I know all of you are a bit sick of hearing the same question over and over again. But I have to ask if someone can help me increase my download speed for BitTorrent...?
Here is my case. When I installed Bit Tornado, i knew that the speeds I was getting could not be right (5-10 kb/s)....So I did my reading on the web (manuals, forums, FAQ, etc...), and finally after a lot of trouble I was able to forward the 6881-6889 ports on my router.
However this did not do the trick and I'm open to suggestions. Before going any further I would like to give a bit more info about my PC...router etc...
I have a small two computer wired LAN, a Verizon Online DSL connection with a Westell 2200 modem. I forwarded the ports on this device. The two computers are connected to the web and to each other through a Belkin 4-port router (I also forwarded the needed ports on this device 6881-6889).
I had to forward the ports on both devices because it wouldn't work any other way (the westell modem is in fact also a router, even though it has only one port). I know this because I used the shieldsup check at grc.com to check my ports. Only when I forwarded them on both devices did they go from "stealth" to "closed"...Now I'm not a computer wizard, but from what I was able to read the "closed" meant that I forwarded the ports the proper way.
After that I hoped that my dl will get a needed boost. But the rate remained at 10 kb/s, and the damn light was still yellow...It took a lot of effort to get to this point, and now I really don't know what to do. If anyone can help me I would appreciate it very much.
Oh, yeah, I forwarded the ports to the right IP address, and followed the rules and suggestions I found on this and other forums.
Any suggestions, e-mail them to me at nikola_ostojic@yahoo.com. I will aslo check the forum tommorow morning. Sorry for the lengthy post...