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ISO not burning correctly?
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22. May 2011 @ 19:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
((I posted this in the wrong forum earlier today, sorry!))

Hey, folks,

Thanks for your help in advance; I tried searching through various posts to see if anyone had encountered a problem like mine, but I wasn't able to find anything.

I've used DVDShrink to create ISOs of some DVDs I have. That part of the process was fairly simple after using a guide I found on the internet. When I mount the ISO image using Daemon tools, it works exactly as if I had inserted a DVD into the actual optical drive.

So, feeling like I'm a 99th level haxxor god, I presume that I can just burn the ISO onto a DVD. To do this, I try using Brasero, but it doesn't work. If I try to play it like a DVD, it simply goes to a black screen and doesn't play (even though Windows automatically tries to play the file as if it were a DVD). When I open the DVD through My Computer, I see two folders: "AUDIO_TS" and "VIDEO_TS."

What's annoying is that the actual video/movie can be found as a VOB file in the "VIDEO_TS" folder.

Figuring that this was some weird fluke with Brasero, I tried downloading K3b in order to burn the ISO to a DVD. No luck; the exact same thing happened.

Anyone have an idea of what is going on? It looks like other folks on the forum have taken a VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS file and used Imgburn (or something?) to create DVDs, but I was hoping to just be able to burn the ISO and keep the original DVD menu structure, etc.

Again, thanks for your help! :) Sorry if this is a totally dumb question.
Senior Member
22. May 2011 @ 21:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
k3b is a linux burning engine.. and by the other crap you are using you run windoze.. anyway.. how a linux user burns a dvd.. just burn the video_ts and audio_ts directories to the root of the dvd blank as a data disk.. simple as that.

daemon tools is a bit of a pain of a thing.. it does seem to conflict with a hell of a lot of hardware/os /other burning applications in many cases.

ARR! Them pesky Navy! Get out of my sea!
22. May 2011 @ 22:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the reply!

Sorry, I should have clarified: I used DVDshrink on a laptop with Windows 7, and then transferred the ISO to an older laptop that uses Ubuntu, where I then attempted to burn the ISO to a DVD.

I'll try burning the AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS files in Ubuntu as a data disk and see if that works. If I'm following you correctly, that should allow me to play the DVD on a regular DVD player?
22. May 2011 @ 23:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry for the double post, butttt....

I copied the BUP, IFO, and VOB files (28 in total) from VIDEO_TS to a K3b DVD video project. All is going swell, hit the burn button, get an error saying "The project does not contain all necessary Video DVD files. The resulting DVD will most likely not be playable on a Hifi DVD player."

Alright, I think, I'll try to compare the files I have in the ISO that seems to work as a DVD with the files I have in VIDEO_TS. To my dismay, they are exactly the same. :( In other words, it doesn't appear that I'm missing any files at all!

So I was contemplating burning another data DVD with just the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders onto it, but then I realized that I'll just have the exact same DVD that I had when I tried to burn an ISO. :(

I don't get what I'm doing wrong...
Senior Member
22. May 2011 @ 23:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Burn Your ISO that You Created In Shrink With IMGBURN

23. May 2011 @ 16:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay...tried that, got a "Power area calibration error."
Senior Member
23. May 2011 @ 17:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you receive a "Power calibration error" error message the cause will be either poor media, poor power, or a defective recorder

How Old is Your Computer?
Is Burner Firmware Up-to-Date?
How Much Ram Do You Have?

23. May 2011 @ 18:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for replying, Berryone,

How Old is Your Computer?

About a year and a half old. It's a Sony Vaio, VGN-SR520G.

Is Burner Firmware Up-to-Date?

The burner is a Matshita DVD-RAM UJ892AS (I think that's what it is). I tried clicking on "Update Driver," but Windows said it's already updated.

How Much Ram Do You Have?

In the computer? 4 GB RAM, it says.

I encountered this error with another brand of DVDR, so I grabbed another set of discs and had the same issue. :/ This is odd, since I've been able to burn CDs with absolutely no issues.
Senior Member
23. May 2011 @ 21:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Open Imgburn > Tools > > Drive > Check for Firmware Update
(That Will Tell You If There are Any Firmware Updates For Your DVD Burner)

Insert a Blank DVD into the Burner. In The Large Info Boc at THe Right Find
Disc ID:

CMC MAG = Poor Quality Disc

Try and Get Some Verbatim Disc ID: MCC

See If they Correct your Problem

Also Try Running a Laser Cleaning Disc In Your Burner

Disc "Brands" Don'T Really Matter (Except Verbs and TYs)
Do Not Multi-Task or Surf the Net When Ripping and Burning
Burn at 1/2 The Rated Speed of the Blank Disc.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. May 2011 @ 05:29

24. May 2011 @ 00:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did I miss a memo? I don't see anywhere if he mentions DVD-R or DVD+R and that alone can knock out a third of any burn and play problems as +R's are so often incompatible.
Start with the basics before you get too deep with failed burns, it's usually something simple. I own a $900 Philips DVD Recorder that won't handle DVD+R's. Before you pull the engine block, see if the tank has any gas my friends.

