ConvertxtoDVD with DVDFab
15. January 2010 @ 01:20 |
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Hey Gang, so excited! Finally find a combo that works for me but I need some advice. I have a paid version of convertxtodvd 4 and used a trial version of dvdfab. I've been ripping with Fab, then dvdshrink then burning the files to convertx. My question is this, do convertx and fab play nice together before I buy Fab? (or is this the point where you tell me they do the same things)I'd appreciate your experience, love this place by the way. I'm "rehabbing" from a wicked crash on my Ninja, and this is my favorite place to hang. You guys are great to us noobs.
AfterDawn Addict
15. January 2010 @ 01:59 |
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Never used DVDFab so can't help you there but if it does what you want, good enough but maybe the free version would as well. Also, never had a problem burning with ConvertXtoDVD but a superior burner is ImgBurn (free and probably the best burner available). ConvertXtoDVD isn't necessary to burn with and unless you're going from PAL to NTSC or vice versa, not necessary at all. Here's an old guide you can look over: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 Looks long but half of it is installing, DVDFabHDDecrypter now too.
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15. January 2010 @ 04:52 |
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Thanks much! My 30 days are up so I have to commit to Fab or AnyDVD I guess. Suppose I burned $50 on Convertx when I should have on Fab. I thought Convertx was an al-in-one like Fab or AnyDVD.
Yeah, great guide thanks. Looks like a copy of the Guideon Bible, but straight-forward. What do you rip with, may I ask?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
15. January 2010 @ 07:29 |
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ConvertxToDVD and DVDFab are nothing alike, they do two different jobs and would not be used in a combo.
You can keep DVDFab, after 30 days you can still use it for DVD to DVD backup, just the options that you would probably never use anyway will be expired.
Piss me off, and I Will ignore You!
AfterDawn Addict
15. January 2010 @ 13:51 |
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I use AnyDVD and CloneDVD for the ripping process to DVD, a couple fewer steps but not free and I think I'd be going with the programs in that guide if I'd seen it sooner. ConvertXtoDVD is a great investment if you encode avi, ,mkv or a few other formats, best 1 step program I've seen.
22. January 2010 @ 20:49 |
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HOWDY BOYS! Need a little "boost" if ya don't mind. I just ripped with a paid copy of DVDFab, trancoded (terminology still learning)with Fixvts and went to shrink it with DVDShrink and shrink isn't recognizing my Fixvts files as VOB/VTS (and they are) so I can't shrink, where'd I goof? I'll be burning with a paid Convertx if it matters. I tried to add it from Shrink "open files" as well as drag n drop, error mess is "shrink encountered error, invalid file".
If it's of use, my files all show up as VLC media file VOB (which is videoLAN of course. Also, I've been told we use VLC to check the state of our rip before we burn. Why is that desireable? Who'd want to watch the 2 hr movie just to check the burn quality, can't you just burn it to a rewriteable DVD-RW, if it works, you can just erase and re-use, if it doesn't, you didn't make a coaster anyway?
Cheers and many thanks
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
22. January 2010 @ 22:49 |
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sounds like to me you are trying to use to many steps/processes to get the same out come.your not doing anyhting wrong at all. as for shrink not seeing your vob files im not to sure on. ive had such issues myself with shrink and fixvts. i know you have bought some good programs and you cant go wrong with them but ANYDVD and Clonedvd2 is the best in my eyes for doing the transcodeing your doing. anydvd has all the (fix programs) all wrapped up in itself.98% of the movies out anydvd takes care of and the other 2% within days they have the fix for them as well. as mistycat said convertxtodvd is great for working with avi/mkv files and converting from PAL to NTSC and back. i use it all the time for converting Xvid to vob files.
if your wanting to do a good encodeing job try the free version of dvdrebuilder. that is the best. takes a little time if ya dont have a big CPU to handle the work it does but it encodes and takes out all the junk you dont want or need. plus as mistycat said imgburn is about the best burning program out there and its free..
once again not saynig your doing anything wrong with what your doing but there is easier ways of getting the end result your looking for. with less steps. i know this didnt offer you much in help of the question you asked, just giving you more options to get you what your wanting.. hope it helps you. and welcome to AD. hope you have a long stay here. as the most of us have..
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23. January 2010 @ 01:36 |
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I started ripping DVD's with DVD Decrypter some time back. It is almost impossible to find now, but if you know someone with the setup file, you can get it. I found mine on a German website. You may keep looking because laws and availability change so often.
I've used DVDFab for years also. It use to come with the DVD Decrypter engine in the DVDFab Decrypter and the DVDFab Express. All these features were combined together over the years. I still have copies of my original Fab 3-piece software combo, the Gold and Platinum versions, v5 and now v6. I have not used Fab v6 yet, as I just recently upgraded it. Still, I am fond of the Express version.
One nice thing I like is getting a good rip past regional and all copy protection. Copy protection violates free usage and illegal pirates will steal anything with or without protection. If I cannot rip my paid DVD's to an HDD for making backup copies or using the rip on media servers in my home, then the license implied in the sale does not give me freedom to enjoy my purchase.
That rant aside, Fab does it all from ripping to burning. It supports dual-layer, custom made DVD's, combined DVD's, HD DVD, Blu-Ray and DVD-9. Anyhow, it is available now for $29.95 at http://dvdfab6.com/ for a lifetime license, unlike the annual license like some companies want.
