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What's that green crap all over my video?!?!
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25. September 2004 @ 06:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Encoding some XVid to DVD complient files with TMPGEnc Plus, however it seems no matter what the setting, the output creates this green-coloured pixels all over the video.

Are there any settings I can use to overcome this?

Thanks :)
25. September 2004 @ 10:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am not sure what is causing it but one thing make sure you have your virus program shut off when burning a DVD.

What brand media are you using, it is recomended here you use Ritek or Verbatim.

25. September 2004 @ 14:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
have't actually burnt it to a DVD yet. This happens during
encoding from Xvid to M2V / MP2 files. I can see it going
green in the preview window of TMPGEnc.

Update: I have downloaded the trial of AVS Video
Converter and tried with that. The video worked fine with
no digital slime. Therefore, the problem must be in the
TMPGEnc settings. I would just use AVS, but TMPGEnc is

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. September 2004 @ 14:17

27. September 2004 @ 01:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi, I have also this problem but my colour is BLUE for some obscure reason. I have used TMPGEnc for 2 years now and I haven't had this problem before. Whats the problem I wonder. I recently downloaded XP Servicepach 2.0 and was wondering if that might cause the problem. Does any of you guys know ? In TMPGEnc you can adjust the red and the blue colours but not the yellow and the faces in my video were yellow on the .AVI but have now turned blue after encoding it to MPEG2 with TMPGEnc. All help is appriciated. /Dodde

When the going gets weird, the weird turns PRO
Junior Member
27. September 2004 @ 01:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would firstly suggest installing the latest k-lite codec megapack, version 2.32, as the problem is almost certainly codec related. DL it from

Next, use an encoder like MainConcept MPEG Encoder. It's fast and the results are excellent although it is a little limited if you're into the fundamentals of encoding.
27. September 2004 @ 01:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks mickrick for your quick answer. I have the Tsuinami codec pack installed but haven't uppdated it for a year or so. I'll install the k-lite megapack as you suggested mate. One worrying question more though. Everything else works fine on my PC and there is no problems with codecs etc. I have about 18 Video codecs and 10 Audio codecs allready installed. Isn't there a chance that with "more codecs" I will mess up the computer and worsen things and isn't it strange that it is just this AVI to DVD that turns blue and non other AVI when I try it in TMPGEnc. Is that really a codec issue ?? hmmmmmm

When the going gets weird, the weird turns PRO
Junior Member
27. September 2004 @ 05:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, because the AVI could have been encoded with any one of a number of codecs, ie DIVX, XVID etc. There is a prog, GSpot, that you can use to find out which codec was used to encode the file and it will search your system and report back if you have a suitable decoder codec.

I once had a problem with a video file where everytime I tried to reencode it, the picture flipped upside down. I tried for days and it nearly drove me nuts. Then I found out about K-Lite and it worked a charm. It'll also replace versions of existing codecs you have installed so there's not really a problem about more codecs being installed. And MainConcept in 2-pass encode mode is sweeeet!
27. September 2004 @ 06:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks Mickrick !

I Will definately check this out tonite when I get home. Keep an eye on this thread and I'll post the outcomings here. Might take a few days cuz I'm off to Spain to play golf on wednsday :-)
And thanks for telling me how to use G-spot. I've had that program for 18 months and thought it only could show me how the AVI was encoded... hehe You live and learn every day ! Cheers ! Dodde

When the going gets weird, the weird turns PRO
7. October 2004 @ 22:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi everybody (especially Mickrick)
I did as you said and unistalled my old "Tsunami filter pack" and installed "K-lite codec pack" instead. I have now gotten rid of my "Blue faces" and all colours are back to normal when I encode in TMPGEnc. Thanks a lot my friend. That straghtened a few eyebrows with me!!!! I do however have another problem now. When I use virtual dub to extract the audio file from an .AVI i get the following message :

"No Audio Decompressor can be found"

I have "Beesweet" installed (is that a decompressor by the way ?) and it never has given me that message before during the 2 years I have used Virt.Dub.Mod. Can I unintentionally have uninstalled something from Tsunami filterpack" that I need in order to make it work again or maybee reinstall everything in the "tsunami pack" just to be safe ? If anyone else has got a clue please feel free to let us know... Cheers friends

When the going gets weird, the weird turns PRO
Junior Member
8. October 2004 @ 13:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello again my friend. Glad to have been of help wih your video problems. Now for VDub. When you extract the audio from an AVI file, you should rip this to an uncompressed wav file as follows:

open your AVI. you should get a dialogue box "vbr audio stream detected". If not, you need to use something like mainconcept encoder to encode the audio and video, or the correct audio codec. This should have been included in the K-Lite pack though.




and save the output wav file to your preferred location.

Now you can run the wav file through BSweet/AC3 Machine for a Dolby Digital compliant AC3 file.
10. October 2004 @ 23:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Mickrick,

As a matter of fact I knew that (glad to say I know sonething in this world :-) I got it to work eventually. The problem with Virt Dub Mod was that it couldn't find the AC3 codec nor the LAME. That's because when I installed the forementioned K-Lite codec pack I had to uninstall my Tsunami Filter Pack which contained these codecs. I found that out and simply Installed it again "over the K lite one" and now I have perfect colour and perfect sound on the DVD copy. Thanks again for your help and take care till next time I'll pop up for some help.


When the going gets weird, the weird turns PRO > forums > digital video > video to dvd > what's that green crap all over my video?!?!

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