Right have an xbox motherboard, no hard drive, no DVD Rom, just the motherboard complete with powersupply and controller ports, case ect
i want to make it into a beast of a unit, maybee with a linux boot but first i need to know if i can actuly get it working with diffrent hard drives and roms, ive notaced the power supply for the rom is verry diffrent from a normal PC powersupply, and to add another rom to it i would need to split the power from the Hard drive cable over to the new rom,
i guess my questions are,
1 with what ive got is it worth even trying?
2 can it be done?
3 and how?
You can hook up a LARGE hard drive to it and make it into a gaming beast.. it's probly no good for linux with the processor. So get a modchip, stick a hard drive in.. no need to have a DVD just run all your games from the HD. A 120GB will hold about 50-60 games.
EDIT: You can use a powersplitter for the DVD Rom but remember PC drives can't read Xbox games.. you might wanna buy one off eBay, or just live with a HD.
Thanks, i dont want to play xbox games on it, im looking to use it more as a very very mobile server (i do a lot of Moveing about, Lan Parties ect) is there any way possable i could use it under windows or linux as a server?
and when you mentioned before about storeing games on it are you talking about useing a OS to Orgonise this or does the modchip have its own bios menu that sorta operates as a OS?
A modchip will let you install linux on any hard drive.. www.xbox-linux.org. The Xbox cannot run windows.
By storing games, I mean Xbox games... and there are OS'es, or dashboards, available to launch these games. Of course if you want linux games, they'll be launched from linux..
Cool so if i buy a modchip, i can install linux on the xbox, great :D do you kno anywhere where i can get information on everything step by step, as i said in my first mail ive never done this before
Your gonna have to buy a DVD-Rom which will run (US $)
About 60-90, so If you do that, You might spend a lil extra get a used one and have spare parts fotm the other.
Ok cool. ive had another idea tho.. maybee i should go to a site where they sell pre modded xboxes, that way im saveing the trouble of doing it myself and messing it up, when this one broke origonaly i was going to just buy a fresh one anyway (just coz xbox's kick ass as standard)
So if i baught an ready modded xbox what chips and roms and things am i looking for, and is there anything i want to avoid?