May I first say I not not live in a cabled area and I do not condone getting free TV. A friend of mine says the Virgin cable boxes had been hacked again. I think he is talking rubbish.
if so then sky has as they are both using the same encryption so who ever has done it is going to be a very welthy man :) but i think he needs to use some toilet paper and clean his mouth coz he is talking sh*t
it would have been good though if som1 did manage to break the n*l boxes, cos it would have been like back to the good old days, no internet required and that would have cut out the freezing of channels .
some where shit, the digivox XL was one of the better ones, easy to flash, great pic and quick updates, the SV4 wasnt bad, some of the Eurovoxs were good, but with the amount of fecking clones that floated about, you nearly had to open the boxs, count red screws or vents or diodes before flashing em!! ahh the good old days
the thing was, they only rolled the keys when the realized that cable boxs were a widespread prob and started doing it weekly in both UK and Ire, the SV1 never had a key roll for a long time, then they brought out the auto-roll firmware, then the rolled the keys multiple times, then changed how the rom key was rolled and this caused the firmware not to catch the last digit, then the fixed this! lol, jaysus, when you look back, lol