aqui os dejo tres imagenes que me he makinado para keylauncher y listas para instalar en la MC. Están preparadas para que salten al insertar Breaker Pro
KL=CSL+CDLb5.2 --> Contiene el CdLoader beta5.2 y el CogswapLoader (650kb aprox en MC)
KL=CSL+CDLb5.2+MP+MCF --> Contiene el CdLoader beta5.2 , CogswapLoader, MediaPlayer y McFormat (1400kb aprox en MC)
KL=CSL+CDLb5.2+MP+MCF+HD+link --> Contiene el CdLoader beta5.2 , CogswapLoader, MediaPlayer, McFormat, HDLoader, HDAdvance y PS2Link (2800kb aprox en MC)
Si para vosotros la imagen KL=CSL+CDLb5.2 es demasiado grande y es excesivo el espacio que ocupa mi consejo es que os instaleis el exploit del CdLoader beta5.2 que apenas son 300kb ya que el cogswaploader ya practicamente no se utiliza.
Here I leave three images you that I have worked for keylauncher and you list to install in the MC. They are prepared in order that they jump on having inserted Breaker Pro
KL=CSL+CDLb5.2 -> It(He,She) Contains the CdLoader beta5.2 and the CogswapLoader (650kb aprox in MC)
KL=CSL+CDLb5.2+MP+MCF -> It(He,She) Contains the CdLoader beta5.2, CogswapLoader, MediaPlayer and McFormat (1400kb aprox in MC)
KL=CSL+CDLb5.2+MP+MCF+HD+link -> It(He,She) Contains the CdLoader beta5.2, CogswapLoader, MediaPlayer, McFormat, HDLoader, HDAdvance and PS2Link (2800kb aprox in MC)
If for you the image KL=CSL+CDLb5.2 is too big and is excessive the space that occupies my advice is that you install the exploit of the CdLoader beta5.2 that scarcely are 300kb since the cogswaploader already practically is not in use.