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I want to back up my Gamecube Discs
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8. September 2004 @ 14:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
fuck, ok i need to backup my GC discs, is there a way i can get a burner or mod that will burn onto those little fuckers, i used tohave queer ass nero, so i plan on gettig a better system as soon as i hear what is new and good, so please someone gimme a clue as im a dumbass who spends all his time working (god i miss high school)....peace

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8. September 2004 @ 15:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you know, due to your asshole behavior in the other post towards l-burna i'm ganna be an ass.. but i'm still going to answer you're question..

ok so i wont be an ass, i'm not like that.. but to answer your question straight forward.. NO there is absolutely NO way to burn the games onto a disc and use it in your gamecube

THERE IS HOWEVER a way to backup the images of a gamecube game onto your computer, it involves a broadband adapter, phantasy star online episode 1 & 2 (NOTE: not the new Plus version.. nor episode 3 the US version... JAP version works) and a few tools on the computer its connected to... Phoenix 2.3 is a good way to start..

once you get the image of each disc onto your computer you CAN burn them to a dvd (or cd, depending on the size of the image, most often it'll be DVD though) as a backup...

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8. September 2004 @ 16:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ya know what man...your right i should chill out and not be an ass, so L-Burna sorry man, i was an ass. And as for you Hogmyster, thanks for answering my question...but im also curious why is it that, PS2 discs and Xbox discs can be backed up but GC cant, is there any particular reason as to why? is it the disc size or what? o well sorry again l-burna

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8. September 2004 @ 17:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its mainly the simple fact that the gamecube discs aren't EXACTLY mini-dvd r's... they're a proprietary design for the gamecube... i'm not 100% sure on the facts, all i know is they cant be... if you're really in it to back up a disc and rather not copy a disc (via a friend, borrowing it and making a copy or what have you) then i seriously suggest streaming the iso from the gamecube by the method i told you, and then burning that iso onto a dvd... because some day we'll be able to burn them onto a gamecube disc i know it lol
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8. September 2004 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aight thanks man

CHALLY > forums > archived forums > nintendo gamecube - general discussion > i want to back up my gamecube discs

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