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Flashing the original xbox bios
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4. November 2004 @ 19:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey everyone.

I live in London, Ontario and today while looking for modchip installers I came across some interesting info and I was wondering if anyone could confirm it.

This person was saying these modchips out there end up increasing the voltage sent to your laser everytime you install a chip. He said this is just something that happens. And this fact combined with using burned discs only puts more stress on the laser therefore causing it t burn out faster.

This guy was saying that he does something called a t-sopt mod or something and all this does is send new instructions to the original bios chip on the console's board to recognize copyed games as acceptable...the way a modchip works. BY doing this you don't get the voltage increase and it's safer. Also, you are not using any external're just using the original bios chip already on the motherboard.

I want to find more info on this...has anyone heard of this happening? Are these modchips that we're buying causing more stress on our consoles causing them to wear out faster? I have no clue but I would like more info....if anyone has any can you help me out?
4. November 2004 @ 20:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Heh... a bunch of utter crap. The modchip has NOTHING to do with the DVD drives whatsoever.

He's trying to convince you to get a TSOP flash. TSOP flashing is an alternative to getting a modchip, but it overwrites your original bios on the motherboard with a hacked one, meaning you no longer will be able to go on Xbox Live.

As someone who has modded over 150 consoles, I can testify that modchips don't affect your console's life cycle in any way. - Mod Chips and Premods available locally in Toronto with shipping to all of North America.
5. November 2004 @ 03:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
One thing this guy told me was that microsoft can or will be able to detect if you have any unsigned software on your hard drive when you connect to LIVE. He said they were even working on detecting if anythingg was plugged into the LPC port, so that the only way you could go on LIVE was if you erased all of that stuff from your hdd, remove the chip, etc.

As for the modchips being dangerous or not...if a modchip causes there to be a voltage increase then yeah I can see how that would damage something in your system. That's just common sense. So is that what happens when you put a modchip in?
5. November 2004 @ 07:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The guy talks about MS checking hard drives, which is common knowledge now. Is MS banning based on hard drive checks? No. Plus, with the TSOP flash, you can't go online anway...

What the hell does voltage increase mean anyway? The LPC points always have a voltage across them regardless of whether you have a modchip or not. You can check that using a multimeter on the LPC.

When a modchip is placed on the LPC it draws CURRENT to function. A modchip drawing a few mA off a 5V LPC, cannot be dangerous at all... maybe according to "common-sense", but definitely not electrical engineering sense. And only a MORON would link a modchip drawing current to a DVD Drive burning out.

The LPC was designed by Intel to have a chip on it and is not just used on the Xbox, but on PC motherboards as well. Microsoft themselves use chips on the LPC bus to repair broken Xbox units (that's the reason it's there on the motherboard). I don't see how they would use something potentially dangerous on your console if you sent it in for repairs.

Bottomline: the guy doesn't know what he's talking about.. he's full of too much shit. Goto or any other Xbox site for the truth on all this stuff. - Mod Chips and Premods available locally in Toronto with shipping to all of North America.
6. November 2004 @ 07:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well if you put a chip on the board it obviously needs power, so theoretically it gets it one of two ways... it either HAS to take power from other components, which means the other components are now working with less power, therefore causing stress. draws more power from the outlet to the entire xbox because now there is another component requiring of these has to be right because there's no other way it's going to get power. And this guy said the voltage increases by 1 volt when a modchip is placed on the board. Whether it ends up frying the laser, the hard drive or whatever I don't know exactly... but more voltage CAN potentially cause damage. ANd this is what he said. He said it was much safer to do the TSOP flash. And as far as LIVE is concerned...I'm not too worried about that. If I want to play games online I'll use the PC. There are more people on the PC, overall there are more good games to play, and the servers are usually a lot better on pc anyways. Getting rid of LIVE privalages in order to play any game I want....well I gues that's the price I pay. Just as long as my system will last and won't get damaged then I guess I'm happy.
6. November 2004 @ 12:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Look puting more electricty thru a computer (x-box or pc) will not do any thing to it especally to the DVD drive! if any thing it will make ur x-box work more efficiently. so don't listen to that cum bucket
6. November 2004 @ 20:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yea, a modchip uses about what.. 2 milliwatts? that's gonna overheat shit and melt components! The modchip does not take the power from other devices, it takes it from the power supply. The power supply is capable of delivering X number of Watts and I'm sure whatever the chip draws is WAY LESS than that number. If it ever exceeds it, all you'll need is a $0.50 replacement fuse for your power supply.

Guy, how many times will I tell you there is no such thing as increasing "voltage"! That's not even theoretically possible.. you're making too many assumptions without having electronics knowledge.

It is always better to leave the TSOP stock.

You came looking for the validity of the idiot's statements and when told that they're complete horseshit, you are defending him? If I were you, I would not let him touch my console just for the lies he's been telling. - Mod Chips and Premods available locally in Toronto with shipping to all of North America. > forums > archived forums > xbox - hardware boot discussion > flashing the original xbox bios

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