would you piopat put your ass on the line as cline providers do for a tenner a year??? if so go for it!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. June 2011 @ 16:39

Senior Member
26. June 2011 @ 22:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sb18180:
piopat this is done to protect the cline and having non paying subbers jamming up servers and leaching for free, 1 pays sub 10,000 use i for free hence shit cline with loads of freezing! abit like torrents private=good and fast public=slow and shite a bit like starview and kryptview!
but hey ho only my view lol.
but would you piopat put your ass on the line as cline providers do for a tenner a year??? if so go for it!
i think your having a go at me here and all im doing is giving my experienced opinion ,ive been posting on these forums for quite a while (satellite wise )and i go back to cable as far as the early 80s when they didnt even have a box .

i did not say people should not use payservers after all each to their own ,if you had read my post i said that if people try and learn with all the great help available they can setup their own box . the benifits of that are that you can pay for a server for a month or 3 months etc ,if after that month or 3 months they find the server offering a poor service they can change to another server . however with plug and play you buy a nox already setup /you learn nothing /and if your not happy with the server you end up having to learn anyway because you need to reflash your box to reset the pin and then you have to learn about cardsharing anyway .

sb18180 people come to sites such as afterdawn to learn and get help and good advice ,the best i can do and have always done (and will always do ) is to give the best help and advice i can . i would not presume to tell people what they should or should not do ,but if people ask for advice i will always try and give the best advice that people can learn what they need to learn but also so that they can be safe .

i beg to differ when you say a payserver puts his ass on the line for £10 a year ,the punter buys a box say a dreambox dm800 at £140 then you add a c line at about £120 a year thats £260 sterling (add ahdd etc and its £300 plus ),than after about 2 months you find your channels freezing to a point you cant watch them (you phone /pm/email the server and get no answer ,and so you need to change your server ) then you find your box is pin locked and you have to reflash the box (to reset the box to its default ) and learn about cs which you tried to avoid in the first place .

i have no issue with people using a c or n line or whatever line its there own choice and their own business ,in fact people have asked me where they might get a c line and because they ask i try and help but before i do so i have done my home work ,and if i gave people a name of a site its a site that i belive people will both learn from as well as getting a c line if they want it .and i nevergive help/advice or recommend a site or anything to anyone if i wouldnt use it my self .

so sb18180 i have my way of working and you have yours (and im not saying yours is good or bad right or wrong )but i stand by my own work ethic 100% ,if people dont want my help thats fine and so be it but if they ask ill be honest as i have been here in this post .

27. June 2011 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no no piopat i was not having a go at you,this is a forum and we each have our opinions about matters,but what i was saying is some people are not tech minded and pay a few quid extra to have a plug and play box without any hassles.agreed people should learn about cccam,newcamd,oscam and linux boxes ect. and what it involves but some people just like to watch tv dont know why lol. but the moral of the story is that if you buy plug and play or a seperate cline and box at the end of the day its all downn to the cline you have subbed to wheather they use local card or not(hop 1 or hop2 ect) and if they have a crap server with too may people subbing and it just causes constant freezing witch is not good(been there had a few!).not all plug and play boxes provide a crap service,same as not all clines provide a crap service.its just trial and error or word of mouth of people who are happy with the service they got.i would only recommend people that offer a good service save them wasting money as i have done in the past.
Sky offer the best service with very little freeze,sh1t boxes about £100 a month full package including porn and ppv,but you cannot get setanta sports ireland(Irish Channels RTE 1,RTE2,TV3,3e,TG4), primetime and prem sports from them if you live in england.or go viasat 4e get all prem football for £1200 a year and theres hotbird@ 13e which offers plenty.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. June 2011 @ 07:20 > forums > home theater > digital tv - uk & europe > thinking of getting blade box, help pls??

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