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Some amazin person able to help me; a beginner!?
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8. September 2004 @ 13:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi guys.
I recently bought some copied games in Cyprus on hol, and so bought a mod chip to be able to run them. I bought an Xbit mod chip after reading up on them. I think i nailed the physical installation, yet am at a complete loss about what to do next. Call me a fool, I dont mind, I feel a right idiot. All this BIOS and Flash stuff is going over my head. Anybody know of any complete start to finish guides or progs to download?
8. September 2004 @ 13:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was also messing about with it for a few hours tonight, and then removed all the stuff i downloaded during this time cos it was confusin me so much. now the xbox turns on, glows green, turns off, glows green, turns off, then flashes red and green constantly. the green led is on on the xbit too. what does this mean, and what should i do please?!
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8. September 2004 @ 17:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Shouldn't the chip already come preflashed with a bios? Hmm well, try turning the Xbox on by pressing the EJECT button to see if that will take you to your chip's OS. That's how it works with my Xenium chip. If it works then you need to re-flash your chip with an X2 bios or something to make it run backup games and such. You flash the chip by burning the bios onto a CD-RW or DVD-RW, insert it into your Xbox and flash. The flash option should be on your chip's OS. After it's flashed with X2 4983, get Slayer's auto-installer 2.5final and install the programs off of it. That's all you need to do. Oh and the light on the chip is normal, it just means that the chip is on and running.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. September 2004 @ 21:50

12. September 2004 @ 10:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cheers mate, you're a legend for helpin, but i still got some problems going on. I have checked the connections of the xbit chip, yet dont know what to do next. I have the cd-rw connected and ready, and the xbox connected to the tv and laptop. no extra drive comes up on my computer tho, so i guess this means i cant access the chips OS. That right? is the green led meant to be on on the external control bit of of the xbit too, cos its off now? and whats the combination switch with 4 digit switches all about?!
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12. September 2004 @ 16:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know what you're doing wrong here. But follow these steps that I did.

First off, you need to flash your chip with an Xecuter bios (X2 4983). But in your case with the Xbit chip, I don't know if X2 is compatible or not.

Use Slayer's disc to install the Evox dashboard and such. After Evox is installed, go to "system settings" and look at your Xbox IP, it should be highlighted in blue. If you are behind a router, then you need to use a patch cable to connect your Xbox to the router, then another patch cable to connect your PC to the same router. If you are not behind a router, then you can use cross-over cable to connect your Xbox straight to your PC. And that's all there is to it.
14. September 2004 @ 06:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi again. Cheers once again, but being a fool I am still stumped. I have all these guides and instructions, and feel once the ball is rolling i will be away. Its just the getting started i have problems with! The physical installation done, what is the very next step to take? link to my laptop? insert some sort of cd? when i need to flash it and stuff do i just use the xbox controller, or does the thing need to be ran thru the computer? also the cd cdrive on the box doesnt seem to want to open. is this because of the 4 digit switch thing on the external part of the chip havin the wrong combination?
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14. September 2004 @ 08:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm not really sure about the 4-switch you mentioned since I'm not too familiar with the XBit chip. But you said you have installed it, so the next steps would be:

- Flash your modchip by burning the bios onto a CD-RW/DVD-RW. Load the disc in your Xbox and flash from your chip's OS. No need for a PC.

- Burn Slayer's onto a CD-RW/DVD-RW and load it in Xbox once again. Install all the programs you need onto the Xbox. IF Xbox doesn't read the disc, try different brand.

- After all that, you can then link your Xbox to your PC. And that's it.
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14. September 2004 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Lets Clear a few "mis-conceptions" thats been posted here already ok !

Firstly ALL modchips ARE NOT "supposed" to be pre-flashed with ANYOTHER bios than a LEGAL linux one, as to ship ANY unit with a hacked M$ bios IS ILLEGAL NO MATTER WHO TELLS YOU OTHERWISE.

And please note due its design the XBIT CANNOT BE flashed via a dashboard OR via a disc media, the whole point of the chip's central design feature of a USB port, was to eliminate these problematic area's

And alas NO your NOT confined to using the bios from team xecuter, yes that bios should work but ANY (evox booting bios "if thats what you want to run of course")WILL run on the xbit chip, the bios choice is "xecuter, EvoxM7/8 and the new one out from iND-BiOS the 5001" the only stipulation is that you use a bios that suits your needs and fits the bios bank your attempting to use, and that you choose one for your chosen dashboard: for example if you want to run evox you get a bios that boots to "evoxdash.xbe" first, and if you want to run say avalaunch you want one that boots firts to "avadash.xbe"

With the XBIT your on a winner from the get go almost, this chip is flashed via its onboard USB cable connector that you connect to your xbit chip then connect the other end to your PC. The xbit chip MUST then be flashed with the makers OWN software programme available ffrom their website at

this site will provide you with the software to flash the bios and a very good tutorial to carry the procedure out.

