Hi, folks! I am new here and I really could use some help with converting XviD movies with AC3 5.1 sound to DVD using WinAVI. Converting movies with 2 channels works fine, but movies with 5 channels is a problem. The sound is only converted to 2 channels and all the voices are gone. I also tried the Direct AC3 option, but the conversion stops after a few minutes and the programs crashes. I use AC3 Filter 0.70 for decoding AC3. Has anyone out there some luck with converting 5.1 movies? Thanks.
hi there,in fact i have exactly the same problem as you!!!!
I've already tried everything but always happens the same thing ,it begins normally and after a few minutes( it happenned with different movies....)i,ve changed codecs,installed packs of codecs but when i try to convert an AVI with AC3 it stopps the conversion and starts increasing the time preview for the end of the conversion!!
When i try with a 2 chanels movie ,everything goes fine,so ,something is wrong with this program!!
Someone can help on this ,please??
I did some more testing and I am sure now that WinAVI behaves strangely when converting AC3 5.1 sound. I tried the last version (5.8) and it’s useless. Or the program hangs itself or the output is cut down to 2 channels. I am using now version 5.7, and it works fine with some movies. I send already a mail to ZJ Media reporting this, but they didn’t answer. I hope they fix this in the next version.
DiVader,thanks for your quick reply on this subject but tell me one thing,with the "5.7 version" can you make any conversion with AC3 sound or simply with 2 channels ?
At the time the 5.8 version works very well for me with 2 channels movies!
Greatings for all
Yes, I already did some conversions of AC3 5.1, using version 5.7. Converting AC3 2 channels works fine on all versions later than 5.5, but 5.1 only seems to work with version 5.7. ZJ Media say they will fix this in version 6.0. Good luck!