Lag when streaming ISOs
2. September 2004 @ 11:48 |
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I tried to run Super Mario Sunshine with the paradox server, and it was really slow and laggy, then it froze at the file selection screen.
Junior Member
2. September 2004 @ 12:34 |
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try using gc-tools to rename the main music folder to soemthing else so the cube dosent play the music but instead uses the extra data it can stream to make playability better. As long as u rename the right file u should still get the sound effects. Ie mario jumping and saying woo hoo and so on. This has worked for me on Worms 3d and Crazy Taxi. Make sure to copy the image so if for some reason u screw up the one u are workin on u can still copy the origonal again and try to fix it again. Good luck and i hope u get it goin.
2. September 2004 @ 14:45 |
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Ok, I did that, and from the nintendo logo, loading, and the doly surround logo loading, it looked much smoother, however, after that, I was given a blank (black) screen. It just froze there. I found an Image of animal crossing and that ran flawlessly on the paradox server. Any other advice you could possibly offer? Is it possible that there's something wrong with the image I made?
As, you may have guessed, im pretty new to this whole thing. May I ask what results should be expected from all this? Like is it typical that u need to remove music files and such to be able to run the games? This isn't a 100% perfect method yet is it?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. September 2004 @ 14:51
Junior Member
3. September 2004 @ 11:55 |
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To be honest mate i only started backing up my own games about a week ago, and ive learnt a lot. So far i personally have found that about 60% of games can play well with the music but this is only judging from my experiences and what i have heard. I have got about 11 images, and i have found that some needed the music reomved. These were:
Mariokart double dash (USA) - had to use a ppf fix.
Worms 3D (pal)- simply renamed the music folder.
Crazy Taxi (USA) - simply renamed the music folder.
I would have also disabled the music in Wario world, but renaming the folder seems to result in the same problem u have.
I have also heard from my mate that pikmin needs music removed for playability, but im not positive, its his game. (pal)
So although these are the games i needed to remove main audio from, and i must strees main music only, so just the backround music, not the sound effects. I still did get a good few others goin with music, and no loss of gameplay.. These are:
18 wheeler (pal)
Animal crossing (pal)
Bust A Move 3000 (USA)
Ikaruga (pal)
luigimansion (pal)
Mario Party 4 (USA)
zelda four swords (USA)
So dont be thinking that nothing works like it does from disc, cause that is not the case, simply some images are unco-operative. Good luck in the future and dont be put off by this minor set bac, the first game i made just plain wouldnt work so dont give up man u just need to go with it and hopefully u will have more luck in the future.
3. September 2004 @ 12:26 |
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Hey, I've far from given up, I decided to try some new things. Now, Yesterday I ran SMSS using Pheonix loader (i never renamed the music folder), it worked smoothly, without sound (which i thought was wierd because i never actually removed the sound). I played around for a bit, went into a level, then unfortunately, it froze on me, after jumping out of a sewer.
I used ACloader 1.4, Standard PC server, PSUL.
I'm gonna try some other options and see if I can get things working.
Junior Member
3. September 2004 @ 12:40 |
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what is SMSS.
3. September 2004 @ 13:43 |
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Super Mario Sunshine.
Here's something else I'm confused on. Ok, I saw an ISO for download, and it was roughly 250mbs, it was Legend of Zelda 4 Swords, which I own. I decided to make an Image of this game (just to see if i could actualy get a game to work, and since i hear this game works well). Anyways, my image was roughly 1.4 gbs. How did they get their image so much smaller in size. It was a .rar file btu even still, it shouldn't have been that compressed.
It appears, I've just answered my own question. Gctool, wipe garbage bytes. However, I get "Not responding" when i start to whipe garbage bytes.
I just seem to be having a lot of freezing problems. I was able to get Super Mario Sunshine working, but when i died, it froze, it froze when i was jumping out of a sewer. I riped and was playing Four Swords, and it froze once when i selected "Change Game" from the pause menu, and it froze once after the main cutscene (when starting a new file). According to a few people in the topic "List of games that run on pheonix server", this game should run flawlessly. *Sigh, now I'm getting discouraged.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. September 2004 @ 16:57