24. May 2011 @ 17:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, Wyattspop,

It's a DVD-R, Memorex is the brand. Before these, I tried HP DVD+Rs. :(

Maybe the media are too cheap? The DVD-Rs work in my other laptop, however, which is strange (even though they aren't burning the ISO properly...).
24. May 2011 @ 17:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, and Berryone:

1) Tried looking for firmware update, but my burner was listed online!

2) Disc ID: 0@P-!-00

No idea what that means.

3) I'll try and grab some Verbatim DVDRs, then. :( Anyway, this is the full error I'm getting when I try and burn:

I 14:25:43 Operation Started!

I 14:25:43 Source File: C:\Users\Bryson\Desktop\A_NEW_HOPE.ISO
I 14:25:43 Source File Sectors: 2,285,882 (MODE1/2048)
I 14:25:43 Source File Size: 4,681,486,336 bytes
I 14:25:43 Source File Volume Identifier: A_NEW_HOPE
I 14:25:43 Source File Volume Set Identifier: 0425C392DVDSHRNK
I 14:25:43 Source File Implementation Identifier: DVD Shrink
I 14:25:43 Source File File System(s): ISO9660, UDF (1.02)
I 14:25:43 Destination Device: [0:1:0] MATSHITA DVD-RAM UJ892AS 1.00 (F:) (ATAPI)
I 14:25:43 Destination Media Type: DVD-R (Disc ID: MBI 01RG40) (Speeds: 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x)
I 14:25:43 Destination Media Sectors: 2,297,888
I 14:25:43 Write Mode: DVD
I 14:25:43 Write Type: DAO
I 14:25:43 Write Speed: 2x
I 14:25:43 Link Size: Auto
I 14:25:43 Lock Volume: Yes
I 14:25:43 Test Mode: No
I 14:25:43 OPC: No
I 14:25:43 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 14:25:43 Write Speed Successfully Set! - Effective: 2,770 KB/s (2x)
I 14:25:46 Filling Buffer... (40 MB)
I 14:25:46 Writing LeadIn...
W 14:25:56 Failed to Write Sectors 0 - 31 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (1 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (2 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (3 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (4 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (5 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (6 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (7 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (8 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (9 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:56 Retrying (10 of 20)...
W 14:25:56 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (11 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (12 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (13 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (14 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (15 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (16 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (17 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (18 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (19 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
W 14:25:57 Retrying (20 of 20)...
W 14:25:57 Retry Failed - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
E 14:25:58 Failed to Write Sectors 0 - 31 - Reason: Power Calibration Area Error
I 14:25:58 Synchronising Cache...
W 14:26:02 User opted to skip the 'Close Track/Session/Disc' functions.
E 14:26:02 Failed to Write Image!
E 14:26:02 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:18
I 14:26:02 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A


I'm essentially facing two problems, here:

1) My Windows laptop won't burn DVD-Rs, or DVD+Rs, apparently, because I got the Power Calibration Area Errors with both, using IMGburn, DVD Decrypter, and Roxio.

2) My Ubuntu laptop burns DVD-Rs fine. But when I try to burn an ISO, it doesn't seem to work properly...

I'm going to try, and you may find this hilarious, to do some of this on my mom's Mac. I will literally LOL if it works on the Mac and not Windows and Linux.
24. May 2011 @ 22:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by LR23:
Hey, Wyattspop,

It's a DVD-R, Memorex is the brand. Before these, I tried HP DVD+Rs. :(

Maybe the media are too cheap? The DVD-Rs work in my other laptop, however, which is strange (even though they aren't burning the ISO properly...).

I appreciate it, but I'm a veteran burner, my issue is with extracting rar files to make an ISO, no matter what I do, all I get is larger numbers of smaller rar files, it never becomes an ISO disc image
I burn only with Verbatim DVD-R, no one uses + in the ripping and burning community, always compatibility issues with certain players as well as proggies that aren't + friendly. Thanks for trying to help me.

25. May 2011 @ 00:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, worked on the Mac! :) Crazy.

So in summary:

1) Used DVDShrink with Windows 7 to rip DVDs that I own. Created beautiful ISOs.

