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Ripping Alien Quadrilogy
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25. August 2004 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm using DVD Magic to try to rip a movie off the Alien Quadrilogy onto my hard drive, and every time I try it gives me an Access Violation message. do I beat this? Here is the log file associated with the message:

Thands for any help!

Log started on Wed Aug 25 18:53:32 2004
C:Program FilesDVDMagicDVDMagic.exe
Microsoft Windows XP Personal 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1
Intel Pentium 4
> ASPI: Initializing...
CASPI::CASPI(): GetASPI32SupportInfo() reported 2 SCSI adapters
Adapter #0: NERO ASPI32 atapi
Can read CD-R media
Can read CD-RW media
Can read fixed packet method 2 media
Can read DVD-ROM media
Can read DVD-R media
Can write CD-R media
Can write CD-RW media
Can simulate writing
Buffer size: 2048 KB
Adapter #1: NERO ASPI32 atapi
> ASPI: 2 adapter(s)
> ASPI: Checking drive D...
CASPI::GetDriveInfoNT(D): [0:0:0] (0, 0, 0, 0)
> ASPI: Initialization successful
CASPI::GetDriveInfoNT(D): [0:0:0] (0, 0, 0, 0)
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
Disk is copy protected, region mask = FE
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
Key1: FD 14 D4 74 2A
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
Ch Key: A7 0F ED B7 7C 6E 58 E3 DB C8
Key2: 2A 04 5D 4B F7
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
Disk Key: A1 7E 36 9F E0
CDVD::QueueCommand(): [0:0:0] 0x02 -> 0x01
Authentication successful
> [D:] Initializing title...

*** Exception: Access Violation at 0x00445cdc ***

--- Registers ---
EAX = fffffffc
EBX = 00000000
ECX = 01470000
EDX = 00000037
EBP = 00000042
CS:EIP = 001b:00445cdc
SS:ESP = 0023:0012f530
DS:ESI = 0023:00000042
ES:EDI = 0023:006fb7aa
FS = 003b
GS = 0000
Eflags = 00010202

--- FP/MMX Registers ---
ST0 = 2.080000e+002
ST1 = 0.000000e+000
ST2 = -1.#IND00e+000
ST3 = -1.#IND00e+000
ST4 = -1.#IND00e+000
ST5 = -1.#IND00e+000
ST6 = 0.000000e+000
ST7 = -9.754516e-002
MM0 = 00ece9d800ece9d8
MM1 = 00ece9d800ece9d8
MM2 = 00ece9d800ece9d8
MM3 = 00ece9d800ece9d8
MM4 = e227ed24e21f5738
MM5 = c7c5c1e34d2f7283
MM6 = d000000000000000
MM7 = 0000000000000000

--- Disassembly ---
00445c40: push 8b0070b7
00445c45: or eax, 0070b768
00445c4a: mov esi, [0070b7ac]
00445c50: mov edi, 006fb768
00445c55: mov eax, ecx
00445c57: shr ecx, 02
00445c5a: rep movsd
00445c5c: and eax, 03
00445c5f: mov ecx, eax
00445c61: rep movsb
00445c63: mov dword ptr [0070b7ac], 006fb768
00445c6d: pop edi
00445c6e: pop esi
00445c6f: mov eax, 00000001
00445c74: pop ebx
00445c75: pop ecx
00445c76: ret
00445c77: nop
00445c78: nop
00445c79: nop
00445c7a: nop
00445c7b: nop
00445c7c: nop
00445c7d: nop
00445c7e: nop
00445c7f: nop
00445c80: sub esp, 1c
00445c83: mov eax, [0070b7ac]
00445c88: mov ecx, [0070b7a8]
00445c8e: push ebx
00445c8f: xor ebx, ebx
00445c91: push ebp
00445c92: push esi
00445c93: lea edx, [eax+ecx-04]
00445c97: push edi
00445c98: mov [esp+14], eax
00445c9c: mov [006fb760], ebx
00445ca2: mov [006fb75c], ebx
00445ca8: mov [0070b7a0], ebx
00445cae: mov [0070b7b0], ebx
00445cb4: mov [006fb750], ebx
00445cba: mov [006fb740], ebx
00445cc0: mov [0070b7ac], edx
00445cc6: call 00441640
00445ccb: fild dword ptr [008914c4]
00445cd1: mov eax, [0070b7ac]
00445cd6: mov [006fb754], bl
00445cdc: movzx ecx, byte ptr [eax] <---
00445cdf: fmul qword ptr [00477a18]
00445ce5: inc eax
00445ce6: mov [0070b7ac], eax
00445ceb: mov [006fb754], bl
00445cf1: movzx edx, byte ptr [eax]
00445cf4: shl ecx, 08
00445cf7: or ecx, edx
00445cf9: mov esi, [0070b7a0]
00445cff: mov edi, [006fb750]
00445d05: mov [esp+1c], ecx
00445d09: mov [esp+20], ebx
00445d0d: faddp st(1), st
00445d0f: inc eax
00445d10: fild qword ptr [esp+1c]
00445d14: mov [0070b7ac], eax
00445d19: mov [006fb754], bl
00445d1f: inc eax
00445d20: fmul qword ptr [004982c8]
00445d26: fadd st, st(1)
00445d28: fstp qword ptr [008f3768]
00445d2e: movzx ecx, byte ptr [eax-01]
00445d32: mov [0070b7ac], eax
00445d37: mov [006fb754], bl
00445d3d: movzx edx, byte ptr [eax]
Senior Member
25. August 2004 @ 18:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ive never used DVD Magic before, so i wouldnt know where to start.

My advise would be to download DVD Shrink, which is a free program, or DVD Decrypter, Also free, to try and rip your Movie.

I ripped the full Alien Quadrilogy set, with DVD Shrink, and all worked fine.

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