As I stated a few games I found unable to burn to dvd and play that is. Well here's the skinny on how I was able to make them work anyway. After using DVD Decrypter to make my ISO. I burned them with Alcohol 120. Thinking they should work no worries. Eht wrong answer. It would apear the these games are recorded under mode 3 which alcohol does not offer. So what did I do.
Using the disc's I recorded as a test. I used the WinHIIP program for my HD. Which is a 30 gig btw. And loaded the disc as an image to the PS2 HD. After which they still wouldnt work. After some testing I found that. Tiger Woods 2k5, StarOcean till the end of time, And Mortal Kombat: Deception were all mode 3. So After going into the WinHIIP program and editing the image settings to mode 3 they work fine. Also Headhunter redemption is mode 1. If recorded in mode 2 to the USA version will appear to be in PAL format. However if recorded in mode 1. It is in full NTSC format. Just a heads up.
Now some other helpful info. I use SM DVD to load my DVDloader. Then I eject that and place in the SM dvd again so that I can swap to the HDLoader dvd I made. However another alternative as I have a PS2 v10. I cannot just load SM cd. I have to load the following. SM dvd, dvdloader, SM cd, then the HDloader cd I burned. Another alt is to simply use the SM Dvd, then COgswaploader, Then the HD dvd loader I made. LOL confused yet? I simply wanted to share all this as it was a pain for me to figure out.
I cannot exspress my gratitude enough to you all at afterdawn and the guy who made this website. You are all great in what you do. And I hope in some small way the info I found can help you.