The Ps1/PSOne swaptrick - still works.
26. October 2004 @ 05:17 |
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Firstly, if you don't know what the swaptrick was on the first playstation, I'll quickly explain. Well.. actually, i'm going to explain anyway.
On the first few PLaystation1 machines, playing an import or cdr without a mod was actually really simple. It involved using a match, or some sort of spring with a bit of blutack, and jamming the lid sensor down without closing the lid. Using a match of course meant it stayed open, if you had a spring, you could close it afterwards, go figure.
Anyhoo, to load your copy, you'd need one real game, and one copy/import. Without going into too much detail, it involved starting the console with a real game in it.
This would spin fast, then slow down for a second.
Then you would insert the copy, let is speed up, and slow down, then speed up and slow down again..
(Through the licensing text).
When it slowed down teh second time you'd pull the copy back out, and put the original in for about a second, while the screen flicked, and the game loaded.
Next of course, you'd put your backup right back in and watch it load.
It was that simple, and there wasn't a single game I couldn't load (I had tons). This was even good for loading all the homebrew software and things. Hooray.
Of course Sony sort of figured this was bad, and after the 5000 models it was supopsedly impossible.. But I'm still doing it with my PSOne... the point....?
Well, it works in the PS2 too....
So for the PS2, of course you gotta take some stuff apart...
First get the top cover off.. as in the cover, screws adn stuff... you know the story. Then those two tiny screws at the front of the top of the DVD drive... yup, get them off.
To pull the top of this completely off you'll want to unclip the two clips from the back of the cover and it'll leave stuff exposed. Much like the good old days.
I don't know how similar this is to other playstations but it'll be fairly similar. Ihave one of those new stupid silver ones... eeww. Anyway.
On the cover you just removed there's a floppy little plastic bit, take this out of the cover, you'll need it to hold the disk in place. Luckily this beasty's magnetic, so you can use discs with no cover..
Try it, put a disc in , pop the magnetic thign on top (the right way up) and the PS doesn't know any different. Yay!, it loads stuff....
So the swap method. This only works with the old PS1 games remember , though ps1 games can load elfs, so you see where I'm getting?
The first method. (both are simpler than the olden days).
Insert your PS1 originial.
Make sure you have it set to standard disc speed settings, and err stuff... sorry I got distracted.
Yeah, anyhoo insert the black disc and turn the PS2 on... the disc will speed up and it'll say "sony computer entertainment.. wherever".. good start
When it slows down quickly pop the magnetic bit off, insert your backup , pop the magnetic bit back on top of the spindle, and viola.. it'll load ... no second swap. Hooray!
The second method:
THis is good if you have no timing..
Turn the PS2 on with the disc drive out and a PS1 disc in it. When its asking you browser/system settings shove the drive back in..
(the coolest bit here is how the magnetic thing still pops it'sself into place.. yaay!)
Before the disc loads , hit X, and it'll take you to the browser screen, where there's a "PS1 Disc" thingie.
The idea behind going into the browser is to stop the console loading the game automatically.
Anyway, once it's in browser, you switch the discs, and push X again.. it'll load your new disc... Happpy happy happy!
So what's the point?
Well, since you can load the memory card exploit from a PS1 disc... err.. you can load it this way...
The advantage being that you only have to take your PS apart once, to get something like Sjeep's express bootdisc installer loaded and stuff. Then the ps goes back together and you're sorted... without buyign a memory card transfer thingie, or a max drive, or stuff.
I.e. - real cheap :D
For more info on the bootup disc, I believe L-Burna has plenty info on those (in these forums), though I still cant load a bootdisc. Just PS1 games... The trouble is I only have like 3 games left Legacy of kain (doesn't work on ps2), Alone in the dark (doesn't work on ps2), and FF7 Disc 2 (Half works, but I can't play anything.. yaay).
I hope this sparks some interest. I've not written so much in a long time. Have fun with it!
Senior Member
26. October 2004 @ 05:45 |
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well i know you can boot the exploit from a Ps1 disc but you can't install it with one. You need to use Swap magic or Action replay2.
Swapping discs while there spinning with the lid off is a hazzard man and gives out laser radiation!