2) Tried to burn ISOs to DVD-Rs and DVD+Rs on Windows 7 laptop, got Power Calibration Area error every single time. Cheap DVD-Rs? Possibly. Bad burner? Possibly, but the burner works well with CDs, and the laptop is fairly new, so I'm not convinced this is the answer.

3) Tried to burn ISOs with Ubuntu laptop. Disks burn, but instead of having a working DVD, I have a DVD with just the DVD structure (AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS). No idea what is going on here...the mysteries of Linux will likely remain that way for me.

4) In desperation, tried to burn ISOs with Mac. Worked flawlessly. Go figure.

So, I guess I'm kind of annoyed I couldn't figure out the problem, but at least now I'll be able to do what I intended. If anyone out there has the same problem I did, good luck!
25. May 2011 @ 02:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Wyattspop:
Originally posted by LR23:
Hey, Wyattspop,

It's a DVD-R, Memorex is the brand. Before these, I tried HP DVD+Rs. :(

Maybe the media are too cheap? The DVD-Rs work in my other laptop, however, which is strange (even though they aren't burning the ISO properly...).

I appreciate it, but I'm a veteran burner, my issue is with extracting rar files to make an ISO, no matter what I do, all I get is larger numbers of smaller rar files, it never becomes an ISO disc image
I burn only with Verbatim DVD-R, no one uses + in the ripping and burning community, always compatibility issues with certain players as well as proggies that aren't + friendly. Thanks for trying to help me.
Why are you hijacking this post... We already know about you "RAR" issues and have given you many steps and advice on how to fix it... if you can't figure it out then we are out of options.... This has nothing to do with this guys problems so please don't hijack this post.
On to the problem of burning.... In my experience, I have come to the conclution that having too many burning programs install tend to screw things inside your computer, as they tend to overwrite each other and burning preferences and all that crap and it just jumbles and screws things. If you want to copy dvds then just either use DVDshrink or DVDFAB and also have Nero installed for any other burning you want to do. This is the only 2 you will need really to do just about anything.
I have found these 2 to be stable and have no problems. As for media... I found Sony, ritek and memorex to be the most stable and good brands to burn onto and that most DVD burners accept without any problems (and trust me I have gone through many DVD burners and media). Also as last resort if this keeps happening, re-install the OS and do a clean install on the programs and try not to install anymore crappy programs. Or you could just uninstall all the burning programs, reboot and just install the ones I said. Should fix your problems ^ ^
25. May 2011 @ 02:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, Vato! Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try uninstalling everything save DVDShrink tomorrow and see if that works. I don't know if it'll work, because on the Windows laptop, I originally just had DVDShrink and Roxio installed in the first place...maybe I should just get rid of roxio altogether.

But, since I have it working on the Mac, I'll probably just be hustling back and forth for now. I've got a ton of DVDs to back up! :)
25. May 2011 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Vato:
Originally posted by Wyattspop:
Originally posted by LR23:
Hey, Wyattspop,

It's a DVD-R, Memorex is the brand. Before these, I tried HP DVD+Rs. :(

Maybe the media are too cheap? The DVD-Rs work in my other laptop, however, which is strange (even though they aren't burning the ISO properly...).

I appreciate it, but I'm a veteran burner, my issue is with extracting rar files to make an ISO, no matter what I do, all I get is larger numbers of smaller rar files, it never becomes an ISO disc image
I burn only with Verbatim DVD-R, no one uses + in the ripping and burning community, always compatibility issues with certain players as well as proggies that aren't + friendly. Thanks for trying to help me.
Why are you hijacking this post... We already know about you "RAR" issues and have given you many steps and advice on how to fix it... if you can't figure it out then we are out of options.... This has nothing to do with this guys problems so please don't hijack this post.
On to the problem of burning.... In my experience, I have come to the conclution that having too many burning programs install tend to screw things inside your computer, as they tend to overwrite each other and burning preferences and all that crap and it just jumbles and screws things. If you want to copy dvds then just either use DVDshrink or DVDFAB and also have Nero installed for any other burning you want to do. This is the only 2 you will need really to do just about anything.
I have found these 2 to be stable and have no problems. As for media... I found Sony, ritek and memorex to be the most stable and good brands to burn onto and that most DVD burners accept without any problems (and trust me I have gone through many DVD burners and media). Also as last resort if this keeps happening, re-install the OS and do a clean install on the programs and try not to install anymore crappy programs. Or you could just uninstall all the burning programs, reboot and just install the ones I said. Should fix your problems ^ ^
Hijacking the post? What are you talking about? The first response to his inquiry came from ps355528, followed by Berryone and myself 90 minutes later, both are senior members, neither took exception to my input so you're the one late to the party a day later, don't worry about my posts to help another, just go about your own business. What, because I'm having difficulty with rar files means I don't know how to rip and burn DVD's? Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. You're the one who so abruptly told me because I'm skilled at one thing doesn't mean I'd be smart enough to handle another. Now that conveniently doesn't apply? If I can't decipher ISO's I couldn't possibly know how to rip and burn a DVD movie? Yeah, that makes alot of sense! Tell you what, I'll work on my ISO issues and you work on your ill-mannered temper and sticking your nose in other people's affairs. I'll meet you back here tomorrow, bet if I can rip and burn a DVD and rebuild the navigation systems of an Air Force jet fighter, I can whip this, and you'll still be a sullen, morose busybody. We're done here.

