PS3 Vs. XBOX 360
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18. September 2005 @ 16:21 |
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"The XBOX processor is 3.2GHz 3 cores L1 384KB L2 1MB
The PS3 processor is 3.2GHz 1 cores L1 ?(7 DSP) L2 512KB
The REV processor is 2.5GHz 4 cores L1 512KB L2 512KB"
Wrong, let's start with the PS3, that's the one you f'ed up the worst. The PS3 has one dual threaded PPE, full function core, with 64KB (32 data/32 instruction) L1 cache, and yes a 512KB L2 cache. The it has 7 SPEs (DSP's sort of), each single threaded and are not effectively CPUs. They are exellent with vector math, audio, video, encoding etc. and taking load off the PPE. MIC can send instruction straight to SPEs, SPEs do not have to recieve instruction form the PPE. You can read alot more on it with this link, but in short, it kicks the Xenon (360) in the ass. And isn't comparable to the REv's CPU becase no confirmed specs have been released on it. The latest rumor is two threads at 1.8GHz, which makes the most sense. http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/cpu/cell-1.ars/1 search for part two, it's good info. All of this stuff is way over any of your heads, but backs me up none the less. 10 threads, Cell, 9 Threads, Cell in the PS3. One SPE reserved.
Xbox 360, Xenon CPU: Hey dumbass, IBM makes both PPEs for the PS3 and the 360, they are the same PPE, why do you have the L1 cache way different? Centered at the Xenon, is the same PPE a the PS3 (For the most part), 64KB L1. 3.2GHz three core CPU, each core handles two threads in parallel, 6 threads. http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/cpu/xbox360-2.ars
You are an idiot who has no idea what he/she is talking about, just stop posting fanboy.
The rev has no confirmed specs, but the widest except RUMOR is a dual core 1.8GHz powerpc CPU. That makes sense, and is the only solution for a console that size. Two CPUs, is out, thermal issues, and a clock rate like 2.5GHz is out unless they make it single threaded and work some conduction magic with that heat to a metal encloser.
THE REV HAS NO SPECS, AND 4 CORES IS OUT, THERMAL DUMBASS JUST STFU on that. You arguing with a major in this department tard. My bets are on two threads at around 2GHz.
"XBOX = 21.6GB/s bus speed!
PS3 = (i work it out to be) 17 GB/s
REV = (i work it out to be) 22.5 GB/s'
Wrong, you are an idiot. REV has no specs, what bus are you trying to specify? Here's where you can find out, on the 360 and PS3, because those are the only two WITH SPECs.
http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/cpu/cell-1.ars http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/cpu/cell-2.ars http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/cpu/xbox360-1.ars http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050210-4604.html http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050124-4551.html http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20041129-4421.html http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20030106-755.html http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20050629-5054.html http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2453 http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2341 http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=Nzcx http://www.anandtech.com/weblog/viewblogpost.aspx?bid=210 http://www.anandtech.com/weblog/viewblogpost.aspx?bid=209 http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=2453&p=2
PS3 has the highest systm bandwith, Xbox 360 is far behind. The 360 advertises 256GB/s of system bandwidth, but that figure is the EDRAM (The EDRAM's badwidth across the daughterboard, wtf, why does that matter, damn propaganda.) on the GPU daughter board. The communication with the GPU and daughterboard is limited to 32GB/s, so that effectively become a bullshit selling point for Microsft.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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18. September 2005 @ 23:35 |
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You look so stupid, your arguing about stuff i havn't mentioned!
No you fool the 360 dosen't have a 256GB/s FSB speed!
Most of what you said about the SPE i didnt even mention so argue with yourslef fool!!
AND YES the PS3 is SINGLE core procesor
im going 2 work ill see your punk ass soon!!!! (stop acting like a girl crying over the REVs performance)
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19. September 2005 @ 06:09 |
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I'm sorry, I gave you the benefit of the doubt on this one:
"XBOX = 21.6GB/s bus speed!
