For those of you that have tried to use proto wall here is a short explanation of what to try if it wont work.
Having spent a little time on this myself, and using the forums and helpfiles provided by '' it would seem that the problem is caused by spaces in the file path to the driver. For example if you used the default install and you get the error:
Protowall.sys is not installed / loaded
This is probably due to spaces in the directory names under the default install path.
C:\Program Files\Dudez\ProtoWall\xp_driver
'program files' has a space in it. They are working on resolving this but in the meantime you can fix it as follows:
make a directory at the root of c: called protowall
copy the contents of the previous install directory into it. (protowall.inf, protowall.sys etc..)
Unistall Protowall, go to program files/ and make sure the "dudez" folder does not exist.
Now, Install protowall again, but this time, do not install the XP Driver