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Modchip or bios flash, Does modchip have more options and possibility's???
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Junior Member
1. November 2004 @ 13:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm getting a xbox soon. And I wan't to mod it. I've seen a cheap possibilty to mod a xbox done by only flashing the bios and nothing else.

What is the difference?? Can I use also emulators and things like that on a xbox with only flashed bios.
Or do I need a modchip for that.

So my question is. What makes modchip better than single bios flash?????
Senior Member
1. November 2004 @ 22:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what you are talking of is TSOP which flashes the onboard xbox bios, if you are a newby, I dont really recommend it, although it is the cheapest option, as well as a soft mod.
With the new breed of modchips, (xecuter 3, xenium ice etc) you have more possibilites with a modchip than previous.
I mod hard drives all the time, so to me its beneficial to use a modchip, it really depends what you want to do.
If you want to play your backups, emulators, use dashboard etc, then either of the mod types will work if setup right.
If yo uhave someone do it for you, a modchip is probably the best option, as a softmod, if "messed up" is harder to rectify for a newby (softmods are modded via the hard drive itself, as opposed to hardware) the GOOD thing about modchips, you have the options to switch them off easy, load different bios easy, and reflash easy.
Although some would say , you do with TSOP too, Its just I wouldnt recommend tsop for someone new to the xbox mod scene, if you want to do it, make sure its right as remember, its the actual xbox motherboard bios youre flashing. (If you screw up a modchip flash, its easily undone)
Best priced modchip, its an xecuter 2.6 (for what you get)
I love the hdd LED and LAN led, really helps, especially if youre loading your backups to a large xbox hdd, you can watch tv and just look for the LED to go off, you know its done without constantly flicking the channels.
As a lot of modchips, there is also a bios flash lock/unlock, a disable/enable, and bank selector (good for keeping another bios on a seperate bank)
Another good thing about a modchip, you still have a "line of defence" to fall back on (ie the xbox own mobo bios) if you mess up the flash (also its easy to sort out a bad flash by "hotswapping" with another chip and flashing from evox)
Either flash way you do, I recommend HIGHLY that you get a hold of an auto installer (xboxhq, slayers, or one that I use which is a version of the xavier installer that I updated)

XB360 hitachi xtreme f/ware, chameleon case, whisper & airflow blue led. XBOX w/ 2.6 2x custom "djboogie" bios. PSP 1.50 w/ devhook .52 % 303 f/ware.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. November 2004 @ 22:50

4. November 2004 @ 19:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I recently found out about this whole TSOP modding. I was talking to a guy in town who does this and he said the TSOP way is better because there's no voltage increase in the xbox. He was saying that when you install a modchip the voltage sent to the hard drive ( think is where he said) goes up 1 volt and this was causing systems to fry. He was showing me some systems that got screwed because of modchips.

Is he right? Is the side effect of installing a modchip increased voltage?
8. November 2004 @ 10:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yo bro, in another board you said that "this guy" told you that it would fry your dvd rom, or screw up the laser and everyone on the board replied with not true. You are posing the same question on different threads which is not cool. I made the same mistake and I don't know how to take one of them off. We should respect this community with well composed questions, instead of "spamming" them with questions that a little research could solve.
8. November 2004 @ 15:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All I said was I was talking to a guy who did TSOP mods for xboxs. This guy said that putting a modchip in your system causes a voltage increase by about 1v. All I asked was if this was true. Many people said no. The guy I talked to said that increased voltage COULD fry your system. Whether it messes up the laser or not I don't know. But he showed me some consoles that got fried because of modchips. I didn't say the guy was god and knew just told me I should be doing some research and that's exactly what I'm doing....I'm asking people. And I am reading info myself as yes I am doing research too. People just need to relax.
10. November 2004 @ 01:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
TSOP and SOFTMOD flashing is not so great, an update from a new game such as Halo2 could destory the modding done through and exploit or TSOP FLASH.

A modchip is good because you do not have to worry about a dashboard update effecting the chip.

Checkout out for amazing deals on xbox mods, accessories, installations & repairs.
12. November 2004 @ 15:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey i heard that with a modded xbox, you can copy an xbox game into your hard drive. Is this true?
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29. November 2004 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Please someone help can't find this "secret bios" for the x chip. I believe it is dubbed x chip bios v 1.3?

Senior Member
29. November 2004 @ 23:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have never had any troubles with TSOP flashing,and have never had my dash updated by any game. All you have to do is name the xbe file to your main dash something other than xboxdash.xbe or evoxdash.xbe and link your bios accordingly. Also I have had both chips and my tsop mods and I find that the tsop flash is way more stable than a chip. But that's just my opinion.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. November 2004 @ 23:24

30. November 2004 @ 09:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
why do you think it's more stable? I'm just trying to learn as much as I can about this stuff. Pretty interesting. The guy who did my tsop flash put the M7 bios or whatever on it. His reason said that the M8 had some bugs in it and the M7 was the most stable right now. I was like "sure, whatever??" and then he did it. I'm just wondering how easy it will be to do another TSOP flash if I need o in the future. I would love to learn how to do them myself and then learn how to reverse them as well. Maybe make some money doing so...
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1. December 2004 @ 12:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys i know i am new to this and maybe you will only respond to people you know, if so let me know and I will try my luck somewhere else. I was really just hoping someone would know where I can download this bios : evolutionx xchip bios V1.3 also called the "secret bios" from my understanding it is fairly new. It is all i need to get my new x chip up and running please help.

Junior Member
1. December 2004 @ 14:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think the softmodding is better. I modded my xbox and run XBMC on it and run a few emulators and it hasnt given me any trouble. Also you could always unstall the softmod without ever opening your xbox (and not voiding the warranty).

-Dave > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware mods > modchip or bios flash, does modchip have more options and possibility's???

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