PS3 = (i work it out to be) 17 GB/s
REV = (i work it out to be) 22.5 GB/s"
I ignored that you said bus speed, figuring it was a typo, but you just proved your more of an idiot. Bus speed isn't measured in GB/s smartass, it's a clock rate tard. In Intel's case high MHz and AMD has Hypertransport bus speeds up to 2GHz. Wow, your an even bigger idiot now. System bandwidth is measured in GB/s, I figured you weren't that stupid, but I guess you are. lol, this kid is so funny, I was going to unsubscribe from this thread, but I have to see what he has to say now. lol
"Most of what you said about the SPE i didnt even mention so argue with yourslef fool!!"
Each SPE can handle individual, specific types, of threads, and can be likened to another core. The SPE will handle alot of instruction, because what they can't handle, isn't found in the PS3's department as much. PS3 will be doing everything the SPEs can do. Adio, Video, Physics calculations, vector mathmatics, and other ways of taking alomost all the load of the PPE. Smartass, you can't classify these next-gen consoles by # cores. It's how many threads are handled in parellel, at what clock rate, with what system architecture being fastest.
"AND YES the PS3 is SINGLE core procesor." OMG kid, these systems aren't x86, you can't classify them and their capabilities the way your trying to. You don't know anything about computer engineering, damn.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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19. September 2005 @ 11:32 |
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Yea well same thing, you know what i mean ,,, transfer rate (GB/s) = bus width (64 bit in this case) x frequency (Hz), {remembering the 3 cores give a combined front side bus speed} !
Like i said before they will all have advantages over eachother! but the XBOX 360 is more powerful
When you break down the numbers, Xbox 360 has provably more performance than PS3. Keep in mind that Sony has a track record of over promising and under delivering on technical performance. The truth is that both systems pack a lot of power for high definition games and entertainment.
(Edited) Yes fool i say that because alot of people think the PS3 has 7 cores! Beyach dint tell me about RISC processors. Also Nintendo have always made more powerful consoles then the rivals except for Microsoft!! SNES has 65000 colours, megadrive had 256 colours!
PS1 32bit 33Mhz, N64 64bit 93.? MHz.....Game cube 485Mhz, Ps2 300MHz!!
And Nintendo was saying the same pittiful thing like their doing now "
our console will be as powerful as the others" so eveyone thought the gamecube was gonna be weak in graphics!!!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. September 2005 @ 11:47
19. September 2005 @ 12:35 |
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you go solaray, kick some ass. :-)
Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......
Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.
19. September 2005 @ 13:38 |
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Ok, so after agruing about all that, which will have better graphics, or will they be very much the same, and which on is faster? Becuase if the Xbox 360's loading time is faster than the ps2 and the xbox combined, i wouldnt give a sh**
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
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19. September 2005 @ 13:54 |
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True! As you know, im all for the REV, but i like the way the XBOX team think, they dont bu""s""t!
I cant stand SONY, and most people cant stand sony coz they make crappy stuff that breaks.
Sony are tricksters they hype up their power performance when its not necessary, like wearing 3 jumpers to make yourself look good.
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19. September 2005 @ 14:23 |
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Solaray isn't doing anything but making crap up, and/or messing up some true info. He isn't kicking ass retard, he's being proved a wrong a uneducated idiot with each post.
Aparently you are all too lazy to read the damn links I provide. First, we are odne comparing the REV, becuase there are no specs for it. However, you stae that the Xbox 360 is more powerful?
"When you break down the numbers, Xbox 360 has provably more performance than PS3." You didn't break down anything except your own dignity, you just take a quick glance at propaganda spec sheets from each side. Here are quotes I will pull out of this article for you idiots becuase your all too far in denial to open my links to the sites.
"With each core being able to execute two threads simultaneously, you effectively have a worst case scenario of 6 threads splitting a 1MB L2 cache." - This is probally the biggest of Xbox follies. This sytem is going starve for cache space and this will be taking alot of performance away, a huge amount when clock cycles are wasted running to system memory over an over again. I only pray they correct this mistake.
