I'm trying to capture some Super 8 film with sound, by using a projector on a white screen and using a video camera. The projector is running at 18 fps, and the lowest I can set my shutter speed on the camera is 24 fps. The results are fairly good except here and there, there are dark waves that go through the picture. They come and go throughout the film. I know this is because of the mismatched frame rates of the projector and camera.
My question is, what is the best (and hopefully simplest way) to eliminate these dark waves? I've tried using VirtualDub and using the various frame rate settings, including the "3:2 inverse telecine" options, however I can't get the dark waves to disappear. The other challenging part is that the video camera only creates MPG files, not AVI. VirtualDub can read the MPG files with the Mpeg input plugin. I'm looking for any suggestions on what program(s) should do this. Ideally it would be nice to read the MPG files and write to MPG files since the goal is to create video DVDs, but I know some programs prefer AVI.
Thank you very much. I know this is a common subject, but I'm a newbie with capturing film and just need to be pointed in the right direction with this. Thanks!!!