A fast way to know werther a movie is interlaced or Progressive is to preview it using DVD2AVI. You load any of the vobs (the movie vobs) hit F5 and you'll see what kind of movie it is.
I live in Spain and, so far, every DVD I've tried appear as interlaced. Never came across a Progressive one
Thanks for the reply. Yes, DVD2AVI is great for that! I live in the US, and most of my DVD sources are NTSC, so most of them use 3:2 pulldown to convert from FILM (progressive 23.976fps) to interlaced 29.970fps.
I guess I was wondering more about my Xvid or Divx sources. When I see one that is 23.976fps, I assume Progressive.
I wish there was a tool like DVD2AVI (or DGIndex) to analyze my .AVI sources as well.
If anyone knows of any...I would be very thankful to hear about them :)
Sorry for not answering sooner (I've been away for a few days).
Depending on what kind of analysis you want to put your .AVI file through, you can use GSpot, it will tell you a couple of things about your them.