my OS = win xp
I have already installed them all
altnet,p2p,bullguard<---(already installed bullguard but keeps pops up saying that i should register them or re install them)....
but the main problem is:
when i click to kazaa program....especially in search icon..suddenly the program is somewhat freeze and then automatically close....then i do that again and had the same result again.i already tried to reinstall again but still the same....
what should i do?maybe its out of topic but sometimes in my pc...keeps popping a says that my machine debug manager is not there any relevance between them?
i am not expert at computer so please forgive me if my question sounds like dumbest question to you.
thx for ur help.
fuck kazaa delete it now or that program will fuck you over like it has done me and so many others that clean KMD shit dosen't work either so fuck it YOU NEED KAZAA LITE if you get that you still need a very good virus blocker
i have 2 words for you ARES AND BITTORRENT,
shareazaa isn't bad either its not as fast but can connect to fasttrack gnuttela 1&3 and the emule servers thats fuckin sexy now
also why did you download kazaa in the first place its been RIAA everything about that program lately and i bet the cops are watching everybody who use it
and download whatever client u prefer - personally i use kazaa lite tools k++ i find that it gets the fastest speeds - i can download at 56kbps easy, and thats about my maximum
first uninstall bullguard and the current kazaa you have, then do a registry scan to remove all the crap in your registry then install your chosen kazaa product and hopefully it should work :D