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Phoenix question
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25. August 2004 @ 00:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Couldn't find how it's done anywhere (not even the on the program itself)

Does anyone know howto make an image from my GC using this?

Or does anyone know where to get the ISO Ripping server?

I wanna dump my Four Swords Import (JAP)

Just wondering around
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25. August 2004 @ 10:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You have to create the iso before you can even rip out uneeded stuff.In the program phoenix just go to where it says "Backups" .You need to give the game you are backing up a name.In order to give it a name you have to click on the icon to the right of where it says Game Image should look kinda like this "..." this is what it should look like.When you click on that it will ask you where to save your image and what to name it.The best way to do this is to make a folder on your desktop and Label it similiar to the game you are trying to backup maybe something like Zelda Four Swords Jap or whatever you want to call it.The next step would be to name the iso (.gcm) file of the game you are making once again say something like Zelda Four Swords or whatever you want to call and place it in your folder on your desktop you made using the Game Image icon that looks like "..." .You should now be ready to make a image of your game.You should power on your GameCube which should show a connection on your computer.Once this is done you should look at your computer and press begin in the area where it says "Backup" in Phoenix.It will bring up a DOS screen saying waiting for connection.You pretty much click on online game in PSO 1 and 2 and click on your person you made to stream games.Once you click on your person you normally use to stream games click on confirm and then a message should come up telling you something to agree to or disagree to just hit agree.It should show you the warp screen and after awhile it will show you a some place in the background a thing floating.I normally time it all the time to see how far it gets when the games load.It should load up and give you a red screen after this process and be very quick with this also.You should have your game ready in one hand and in the other hand close to opening the lid of the GameCube.A message will come up saying insert your game to backup (note:you only have 10 seconds).The bad thing about this is the time given to backup a game image.If you actually go over the 10 second mark it will not work.If you do it right you can look at your computer on Phoenix and it will say recieving data from the GameCube.It aint really hard to do,but anyways you shouldn't have that much of a problem with it if you are already streaming games.If you are not streaming games then you are gonna have to follow guides on how to setup your GameCube to stream games first.If you follow these steps you should come up with a image that is the size of 1.35gig and the end of the file should be .gcm .I recommend you don't rip out anything of the games,but it is up to you.I still think there is something in the games that will tell us something later on that is called uneeded garbage or is either something took out of the game.

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