Havent you heard of a slidecard?
26. October 2004 @ 07:05 |
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Well, sony seem to say that it's really stressfull on the laser and all that twaddle, but I did it with my Playstations for years, they tend not to break unless you dribble solder on them, or like drop them or something. either way the lazer's doing no more focussing that it would if you had reset it the number of times you're goign to swap a disc.. and if they're goign to be reset hundreds fo times in their life.. then it's no big problem.
As for the laser radiation thing... I'm sure it's the same class of laser as a laser pen.. just don't look at it. Besides, if you're swapping discs, you keepyour hand over the disc and don't look at the laser (not hard in reality).
The main point is that you don't need to buy a chip or some sort of save-transfer toy to get the exploit in your PS in the first place...
It's cheap.. I'm a student, good match :)
EDIT: This is way more fun too...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. October 2004 @ 07:07
Senior Member
26. October 2004 @ 15:35 |
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Hey, im also a student only 17, my Ps1 was one of the early 97 models and it didnt even require swapping to play backups, no concern for radiation hype at all :)
As for my old v3 Ps2, got it a while back for a measly £40, found out it had a neo mod already installed which was great since exploiting it was now a piece of cake!
Might get a new PStwo if someone can confirm that the exploit fully works with it.
lf not a satin silver will do fine, I dont really wanna lose hd support anyway since I have a huge amount of games on my Ps2 harddrive =)
26. October 2004 @ 19:51 |
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Hhmm.. I never did have the first model, I did have about seven PSX's, from schp1002 to scph5xxx, then the PSOne.... but err, I didn't need that. Anyhoo, they alrequired Black/copy/black/copy for the swap, with minor adjustments for each model.
I was wondering though, the first model, didn't you have to let the console load the black disc for like the first spin at least?
Either way, I've never had many games to play.. just used the thing for homebrew demos/nonsense... *rants about the lack of serial port and AR/X-Plorer support*.. Why isn't the PS2Dev scene so alive? I dunno where this rant's going.. prolly off topic, so i'll stop.
Anyhoo, why do you need a new PS? The silver ones are pretty horrible... all modern like those new silver Teevee's and things... I want cheapy black.. 80's style!
Senior Member
27. October 2004 @ 00:22 |
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The Ps1 I had would direct boot all my backups.. ie you put the burnt game in and it would boot.. no mods or black bottem swapping involved.
Same goes for my PS2, direct boots all Ps1 games/homebrew, exploit cds I chuck at it but only cause its moded =P
I think the Satin.S is sweet man, it would totally match my silver Tv lol.
Main reasons I wanna get one are
1.Its stylish, also heard its got good +rw dvd support.
And 2. with the new Action Replay MAX you can now install any exploit you want on an unmodified PS2 simply by using a mass storage device... no more swapping =)
27. October 2004 @ 07:04 |
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Hmmm.. I have the V9 Silver machine... (Well the only one avialable in the UK right now) First, I was kinda annoyed that it doesn't have any firewire port, and then I realised it doesn't like those USB maaa storage devices.
My mass is a memstick with an MP3 player in it, but I didn't think that should make a difference. I even tried formattig it as a PS2 harddrive for a giggle.. But that made a royal mess of it.. hehehe
Err.. wait a min.. is the AR MAX the USB stick that Datel makes, or is that the MAX Drive? OR is the AR MAX a way of using my mem stick thing... ghuh.. lost!
Senior Member
27. October 2004 @ 10:30 |
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ARMAX is a cheat cd for Ps2.
It contains software for usb support.
Heres the one I have
The MaxDrive pen can be used to load game saves, exploits etc...
Good news is ANY mass storage device can be used with ARMAX, not just the MaxDrive pen =)
Ive been loading exploits to the MC using my digital camera!
"MAX" is the way to go man, loading exploits has never been so easy.
27. October 2004 @ 15:45 |
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oooh :S which to buy.
I would kinda like just to be able to format my MASS/mp3 as a max drive though.. any ideas how that could be done?