but the simple way is connect usb to pc/xbox and open up the xbit software on pc follow the on screen prompts and "verify" the connection to your chip from pc (NOTE THAT THE XBIT HAS A QUIRK) IN THAT ; iF the led on the controller portion of the chip IS glowing then the chip IS ACTUALLY OFF , in its "stealth" mode so the led MUST be OFF for the chip to be active.

then choose which bios combination you wish to use (i advise you choose the option to use the "6" combination and flash a (coloured bios that will allow you to SEE your chip has booted)the reason you use the six 256K combination is that for the inexperienced you can forget about anyother switch position other than the on/off one due to the fact that as you added x6 256k bioses it wont matter if you screw up the switch position at all as a bios is on evry location.

Then verify your chip flashed properly. and with all that you "should" be done.

It must be noted that a few unlucky souls are screwed if their pc has a nvida chipset as this is incompatible with the controller portion of the xbox, therefore you will have to use another unit to flash your chip.

I hope this helps. and no your Question is not stupid if you dont know the answer the only way to learn is to ask but beware that the quality of your answers may not always be accurate. watch and learn then become your own expert once you sift through the many sadly ill-informed posters.

If you need anymore informed information please do not hesitate to contact myself via PM & i will do anything i can to assist you.

editing = error correction


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. September 2004 @ 16:15

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14. September 2004 @ 17:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There you go jegg, that should answer all your questions. My bad if I gave you bad advice, I was only pointing out the possibilities, but since I was using a different chip (Xenium) the whole procedure is different.
15. September 2004 @ 06:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cheers for that guys. Sounds top quality advice. I'll try it and be back if I need more help!
15. September 2004 @ 07:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, me again. Tried what u suggested Scotsmen, but still not sorted. I followed that link you gave me and downloaded to files, the 'X-bit' one and then the other executable file below for XP (which is on my laptop). I found the tutorial and tried following that through, but it kept throwing up errors to do with sending commands, although there was a connection to start with. I tried downloading the software again but no changes. The program stops responding when i select the small button above the 6th column, and then after i click 'ok', 'ok', 'ok' for a while, the file that writes doesnt actually have a file size, and i understand it should be 256k (?!?).
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15. September 2004 @ 10:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

The very fact your getting a error from the software would be indicative of the problem coming from the xbit software contained within the programmer hardware portion (the bit with the switches) NOT wanting to talk to your laptop (have you tried this with another pc with a NON (nvida) chipset.

first thing is to verify your connection by clicking on "connect" if you get ANY errors check cables and whatnot and see again if you are using a nvida chipset.

choose the no6 combo the "black dot" will be in the circle above colum no 6 to show thats the bios combination you have chosen, then you aclick on each bios bank 1 through to 6

banks 1,2,3,4 use 256k size bin files and 5 & 6 use 512k size bin. once you have chosen your bios combo click "format to erase all files on the banks to make sure your all set to flash.

Then to flash you just choose each bios starting for example with no 1 by clicking on it with your mouse then click "write" to start the software which will then open up a window to let you point to the location your bios files are located at, choose your file then click open to start the file writing.

and keep doing that till all bios banks are flashed,

Click on the "Verify"-button and select a binary file you wish to verify. After clicking on the "Open"-button the software will start to verify.

and that "should" be it.

but if you follow the tutorial to the letter on this link you should be ok

what bios files are you using ?

and where were you in cyprus ? we go there 3 to 4 times a year as we get free board with the wifes parents :)

anymore help you need just ask


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. September 2004 @ 10:29

15. September 2004 @ 12:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi again. Went to Limasol in Cyrus. was alright there. 10 hour delay not so great tho! anyway, thats one problem gone, i still got this xbox prob! u said what bios am i using? i dont know?! did u not say i just done it with that xbit software through the computer?
if i need to download something else i will do that then try the desktop computer.
If i need this xecuter x2 4983, do u know where the best place to get it from is?
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18. September 2004 @ 09:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
From my old Xbit instalation post..

I just installed my X-BIT modchip on a V1.1 Box with a Thompson DVD drive. I used the M7ef bios and flashed it to both slots in bank 4. The chip worked the first time I installed it and I didn't have to wiggle it around to get a flashing green light.

The flashing software did not work on my XP home laptop and it kept freezing. I used my 98Se desktop and it worked without flaw.
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19. September 2004 @ 16:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Just a note to save on wasted posts

With personal intervention by myself via PM & E-mail this gents problems HAVE been overcome which HAS resulted in him being able to boot a modded bios that suits his purpose.

Regards > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware boot discussion > some amazin person able to help me; a beginner!?

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