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The modchip is not a fake from the Origa Team
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21. August 2004 @ 16:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I went and started a thread and talked to a associate from gcdemos you may all know him as The_One.He has made alot of progress with the GameCube.I made a thread off of a site called which is in the forums for both sites www.backup-source and the talking about this chip that was brought up.I am actually surprised at the response posted by The_One.The best thing I can tell everyone here that owns a GameCube is that there really is a chip in the making.This is what we talked about and hope it gives alot of hope to people that stream games.

Where can I find more details about the modchip being made from the Origa Team


I have been streaming games and to be honest the quality of streaming blows.The game eithers will freeze if not following a certain method as taking the memory cards out at the loader screen or either in gameplay start to freeze or even music sounds like garbage in games.I am starting to take enterest in the modchip that is brought up from the Origa Team.I am wondering will all my mini dvd-r discs be able to play with this chip that is in the making.I know it isn't in it's final stage or even close to releasing it,but it would be nice to know what it can do.I also notice there is alot of talk about taking the top off of the GameCube.The modchip will be able to pick up mini dvd-r 8cm media or is it only for the size of regular 4.7gig dvd-r.I would be interested in the modchip if it can run mini dvd-r and not have to do away with the top of my GameCube since it is keeping my laser clean and safe.Anyways just wanted to say is there anywhere I can look to get more info on this modchip.I think I have seen pics of a modchip for the GameCube also,but where is this modchip also located in the GameCube and so forth.I am just trying to find as much info about this chip as possible.The chip is it gonna be soldered or will it be a solderless chip.I am assuming it is gonna be a solder chip,but nothing has been mention of this either.Alright hope someone reads this and will know more details about the chip.

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#2 Today, 11:28 AM
The One
The One and Only Join Date: Jan 2004
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Posts: 32

1. Watch the video linked to on 3rd news post down.. It shows a video of the chip running. This should solve your DVD-R questions as I currently haven't thought to ask about whether it's DVD-R or Mini DVD-R etc.

2. Not sure of where the chip is placed on the cube exactly.

3. The chip is soldered and they're currently hoping to cut down the wire requirments to about 11 or so.

Hope that helps! Bare in mind there isn't a lot of information available at this time to the public.. Best thing to do is watch for posts about it on and (GCDemos gets exclusive news and is now affiliated with Backup-Source so therefore Backup-Source gets the news too )
oO Oo

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#3 Today, 07:20 PM
B-S Member Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 2

Alright thanks man I also noticed you posted a thread in a forum,not sure if I can say the link.The thread was talking about the program ProDG man.I have the program running and everything just really am not sure where to start.I also noticed you mentioned alot of other programs,but they where never really mentioned.I was wondering could this program be used to make a boot disc of some sort or would the pressing machine still need to be used in getting a boot up disc to work on the Cube.I am glad to hear some news on the chip and thanks The_One for giving some details on the chip.I am happy to hear about the chip and will continue to read more on the chip.I will keep looking on both sites and of course for more news to come from the modchip one of the best things that will come for the Cube.

I hope you all are wondering what I am wondering.The chip has to be real and even if there are fakes that are talked about.The chip is really in development stages.The actual video can be viewed at the sites gcdemos and backup-source if you want to take a peak at what the chip can do as of right now.Anyways thought I would find as much info on the Cube and post it as much as possible.I would assume that this is news for the Cube since there wasn't as much talk on the site as posted in this thread I have made.To be honest with you all I actually want to see what all they have done with this chip.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. August 2004 @ 16:49 > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > the modchip is not a fake from the origa team

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