Senior Member
25. May 2011 @ 18:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Calm Down People.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. May 2011 @ 18:29

Senior Member
25. May 2011 @ 18:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm Glad You Got It Done

I Would Uninstall ROXIO

I Would Keep SHRINK and Imgburn
Download DVDFAB and Use It To Decrypt and Rip your DVDs
Also If You Rip MOVIE ONLY It Would Improve The Quality Of The Rips.

Definitely Get Verbatim Blank Media (8X -R AZO) (Very Reliable) (Don't Get the DataLife Series)

Burn at 1/2 The Rated Speed Of the Disc
Don't Surf or Multi-Task While Ripping and Burning

Get DVDFAB Here:

A Guide:
The Guide is a Little Long in The Tooth But it's a Good One.

One Other Thing Download and Run Roxiozap To Get Rid of All Of ROXIO

Roxiozap :

On The SITE PAGE Under "Download locations For Roxiozap Click on one of the Soptpedia Mirror Locations (I Used US)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. May 2011 @ 18:47

25. May 2011 @ 18:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Berryone:
Calm Down People.

Apologies Berryone, not in my nature to bicker, I gave him a free shot or two at me before I fired back, but only my friends can speak to me that way. I'm done with it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. May 2011 @ 18:59

25. May 2011 @ 21:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Wyattspop:
Originally posted by Berryone:
Calm Down People.

Apologies Berryone, not in my nature to bicker, I gave him a free shot or two at me before I fired back, but only my friends can speak to me that way. I'm done with it.
I thought you were done with back 2 posts ago LMAO.
Stop your crying and go fix your rar issues.
and when did I ever say this ...."What, because I'm having difficulty with rar files means I don't know how to rip and burn DVD's? Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. You're the one who so abruptly told me because I'm skilled at one thing doesn't mean I'd be smart enough to handle another. Now that conveniently doesn't apply? If I can't decipher ISO's I couldn't possibly know how to rip and burn a DVD movie?" Oh please post me a link of the post ^ ^.
Obviously you read into things wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much.
Oh yeh and by saying this "Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. " you are just stating to the world how much of a BIG PIRATE you are ^ ^.
Don't get angry just because I say the truth about many people telling you how to unrar them RAR files and you still don't get it ..... . > <
Like I said on the other Thread it might be a misscommunication either you are not getting at your end, you are not telling us properly what you are doing or it might be a simple thing as you having downloaded a crappy file.

Anyways back to the burning problem.... what Berryone said is spot on. I don't know about Nero being a ram hogg.... it's a standard burning software with most people and it does not really bother much people (unless you have a slow ass computer with like 512MB ram in it) :P but anyways IMGBURN is good as well does the same thing as Nero. Yeh and take ROXIO off completely as it's very crap.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. May 2011 @ 01:00

26. May 2011 @ 01:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Vato:
Originally posted by Wyattspop:
Originally posted by Berryone:
Calm Down People.

Apologies Berryone, not in my nature to bicker, I gave him a free shot or two at me before I fired back, but only my friends can speak to me that way. I'm done with it.
I thought you were done with back 2 posts ago LMAO.
Stop your crying and go fix your rar issues.
and when did I ever say this ...."What, because I'm having difficulty with rar files means I don't know how to rip and burn DVD's? Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. You're the one who so abruptly told me because I'm skilled at one thing doesn't mean I'd be smart enough to handle another. Now that conveniently doesn't apply? If I can't decipher ISO's I couldn't possibly know how to rip and burn a DVD movie?" Oh please post me a link of the post ^ ^.
Obviously you read into things wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much.
Oh yeh and by saying this "Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. " you are just stating to the world how much of a BIG PIRATE you are ^ ^.
Don't get angry just because I say the truth about many people telling you how to unrar them RAR files and you still don't get it ..... . > <
Like I said on the other Thread it might be a misscommunication either you are not getting at your end, you are not telling us properly what you are doing or it might be a simple thing as you having downloaded a crappy file.

