Ok, I'm attempting to burn vob's onto a DVD-R. Everything's ok but when I play back my files in nero there's no sound. I can only add the main VTS files. None of the BUP files. How do I get my sound back? I have the MPEG & DVD Plug-in's so whats goin on? Someone help me out.
What exactly are you trying to do in NVE? Are you just combining some VOB's? There is no need for any BUP's or anything else for that matter when using NVE.
I believe when ass1243 says "play back my files in nero" he means after you add/import files to nerovision, you double click them to view/edit, when you click play/preview the clip there is no sound, if you burn the movie there is also no sound, and also the empty audio folder is not burned to the new dvd.
I also have an issue with the dvd-video plugin, I believe it is installed but sometimes I get the need plugin blurb
Right, First only add the .vobs which is easy enough as NVE2 won't let you add anything else.(no .bup or .ifo files)
The audio is muxed in with the .vobs so if it is not there to begin with then you will not have any audio....So verify first that your .vobs have audio to begin with.
Make sure you are using the latest version and any time any Nero program is having problems consider removing it and installing a fresh downloaded version. If you require plug-ins then get them. I have never even looked to see if I have or need them. I have the full version of Nero 6 which may be the difference.
Here's the blurb from Nero:
The DVD-Video Plug-In contains all the needed functions to store your memories for future generations on DVD-Video, (S) VCD, and mini DVD. The DVD-Video Plug-In includes the following components:
MPEG-2/DVD De-/Encoder
MPEG-2/SVCD De-/Encoder
Dolby Digital (AC-3) 2.0 Decoder *
*Bonus: Dolby Digital (AC-3) 2.0 Encoder now included
Nero 6 Ultra Edition includes DVD-Video Plug-In with retail or web version purchase.
If you already own Nero 6 Ultra Edition, you do not need to purchase DVD-Video Plug-In.
So if you have purchased a version other than the complete package you may need to buy the plug in.
on the "capture" mode make sure you have the right input selected. example on you sound card you have front and rear speakers. On the capture mode their is a drop down box that you can select for which speakers your playing/recording on. Now if you don't have the right one selected then on play back from your hard drive sound will not come out. Only when you have selected the right speakers will sound come out during your play back from your hard drive
hope this helps!
Thank you to those who have replied to this thread.
It seems my only roadblock is this needed plugin, it seems I cannot use the VOB files without it.
If someone could give me the filename of this plugin I can confirm if I need it or it is just not working.
I also tried uninstalling everything downloading the trial version, with no success. I am able to use other formats, but this causes loss of quality.
My goal was to convert a British DVD "Trainspotting" from PAL to my region in which nerovision is my only solution for this, so I encoded my dvd to mpeg with dvdx then successfully converted the dvd with nerovison express. Using a VOB file would been a better quality choice but I do not have this option it seems.