My father has his own TV show that airs locally in Atlanta. I do not want to disclose his name or the TV show, as it may distract everyone from the actual problem. Please understand this.
I will try and make this quick...
My job is to upload his show to his website so that his Clients are able to view the show just in case they missed it. Normally what I do is bring my Mac over to my Dad's house and hook it into his DVR (which he has Scheduled Recordings of his show), rip it to my Mac (in HD) using "AVCVideoCap", transcode the show to F4V, then upload the show to his FTP site.
If it isnt obvious already, the problem is having to carry my 50lb. Mac Pro to my car, driving 20 miles to his house, hooking it up, and so on. I cannot do the same at my place, as I have an AT&T U-Verse DVR that does not have a Firewire output.
Just so we are clear, I have 100% rights to his show. Also, I have talked with my Dad about getting the studio to put a digital copy of the show onto some type of removable disk... but for some reason he is having trouble getting them to do that.
Please, if anyone has any ideas on how to go about getting the show onto my Mac without having to make a trip every week, it would be much appreciated. Any questions, just ask!