I got busted this morning for having a crappy cam of Team America in my emule folder, and it didn't even work to begin with. Cox shut down my cable last Tuesday.
When I called tech support and asked why I had no default gateway, they said they had no idea and would send someone out on Monday. So the dude gets here and is like hmmm, dunno what's up. He calls his office and it turns out my account was suspended.
Then I have to call their security department with a case number and they tell me paramount caught me distributing copyrighted material. He explained to me This is my first warning, if caught again I will receive an additional warning, on the 3rd, my service is discontinued permantely.
Anyone ever come across with this problem? Would have atleast been nice if they had notified me ahead of time and given me a window of time to delete the file before they shut down my account.
Anyone ever been caught twice? Share your thoughts.
Oh by the way my isp is charter. First time my niece opened an attachment some trojon, virus scan didnt catch, first warning from charter. second, half of the movie sky captain(which blew glad i didnt spend money for that one)was the second warning.So if i get a virus next time im out.No matter if my virus defitions are up to date or not.
The same thing happened to my cox account. My son downloaded a paramount pictures movie and they reported us to cox. First warning, but on the local news here it stated Paramount caught 20 in our area and is deciding what action to take against those 20 (me included). If anyone has heard anything about Paramount's course of action, please reply.
Same thing happened to me today. My internet connection suddenly stopped. I checked all the connections and settings. Even the lights on my modem worked like normal. I called customer care and they informed me that my account was suspended. They made me call another number with a reference number. He told me that paramount informed them that I downloaded some star trek episode. If I deleted the file then I could get service back on with a warning. I did a search and there it was. I don?t know how it got there. Weird. I would like to know what paramount is planning.