SO i have a cable modem....
I am not hooked up to the router my xp firewall and virus firewall are disabled.
My nat check with azureus is a go...
yes my download speed is 20 maybe 30 kbs and my upload is always hovering around 40 I ma downloading a large file maybe 5 gigs.
This seems to be a problem with large files.
Small files for example music...60 -300 megs will go at around 50 -90.
Is there a explanation for this or is it just that the gods have chosen to forsake me. Any input would be comforting.
Nice title. Giving your name is shorte, that is ironic... enough of babbling! Let's get onto your problem!
1. What is your actual advertised connection speed?
2. Has your ISP blocked any ports? If you don't know, do a test with Shields Up! (Search it on google), and if you're not sure of the results, call up your ISP and ask them.
well i did the test and 5 ports where in stealth mode
Your Internet port 139 does not appear to exist!
One or more ports on this system are operating in FULL STEALTH MODE! Standard Internet behavior requires port connection attempts to be answered with a success or refusal response. Therefore, only an attempt to connect to a nonexistent computer results in no response of either kind. But YOUR computer has DELIBERATELY CHOSEN NOT TO RESPOND (that's very cool!) which represents advanced computer and port stealthing capabilities. A machine configured in this fashion is well hardened to Internet NetBIOS attack and intrusion.
Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer.
All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED. (This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Relative to vulnerabilities from Windows networking, this computer appears to be VERY SECURE since it is NOT exposing ANY of its internal NetBIOS networking protocol over the Internet.
as well i got this message...should i call my isp which i think has a advertised speed of 100...kinda low
bha i know there is a problem somewhere i just wish i could figure it out besides switching is gunna be a hassle.. I am calling my isp tomorrow...figure out whats up...see if thier usless ass's can help me..probally not.
I mean even with my router dced it still downloads for such a low speed.. i mean 30... maybe 40.