Anyways back to the burning problem.... what Berryone said is spot on. I don't know about Nero being a ram hogg.... it's a standard burning software with most people and it does not really bother much people (unless you have a slow ass computer with like 512MB ram in it) :P but anyways IMGBURN is good as well does the same thing as Nero. Yeh and take ROXIO off completely as it's very crap.
I'm no uber-pirate my friend, many were VCR tapes I owned that I backed up using an Easycap, Ulead, DVDFab8 and DVDShrink with a dash of FixVTS editing tools, the rest were mostly having a little boy, if you have one someday you'll see what your DVD collection looks like. I even own a commercial grade JFJ Disc repair machine, Home Theatre is one of my hobbies, henceforth 1,200 dvd's, still haven't chucked the tapes or scratched discs. I use Imgburn, ConvertX and pull my backups from Graboid today, some Megaupload or Fileserve with MiPony but the quality is so hit and miss. Once I get a rar to iso I'm all set, I'm sure I can figure out how to use WBFS. I'm sure it's just one simple thing, a bad file, too many conflicting proggies I uploaded to try to solve this, something, but I won't know for sure until I try to load a "known-good" game file.
No more heat between us, I understand you a bit now, it's frustrating trying to help with a challenge and not have your hands on the keyboard. I bet you could fix this in 30 seconds..I'll buy your plane ticket to sunny CA heh heh heh

26. May 2011 @ 01:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Wyattspop:
Originally posted by Vato:
Originally posted by Wyattspop:
Originally posted by Berryone:
Calm Down People.

Apologies Berryone, not in my nature to bicker, I gave him a free shot or two at me before I fired back, but only my friends can speak to me that way. I'm done with it.
I thought you were done with back 2 posts ago LMAO.
Stop your crying and go fix your rar issues.
and when did I ever say this ...."What, because I'm having difficulty with rar files means I don't know how to rip and burn DVD's? Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. You're the one who so abruptly told me because I'm skilled at one thing doesn't mean I'd be smart enough to handle another. Now that conveniently doesn't apply? If I can't decipher ISO's I couldn't possibly know how to rip and burn a DVD movie?" Oh please post me a link of the post ^ ^.
Obviously you read into things wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to much.
Oh yeh and by saying this "Come see the 1,200 discs in my home theater. " you are just stating to the world how much of a BIG PIRATE you are ^ ^.
Don't get angry just because I say the truth about many people telling you how to unrar them RAR files and you still don't get it ..... . > <
Like I said on the other Thread it might be a misscommunication either you are not getting at your end, you are not telling us properly what you are doing or it might be a simple thing as you having downloaded a crappy file.

Anyways back to the burning problem.... what Berryone said is spot on. I don't know about Nero being a ram hogg.... it's a standard burning software with most people and it does not really bother much people (unless you have a slow ass computer with like 512MB ram in it) :P but anyways IMGBURN is good as well does the same thing as Nero. Yeh and take ROXIO off completely as it's very crap.
I'm no uber-pirate my friend, many were VCR tapes I owned that I backed up using an Easycap, Ulead, DVDFab8 and DVDShrink with a dash of FixVTS editing tools, the rest were mostly having a little boy, if you have one someday you'll see what your DVD collection looks like. I even own a commercial grade JFJ Disc repair machine, Home Theatre is one of my hobbies, henceforth 1,200 dvd's, still haven't chucked the tapes or scratched discs. I use Imgburn, ConvertX and pull my backups from Graboid today, some Megaupload or Fileserve with MiPony but the quality is so hit and miss. Once I get a rar to iso I'm all set, I'm sure I can figure out how to use WBFS. I'm sure it's just one simple thing, a bad file, too many conflicting proggies I uploaded to try to solve this, something, but I won't know for sure until I try to load a "known-good" game file.
No more heat between us, I understand you a bit now, it's frustrating trying to help with a challenge and not have your hands on the keyboard. I bet you could fix this in 30 seconds..I'll buy your plane ticket to sunny CA heh heh heh
Forgot, it's an HP 60, Vista Dual Core 2.10ghz, 3.00gb ram 32 bit service pack 2, I have 70 gigs free. Ditched Roxio long ago, I use Convertx paid edition and Imgburn with Verbatim DVD-R's, never fail combo.

26. May 2011 @ 01:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And possibly my stupidest question of the thread, does the iso have to look like a disc when finished? The rar file in what I ripped still shows the stack of books, but within the properties it says "new image file 1 iso, can I burn that?

Wyattspoppa > forums > digital video > copy dvd to dvdr > iso not burning correctly?

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