One thing though, I'd have expected some sort of action replay usb thingie, like in the olden days, that you could jst plug right into you pc... I mean the olden days where they just sort of sat there rewriting portions of the memory and stuff.. .. oh well
Senior Member
27. October 2004 @ 22:40 |
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Max Evo's the one you need to get.
Quote: I would kinda like just to be able to format my MASS/mp3 as a max drive
flollop you dont need to format it, simply drag n drop files onto it from your pc and Max evo will automatically recognise it.
Note:You need to use save builder7 to convert the files into .max saves for Evo to recognise them.
Note:The drive doesnt show up on the Ps2 browser screen.
hmm I think we should take all the max questions to a different thread ie
here... =)
Laters dude..
28. October 2004 @ 06:59 |
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lol.. and here was me tearing my hair out trying different ways of making the usb stick appear on the browser screen. heehehe. cheers man
28. November 2004 @ 10:17 |
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i got the psx swap working but not the ps2 whats wrong
Ps2 Version 7 With Hdloader and 120GB Maxtor HDD
Xbox special edition green-not modded
Black gamecube-not modded
PC with 80 GB HDD and DSL Broadband
27 In. Flatscreen in my bedroom
47 In Widescreen HDTV in front room
Yellow Pocket Bike <<<<Those are
28. November 2004 @ 12:49 |
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The old swaptrick (i.e. PS1 with any standard game as a bootdisk) only works on PS1 discs due to the way they are loaded, i.e.
o-Reads disk, checks it's valid
o-*swap disk*
o-reads this disk, System.cnf file, tells it what to load
o-*swap disk back*
o-double checks original desk
o-*swap disk back to copy*
o-Loasd the file as described in system.cnf
This works on the PS2, with PS1 discs 'cause it has this part of the ps1's bios integrated into it AFAIK.
Of course, if you try ejecting the disc via the eject button, the ps2 won't be pleased, so I just ripped the cover and lid off the ps2.
So far, i've no idea how this could be done with the ps2 discs since they load so fast, and spin at a pretty constant speed (i.e I use the diferentsdisk speeds with the ps1 as an indicator of what state it's in)
I just bought a DVD burner though, so I'm off to rip off some of my own games and see if it's possible :)
14. December 2004 @ 23:52 |
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How exactly is this method pulled off? I tried to swap at the time specified by flollop (After the SCEA text disappears and the disc slows) ...which seemed fine, it moved on to the PSX Logo and acted as if it were going to boot fine..but it stalls at the logo and does nothing more. I also tried the browser method, which yields the same results as the previous. I have a v7 PS2, if that makes a difference? I'd like to get this to work, but I'm kinda in the dark here...can anyone help out?
15. December 2004 @ 11:21 |
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Umm, well, this can only be performed with on a ps1, or with a ps2 using a psone disk.
unfortunately, in ps1 mode, you can't get the ps to load .elfs, which kinda sucks. Believe me, I tried.
Also, I wasted so many dvd's trying to swap DVD's back and forth.
Heh, if you're dead set on trying with dvd's, tape something over the laser... damn, it's bright on dvd mode. Perhaps soe brown paper, taped from each edge of the dvd housing, just over the laser (leaving room for the dvd of course).. yeah stuff.. i got distracted.
Aaaanyway, to swap a ps1 disk....
load the ps2 up with the disc, watch it, it'll do stuff. When the ps2's happy with the disk, it'll flick screens, to the logo thingie... just like the ps1.. hang on, i'll start afresh here...
Load the ps2, let it verify ps1 disk.
Disc will slow back down for a few seconds as the screen is about to change.
The disk will begin to speed up again, I count about 3 seconds, but it's always varied between models. So just learn to count when it's abotu to speed up. Failing that, grab it really fast and put in the copy.
It should speed up, slow down, speed up, slow down.
(might just be once, usually twice).
The next time the disk speeds up, it will attempt to load the game, insert the original.. let the screen change to black (loading game)
Once it's done that, insert the copy to play again.
Prolly won't work untill you get your timing right, just keep banging on at it. Worked on every single psx/psone model too btw.
So anyway, I think your problem is the last step.. where you give it the original disk for about a second, to load the next screen.
Gd luck :)