You can put aside ConvertX, Nero, DVDShrink and Fixvts as DVDFab does it all; it is constantly updating to improve features and changing copy protection systems.
ImageBurn is still my choice for burning ISO files and file images for backing up data. However Fab will burn ISO's as well as the DVD folders.
Yours kindly,
BluesJack...listening to the blues; it makes me happy!
Junior Member
1. February 2010 @ 13:22 |
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I have been using dvd fab for a little while and i have updated the new version a few times but this latest version is out but it says beta ,i have never saw the beta thing before so i don't know if i am supposed to use this update or not. can someone please help me understand this. thanks
2. February 2010 @ 19:13 |
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Kind of a "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" here. Beta proggies often have little "bugs" to work out, why not wait it out till it's fully functional and tested. Might have new features that interest you, but only you can say.
2. February 2010 @ 19:17 |
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With something like DVDFab, the Beta's are a good thing. Rip a movie with a Beta version, if it doesn't play back properly, either try the previous, non-Beta version (or even an older version) else wait for a new non-Beta update. Either way there's no need to be scared of the Beta versions.
Subscribe to this one ~ http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/583712 and you can keep up with all releases, and we always post the changelogs too, so it's easy to see if a particular movie has been addressed or just see what fixes have been added. Plus one of the authors of DVDFab is a moderator over at the cdfreaks site, he participates in discussions over there.
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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2. February 2010 @ 19:22 |
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Listen to Creaky Brenda, his word is gold. Hey Creak, have you done any work with the Easycap? I've had enough success, but since an update when I tag the box that says "Preview with audio", it crashes the whole thing. Not a huge deal, but I like at least listening so I have some noise in the background while my VHS is ripping for 90 min ya know?
2. February 2010 @ 19:23 |
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Can't say i've heard of it, i'll do a quick google.
edit- captures from VHS, analogue, etc, are you mad :)
Sorry, haven't even played a VHS tape in years, as soon as DVD's came along i wouldn't even pickup a tape, and am not into home videos or anything.
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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Junior Member
2. February 2010 @ 20:52 |
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Thanks a bunch,you guys always help me out.
2. February 2010 @ 21:31 |
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Hey Creak
Am I mad? Hee Hee, as a snake, you betcha, but mostly too many Red Bulls! What I've got going is 100+ VHS tapes I'm ripping to DVD before they degrade, mostly flicks from the 80's I don't own on DVD I'm not willing to throw another $10 down on, but still like to keep (who could forgive themselves for buying "Sixteen Candles" twice in one lifetime, ya know?) I also have the first ever HD Handycam Sony made that used mini DV tapes I need to convert to DVD, all videos of my precious baby boy, have about 25 of those to convert which means the dreaded one to one real time rip. Easycap is a fantastic, though vastly misunderstood (the instructions were crap and I think someone made a bunch of knock-offs) Basically it's a little USB device with a PCB inside that handles the rip transfer of VHS tapes to your PC, even does sound so no need for a card. They say otherwise, but I believe it also takes care of the old school decryption tapes had as I've never had to decrypt a single commercial VHS I've copied with it, ever. It's quirky sometimes and if you err on a single setting option, it often fails a clean rip, but when it works...simply awesome. Name one product that can transfer Hi 8 and VHS (plus the decryption they claim it doesn't do) you can buy on the Bay for like $15, has other functionalities too I have yet to explore.
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3. February 2010 @ 00:10 |
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Those vhs tapes will be working long after dvd's made from them stutter and stall.. I found a home recording of the xmas day messages from the chart stars.. from 1982.. yup.. 1982.. I remember setting the timer record for something the night before because of getting drunk.. Quite a surprise who are still around.
Tapes don't tend to degrade just left in their cases in a box in a cool room.. I get ones handed to me from time to time with stuff growing on the tape inside.. a few winds each way and they look good as new. (or at least as good as a vhs tape ever looked in the late 70's anyway)
I use a hauppage card and v4l capture (cinelerra does a great job when it works) and I don't get any macrovision problems either.. my antique jvc vhs machine doesn't recognise the nonsense and fixes the mess anyway (it has a switch inside.. buried in the decoder/encoder to set internal genlock)... Old studio capability machines.. can't beat em, as long as you take the time to set up the comb filters to modern standard.. the alignment was a bit rule of thumb hit+miss back in the bad days.
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3. February 2010 @ 05:07 |
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Hey Scum,
Good points all, is the Hauppage card basically a retro-fit tv tuner card for your PC? It'd kill 2 birds with one stone for me as I've wanted a tuner in my Gateway MediaCenter Desktop anyway (interesting Gateway sold a MediaCenter PC without a tuner already integrated but...) Suppose you're right, I own every single Disney Classic ever released on tape (all first releases to, not the "silver or gold" re-releases), can't see the benefit of ripping them and tossing the first edition tapes, about 55 of them, into the dumpster. Not worth much now, but they will be in 10-20 years. Still, I have a hundred tapes that have no sentimental or collectible value I'd toss in a heartbeat just to save on space and not have to pay to repair any of my 4 malfunctioning VCR's! Clean all the heads you like, VHS technology blows! Thanks as always for your insight and valuable opinions, love your work.