"Unfortunately, the SPEs have no branch prediction, so BSP tree traversal will tie up an SPE for quite a bit of time while not performing very well as each branch condition has to be evaluated before execution can continue." - This is probally the biggest weakness in the PS3. But there is seven SPEs, seven threads, to handle the job.
Alright, cut the crap, ther eis the worst of the worst for each side, I thought it might help you to understand the 360 is in for it, an the PS3 could have been if it was limited to fewer SPEs. Let's just see some conclusive thoughts.
Evrything below is from anandtech
In fact, if properly structured and coded for SPE acceleration, physics code could very well run faster on the PlayStation 3 than on the Xbox 360 thanks to the more specialized nature of the SPE hardware. Not to mention that physics acceleration is particularly parallelizable, making it a perfect match for an array of 7 SPEs.
The fact that the next installment of the Unreal engine will be using the Cell?s SPEs for physics, animation updates, particle systems as well as audio processing means that Microsoft?s definition is a bit off.
The bottom line is that Sony would not foolishly spend over 75% of their CPU die budget on SPEs to use them for nothing more than fancy DSPs. Architecting a game engine around Cell and optimizing for SPE acceleration will take more effort than developing for the Xbox 360 or PC, but it can be done.
The importance of this fact is that Microsoft has been talking about the general purpose execution power of the Xbox 360 and how it is 3 times that of the PS3?s Cell processor. With only 1 - 2 threads of execution being dedicated for game code, the advantage is pretty much lost at the start of the console battle.
The PS3 will also make use of H.264 encoding for all video content, the decoding of which is perfectly suited for the Cell?s SPEs. Audio encoding will also be done on the SPEs, once again as there is little need to use any extra hardware to perform a task that is perfectly suited for the SPEs.
you shouldn?t expect Xbox 360 games to be much more than the same type of single threaded titles we?ve had on the PC.
In fact, specialized hardware can be significantly faster than general purpose hardware at certain tasks, giving the PS3 the potential to outperform the Xbox 360 in CPU tasks
Anandtech isn't really allowed to draw ultimate conclusions, it's not in good taste, and could get multi-billion dollar comapnies pissed at their site, one of the biggest and respected. He does make his conclusion evident though.
Just read the whole article and the GPU parts of it. He'll state some ups and downs for both sides but ultimately draws the conclusion, PS3 2TFLOPS, Xbox 360, 1 TFLOPS, alot of it wasted with inadequate system resources.
PS3 handsdown children.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
19. September 2005 @ 15:05 |
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Quote: Ps3 handsdown children
listen kid
most of us know that the Ps3 is more powerful but there are those who are in favor of the xbox wheater you like it or not. No disrespect but by the looks of things your obiously a Ps3 fan but there are xbox and nintendo fans who want to back up their systems. No offence but in the end it just all comes down to preference okay. I have cousins who are complete xbox fans and whats more unbelievable is that no matter how powerful they see the Ps3 they still see the xbox 360 as the most powerful in there opinion. I like sony and I like microsoft but in the end it just comes down to what system people are going to prefer.
Peace out! (its good to be back)
"Ill Be Back"
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19. September 2005 @ 16:38 |
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ok, this might be a dumb question and feel free to slag me off if it is, but u remeber back in the sega master system days, it was 8 bit, then came the mega drive (genesis) and SNES were 16 bit, PS1 was 32 bit, Nintendo 64 was 64 bit, PS2 and xbox are 128 bit, so what is PS3 and x360? are they 256 bit?
-"Most gangs want me to join cause im awesome with a bow stick"
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19. September 2005 @ 16:55 |
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When you break down the numbers, Xbox 360 has provably more performance than PS3." -Solaray
That is why I posted it, not you, or anyone else. And don't call me kid, or start with me, I'm a Double major in computer science/computer information systems at Minnesota State University with a Minor in Mathmatics. I probally wil ltrnasfer next year for another major in Computer Engineering at NDSU.
Serioulsy, kid is out, and none of you have any idea what is actually inside these consoles, and what's going down.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
19. September 2005 @ 17:03 |
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ok which will be better, graphics wise?
Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
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Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
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19. September 2005 @ 17:05 |
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No one can be certain until someone actually BUILDS a PS3 and can compare it to the 360.
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19. September 2005 @ 18:07 |
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As far as current info goes, Anandtech and Arstechnia lean towards the PS3's RSX, and I do too.
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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20. September 2005 @ 14:58 |
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HA HA HA HAAA!!!! Yea yea yea your still an idiot i showed you a link from IGN and the conclusion
When you break down the numbers, Xbox 360 has provably more performance than PS3." IGN showing Microsofts analysis
Thats not my words! and you've seen that ive said a million times that I DO THINK NVIDIAS GRAPHICS ENGINE will be more powerful, but NOT the cell thing! KID once again:
STOP arguing with me about stuff i didnt say you IDIOT aka REASON! Yea im in favour of the XBOX 360 because it has a better architecture then the PS3.
The PS3 is designed to do a large number of operations, just like the PS2, but what did that prove!!!
Theres more to designing a chip then maximizing the floating point operation speed, SONY knows thats what people measure power on thats why they hype it up so much, but for evey advantage they have theres a disadvantage!
Im not fooled by the hype, SONY never work on being practical, look ath the PSP, the PSP is so powerful there will never be anygames that will make full use of its power because of its battery life!
Yes multi threading is fast ya ya ya! but you can tell that theres a few advantages the 360 will have, the PS3 will work better for multi tasking + AI + inverse kinetic motion and all that , the 360 will just perform better in general. Heres IGN's link again just so eveyone else can see!
Also the 360 isn't a single thread processor!
conclusion: XBOX 360 vs PS3:
And he winner, with a first round knockout!!! The Heavyweight Champion IS ? = http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/617/617951p1.html
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20. September 2005 @ 15:40 |
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"With Sony's specs out, Microsoft has sent us its a comparitive analysis. What's the outcome?"
Lol, of course each company is going to find ways to convince idiots that theri system is the better. Sony says they're the best, and Microsoft is going to say they're best. They will each give uneducated readers such as yourself topical analysis propanganda to word it that their system is better. Your just too big of an idiot to go and read some actual unbias tech articles from arstechnica or anandtech. Fanboys never do, becuase they can't be faced with being proved wrong.
Seriously, wow, I can't believe some people. If Honda said that their accord is "higher performance" than the MB S-Class would you belive them? Because when using terms like "higher performance" and the like, and company can make anyting sound the way they want it.
Dude, you just keep making yourself seem dumber. I thought someone here would be above --
"Microsoft says the Xbox 360 is better, Microsoft makes the Xbox 360, Microsoft wants to outsell and outmarket Sony. They can't be lying, companies won't do that, they have to tell me the absolute truth. And therefore you (Arstechnica/Andandtech, reasons? etc.) can shove your Computer Engineering degrees and experience, because you would lie and the company trying to sell something to me wouldn't. I'd talk more but I have to go listen to Snoop Dog and beat off to my ebonics dictionary."
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
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20. September 2005 @ 15:43 |
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"We decided to put this Microsoft-provided information up undigested. Thus, enclosed is a Microsoft-made comparitive analysis. We have not altered, added, or tinkered with the data. We have not interpreted the specs. We have cut and pasted this information from the email into our site and formatted it. Make of it what you will, but be clear we know Microsoft has clearly slanted this info, and we're not endorsing it, just printing their version. There is a difference."
- IGN, from the links solargay provided for others stupid enoug to believe microsoft.
You just keep burying your stupid self deeper. Thank-you for bringing this out, IGN is smarter and more credible than I thought, let's relive those last few ones again-
"Make of it what you will, but be clear we know Microsoft has clearly slanted this info, and we're not endorsing it, just printing their version. There is a difference."
Fanboy is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject. This generally is followed by the devotion and support even when proved wrong.
Anecdotal, by my definition, it's the way too many people here think. It's also all the evidence you have.
Xbox 360 GT: NEGATIVE 273K
My advice: Wait for PS3.
20. September 2005 @ 16:22 |
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These threads always, 100% of the time, spiral into stupid arguments. Thread closed.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
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