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Action Replay Loader and Cubeserver(.Net)
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Senior Member
1. September 2004 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was wondering if anybody has seen this.I went and downloaded this one file called cubeserver_06_R1 and in there is a Rich Text Document in French.I went and translated it right and this is what I came up with (note not all words could be translated so give me a break)

A/R BOOT LOADER and Cubeserver(.NET) CoderNiv2

Current Version:

2004.03.21 : 0.6 BETA PUBLIC 1


PC Windows with Framework .net 1.0 or 1.1 and Language Pack (family NT conseillee) Gamecube RETAIL STAKE or NTSC (with NTSC one avoids a manipulation:) Cross cable of very good quality enters the cube and the PC (not of passage via switch/hub) official Memory card 59 blocks or 251 blocks BBA Gamecube


A/R replay version 1.06 (for the moment Ca does not go with the higher versions) Phantasy Star Online ep 1&2 and your homebrew for the flasher on the memory card. ISO GC creator and a ACL if your homebrew exceeds the size available on memory card.


Decompresses the file with the root of the hard disk "C: \" launch the program by a double click on CubeServer.exe In the event of message of error it is that y' has a problem on your framework because the program does not appeal has any DLL other than those of the framework. Avoid leave turned the software Anti Virus/firewall (has to decontaminate that of XP if you think it is under this system)


Example 1: "Homebrew"

~ In the zone "FRAUD" on cm, click on the three "... " then point on your homebrew.

~ Then click on "GO"

~ To choose the name on CM: "LEVEL3.DOL" Verifiez that your homebrew did not depass the number of blocks available on the memory card bus if not you will be entitled to the message ' NO FREE SPACE'

~ Click on "PREPARATION"

~ the message "Agreement finished" appears and then it is necessary click on "Lancer GCS.DOL". The message "Waiting connection PSO" appears and it is enough to light the gamecube and of launching a part on line with the traditional method of "HACK PSO"

~ When on the televison you see the black screen of GCS with "not connected", click on the boutton "LEVEL 1 and 2" and having patience until A that GCS reaches "NOT connected". Then click on "LEVEL3 perso" and to press on short prop "A" of the lever to confirm the replacement of the level3.dol by your.

~ Voila it is flashed, go in small "the BOOT Of the A/R" for the continuation.

Example 2: "A/R bootloaderR:

~ In the zone "FRAUD" on cm, click on the three "... " then point on the "loader".

~ Then click on "GO"

~ To choose the name on CM: "LEVEL4.DOL"

~ Verifies that your homebrew did not depass the number of blocks available on the memory card bus if not you will be entitled to the message ' NO FREE SPACE'

~ Click on "PREPARATION"

~ the message "Agreement finished" appears and then it is necessary click on "Lancer GCS.DOL". The message "Waiting connection PSO" appears and it is enough to light the gamecube and of launching a part on line with the traditional method of "HACK PSO"

~ When on the televison you see the black screen of GCS with "not connected", click on the boutton "LEVEL 1 and 2" and having patience until A that GCS reaches "NOT connected". Then click on "A/R Loader + L4" and have patience... (attention, after the first flash (blue), it y' has one awaits 20/30s before a second flash declench(orange))

~ Voila it is flashed, go in small "the BOOT Of the A/R" for the continuation.

note: CM flash is ilisible by the gamecube and does not pourait to be useful for the safeguards of the plays.

note 2: all that is on the memory card will be erased and attention because it does not have there a Windows basket.


Console PAL:

~ Start the A/R normally and to choose "START GAME"

~ With the message "Open the lid...", to support on Y and to choose the flag of States.

~ Then open and close the cap.

~ the A/R redemarre and made start game has new, then open/close the cap

~ Voila you it is either on the A/R boot loader or on your fraud house (for the tests of a fraud house, use chip8.Dol which is perfect in the face)...

Console NTSC:

~ I would except that it is useless to force the American flag with the button Y.


For that, one needs software GC ISO (assitant of creation of Iso for gamecube). To Be continued....


GC-HACK.FR.ST (DisizDream; Lorenzo and the members with whom I have succeeds has to have discussed normal)
SamSon (level1 and 2)
CrowTRobo (GCS)
Crazy Nation (Psul)
S3/EUR ( -:) )


I know this is kinda weird,but can you actually boot a game with the cubeserver and play it with codes.I am not sure if I am understanding the program or is this just another way to use Action Replay to boot your games.

I am not sure if it makes any difference in either one,but I am guessing they both would be nice to know.

Peace L-Burna

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. September 2004 @ 17:28

Senior Member
1. September 2004 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I will look into it and see if it works or not,but can't give any guarantees.

...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................ > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > action replay loader and cubeserver(.net)

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